

8.But yet the man who is thus in so many wise afflicted, is not withoutrefreshment of consolation, because he feeleth abundant fruit to be growing within him out of the bearing of his cross.For whilst he willing submitteth himself to it, every burden of tribulation is turned into an assurance of divine comfort, and the more the flesh is wasted by affliction, the more is the spirit strengthened mightily by inward grace.And ofttimes so greatly is he comforted by the desire for tribulation and adversity, through love of conformity to the Cross of Christ, that he would not be without sorrow and tribulation; for he believeth that he shall be the more acceptable to God, the more and the heavier burdens he is able to bear for His sake.That is not the virtue of man, but the grace of Christ which hath such power and energy in the weak flesh, that what it naturally hateth and fleeth from, this it draweth to and loveth through fervour of spirit.

9.It is not in the nature of man to bear the cross, to love the cross, to keep under the body and to bring it into subjection, to fly from honours, to bear reproaches meekly, to despise self and desire to be despised, to bear all adversities and losses, and to desire no prosperity in this world.If thou lookest to thyself, thou wilt of thyself be able to do none of this; but if thou trustest in the Lord, endurance shall be given thee from heaven, and the world and the flesh shall be made subject to thy command.Yea, thou shalt not even fear thine adversary the devil, if thou be armed with faith and signed with the Cross of Christ.

10.Set thyself, therefore, like a good and faithful servant of Christ, to the manful bearing of the Cross of thy Lord, who out of love was crucified for thee.Prepare thyself for the bearing many adversities and manifold troubles in this wretched life; because so it shall be with thee wheresoever thou art, and so in very deed thou shalt find it, wherever thou hide thyself.This it must be; and there is no means of escaping from tribulation and sorrow, except to bear them patiently.Drink thou lovingly thy Lord's cup if thou desirest to be His friend and to have thy lot with Him.Leave consolations to God, let Him do as seemeth best to Him concerning them.But do thou set thyself to endure tribulations, and reckon them the best consolations; for the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to becompared with the glory which shall be revealed in us,(4) nor would they be even if thou wert to endure them all.

11.When thou hast come to this, that tribulation is sweet and pleasant to thee for Christ's sake, then reckon that it is well with thee, because thou hast found paradise on earth.So long as it is hard to thee to suffer and thou desirest to escape, so long it will not be well with thee, and tribulations will follow thee everywhere.

12.If thou settest thyself to that thou oughtest, namely, to suffer and to die, it shall soon go better with thee, and thou shalt find peace.Though thou shouldest be caught up with Paul unto the third heaven,(5) thou art not on that account secure from suffering evil.I will show him, saith Jesus, what great things he must suffer for My Name's sake.(6) It remaineth, therefore, to thee to suffer, if thou wilt love Jesus and serve Him continually.

13.Oh that thou wert worthy to suffer something for the name of Jesus, how great glory should await thee, what rejoicing among all the saints of God, what bright example also to thy neighbour! For all me commend patience, although few be willing to practise it.Thou oughtest surely to suffer a little for Christ when many suffer heavier things for the world.

14.Know thou of a surety that thou oughtest to lead the life of a dying man.And the more a man dieth to himself, the more he beginneth to live towards God.None is fit for the understanding of heavenly things, unless he hath submitted himself to bearing adversities for Christ.Nothing more acceptable to God, nothing more healthful for thyself in this world, than to suffer willingly for Christ.And if it were thine to choose, thou oughtest rather to wish to suffer adversities for Christ, than to be refreshed with manifold consolations, for thou wouldest be more like Christ and more conformed to all saints.For our worthiness and growth in grace lieth not in many delights and consolations, but rather in bearing many troubles and adversities.

15.If indeed there had been anything better and more profitable to the health of men than to suffer, Christ would surely have shown it by word and example. For both the disciples who followed Him, and all whodesire to follow Him, He plainly exhorteth to bear their cross, and saith, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me.(7) So now that we have throughly read and studied all things, let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter.We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.(8)(1) Matthew xvi.24.(2) Matthew xxv.41.(3) Luke xxiv.46.(4)Romans viii.18.(5) 2 Corinthians xii.2.(6) Acts ix.16.(7) Luke ix.

23.(8) Acts xiv.21.

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