

"Sit here, my dream girl," he added, with the most wonderful tenderness, "and think it over.Don't hurry.The night belongs to us." He found a match and lit a cigarette and stood at one of the windows looking out at the stars.

But Joan was unable to move.Her blood was as cold as ice.As though a searchlight had suddenly been thrown on to Gilbert, she saw him as he was."Unimaginative people will think I'm insane."...SHEdidn't think he was insane, imaginative as he said she was.She KNEWit.If she had been able to think of one thing but Martin and that girl and her own chaos, she must have guessed it at Easthampton from the look in his eyes when he helped her into his car....He had lost his balance, gone over the dividing hue between soundness and unsoundness.And it was her fault for having fooled with his feelings.Everything was her fault, everything.And now she stood on what Gilbert had called the lip of Eternity."Who Cares?" had come back at her like a boomerang.And as to a choice between giving herself to Gilbert or to death, what was the good of thinking that over? She didn't love this man and never could.She loved Martin, Martin.She had always loved Martin from the moment that she had turned and found him on the hill.She had lost him, that was true, He had been unable to wait.He had gone to the girl with the white face and the red lips and the hair that came out of a bottle.She had sent him to her, fool that she had been.Already she had decided to creep back to the old prison house and thus to leave life.

Without Martin nothing mattered.Why put up a fight for something that didn't count? Why continue mechanically to live when living meant waiting for death? Why not grasp this opportunity of leaving it actually, at once, and urge Gilbert on to stop the beating of her wounded and contrite heart?...Death, the great consoler.Sleep, endless sleep and peace.

But as she stood there, tempted, with the weight of Martin's discarded armor on her shoulders and the sense of failure hanging like a millstone round her neck, she saw the creeper bursting into buds on the wall beneath the window of her old room, caught the merry glint of young green on the trees below her hill, heard the piping of birds to their nesting mates, the eager breeze singing among the waving grasses and the low sweet crooning of baby voices--felt a tiny greedy hand upon her breast, was bewildered with a sudden overwhelming rush of mother-longing...young, young? Oh, God, she was young, and in the springtime with its stirring sap, its call to life and action, its urge to create, to build, its ringing cry to be up and doing, serving, sowing, tending--the pains of winter forgotten, hope in the warming sun.

She must live.Even without Martin she must live.She was too young for death and sleep and peace.Life called and claimed and demanded.

It had need of the young for a good spring, a ripe summer, a golden autumn.She must live and work and justify.

But how?

There was Gilbert watching the stars with a smile, calmly and quietly and horribly waiting for her to make a choice, having slipped over on the other side of the dividing line.A scream of fear and terror rose to her throat.This quiet, exalted man, so gentle and determined, with the look in his eyes of one who intended to own one way or the other--Live? How was she to live? He had given her a choice between something that was impossible and something that all Nature held her back from.She was locked into a lonely house as far away from help as though they were out at sea.

"We hold it death to falter not to die." The words seemed suddenly to stand out in blazing letters over the mantelpiece, as they did in Martin's room--Martin, Martin....With a mighty effort she wound the reins round her hands and pulled herself up.In this erotic and terrible position she must not falter or show fear or exaggerate this man's sudden derangement by cries or struggles.He must be humored, kept gentle and quiet, and she must pray for heip.God loved young things, and if she had forgotten Him until the very moment of great danger, He might forgive.She must, with courage and practicality, gain time so that some one might be sent.The servants might return.Harry Oldershaw might have followed them.He hadn't liked the look of Gilbert.He had said so.But if that was too good, there was Martin, Martin...

She saw herself sitting in a dressing gown on the arm of a chair in Martin's room in the little New York house.She heard Martin come along the passage with his characteristic light tread and saw him draw up short.He looked anxious."You wanted me?" she heard him say.

"I did and do, Marty.But how did you guess?""I didn't guess.I knew."

"Isn't that wonderful? Do you suppose I shall always be able to get you when I want you very much?""Yes, always."


"I dunno.It's like that.It's something that can't be explained..


