

That man hath no good in himself, and nothing whereof to gloryLord, what is man that Thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that Thou visitest him?(2) What hath man deserved, that Thou shouldest bestow thy favour upon him?Lord, what cause can I have of complaint, if Thou forsake me? Or what can I justly allege, if Thou refuse to hear my petition? Of a truth, this I may truly think and say, Lord, I am nothing, I have nothing that is good of myself, but I fall short in all things, and ever tend unto nothing.And unless I am helped by Thee and inwardly supported, I become altogether lukewarm and reckless.

2.But Thou, O Lord, art always the same, and endurest for ever, always good, righteous, and holy; doing all things well, righteously, and holily, and disposing all in Thy wisdom.But I who am more ready to go forward than backward, never continue in one stay, because changes sevenfold pass over me.Yet it quickly becometh better when it so pleaseth Thee, and Thou puttest forth Thy hand to help me; because Thou alone canst aid without help of man, and canst so stregthen me that my countenance shall be no more changed, but my heart shall be turned to Thee, and rest in Thee alone.

3.Wherefore, if I but knew well how to reject all human consolations, whether for the sake of gaining devotion, or because of the necessity by which I was compelled to seek Thee, seeing there is no man who can comfort me; then could I worthily trust in Thy grace, and rejoice in the gift of new consolation.

4.Thanks be to Thee, from whom all cometh, whensoever it goeth well with me! But I am vanity and nothing in Thy sight, a man inconstant and weak.What then have I whereof to glory, or why do I long to be held in honour? Is it not for nought? This also is utterly vain.Verily vain glory is an evil plague, the greatest of vanities, because it draweth us away fom the true glory, and robbeth us of heavenly grace.For whilst a man pleaseth himself he displeaseth Thee; whilst he gapethafter the praises of man, he is deprived of true virtues.

5.But true glory and holy rejoicing lieth in glorying in Thee and not in self; in rejoicing in Thy Name, not in our own virtue; in not taking delight in any creature, save only for Thy sake.Let thy Name, not mine be praised; let Thy work, not mine be magnified; let Thy holy Name be blessed, but to me let nought be given of the praises of men.Thou art my glory, Thou art the joy of my heart.In Thee will I make my boast and be glad all the day long, for myself let me not glory save only in my infirmities.(2)6.Let the Jews seek the honour which cometh from one another; but I will ask for that which cometh from God only.(3) Truly all human glory, all temporal honour, all worldly exultation, compared to Thy eternal glory, is but vanity and folly.O God my Truth and my Mercy, Blessed Trinity, to Thee alone be all praise, honour, power, and glory for ever and for ever.Amen.

(2)Psalm viii.4.(2) 2 Corinthians xii.5.(3) John v.44.

  • 紫阳真人悟真篇三注


  • 北镇刀传奇


  • 总裁爹地之萌宝归来


  • 重生后我成了废材帝姬


    本文已弃。 作为前世南栾的第一女将,今生以胸无点墨的极品废材,闻名整个东启的帝无双,有一个非常伟大的志向:一则天下无双问鼎灵神,二则重掌大权看遍天下美男子。因而在世人眼中的她,从一介废材开始,修阴阳术,活白骨,最后还成为了整个东启头一位的女帝陛下。彼时北沐摄政王殿下以清冷矜贵闻名天下,可是帝无双看着这个整日将自己缠在榻上,捧在手心的人,完全都不觉得有半分传闻中的模样。直到她君临天下,某日兴致来潮。“摄政王,朕以天下为聘,十里红妆,娶你如何?”清冷矜贵的摄政王殿下从善如流,“在下之幸。”
  • 东茶记


  • 重生之公主归来


  • 别人的故事


  • 大文学家的故事(古今中外英雄伟人故事系列)


  • 重征娱乐圈:季先生,别动粗!


  • 信丰中学