Gilbert turned and smiled at her.She smiled back.Martin was not far away, Martin."How quiet the night is," she said, and went over to a window.Hope gleamed like a star.And then, with all her strength and urgency she gave a silent cry."Martin, Martin.I want you, so much, oh, so much.Come to me, quickly, quickly.Martin, Martin."

  • 山铎真在禅师语录


  • 缁衣


  • 饰邪


  • 革除遺事


  • The Call of the Canyon

    The Call of the Canyon

  • 落日传说


  • 我有一家炼金商店


  • 重生之将军难缠


  • “啃老”战争(财蜜eMook)


    曾经我妈拿出一笔钱敦促我买房的时候,我不想啃老,没有珍惜,等限购令一出才后悔莫及,几年后看着房价5k涨到5w,简直悔青肠子了,如果上天再给我一次机会,我一定要当一次‘啃老族’,坚决把房子买下来!” 广义上来说,成年后还用父母的钱,就算是“啃老”了,哪怕你并不是失业在家游手好闲,而是有稳定的工作收入,个人也很努力,只是买房时希望父母有能力且愿意支持首付,仍要面对尴尬的“啃老”质疑。 但另一方面,房价飙升让工薪族筹集首付金遥遥无望,父母的钱的确是唯一可用的稻草。
  • 魔妃世无双


    传说,每个生灵都照应星海中的一颗命星,星神掌控星轨,把握世间生灵的命途。她怀星辰神力,掌万物命运,却意外进入平行时空。 都说凡人看不到神仙的力量,谁能想到她这修炼废柴可以变幻天地? 从此,她在异世开挂,扮猪吃虎坑作死人渣,花式打脸训渣男莲花,四海八荒追随她,万千妖兽认老大,魔女之名冠天下! 怎知她稀里糊涂间救下的捣蛋鬼小正太,竟是先前被她连环坑爆的国师大人。他本算计着好好教训一下这鬼灵精怪的少女,却没想到把自己给坑了进去。 【轻松搞笑,甜爽无虐,强强联合脑洞大开的异世大冒险!】
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  • 离开过 (瑞丽·佩吉悬疑系列 - 第一部)

    离开过 (瑞丽·佩吉悬疑系列 - 第一部)

    在弗吉尼亚州的郊区,一个又一个的女人接连失踪,尸体以恐怖的方式抛弃在荒郊野外,联邦调查局介入破案却一无所获。一个逍遥法外的连环杀人犯。一个陷入危机的城市。重重困难之下,只有一位探员,能够胜任这起艰巨的任务。她就是特别探员瑞丽·佩吉。瑞丽由于不久前刚破获了一起惨无人道的杀人案,正在休假调整。而调查局的人也不愿打扰他们最为出色的探员之一。瑞丽为了不让更多的女人受到伤害,也为了与自己的心魔抗争,坚持重返战场。 为了获得更多线索,瑞丽将深入诡异的玩偶收集者文化圈、伤心的受害者家里、以及杀手内心最黑暗的沟渠。可随着案情的深入,她发现这个杀手的变态程度远远超过任何人的想象。种种原因之下,瑞丽失去了工作,家人安危也受到了威胁,甚至濒临神经崩溃。这是一场争分夺秒的战斗,而瑞丽被逼迫到了绝望的边缘。但是瑞丽·佩吉一旦出马,就决不会退缩。 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。案件无时不刻纠缠着她,带领她探索着人心最黑暗的角落。一系列意想不到的转折之后,瑞丽敏锐的直觉带领着她揭开了案件背后令人震惊的黑幕。《离开过》这本黑暗的心理悬疑小说,标志着这部扣人心弦的恐怖系列的开始。而我们敬爱的主人公瑞丽,将令您废寝忘食,欲罢不能。瑞丽·佩吉系列之第二部即将发行。
  • 狂女休夫,狼性邪王的毒妃


  • 那折断的风筝线


    “我说,以后你就是我的风筝,为了你,我的一生将永远做你的风筝线。你要飞,我托着你。你累了,我就拉你回来。” 苏伟岸的目光深情而又坚定,恍惚可以看到一个誓言,在不知不觉间一闪而没,深深的沉淀。