She fell in love with the tragedian.One fine morning, when the police captain had gone to meet the bishop, Masha ran away with Limonadov's company and married her hero on the way.After celebrating the wedding, the actors composed a long and touching letter and sent it to the police captain.
It was the work of their combined efforts.
"Bring out the motive, the motive!" Limonadov kept saying as he dictated to the comic man."Lay on the respect....These official chaps like it.Add something of a draw a tear."The answer to this letter was most discomforting.The police captain disowned his daughter for marrying, as he said, "a stupid, idle Little Russian with no fixed home or occupation."And the day after this answer was received M asha was writing to her father.
"Papa, he beats me! Forgive us!"
He had beaten her, beaten her behind the scenes, in the presence of Limonadov, the washerwoman, and two lighting men.He remembered how, four days before the wedding, he was sitting in the London Tavern with the whole company, and all were talking about Masha.The company were advising him to "chance it," and Limonadov, with tears in his eyes urged: "It would be stupid and irrational to let slip such an opportunity! Why, for a sum like that one would go to Siberia, let alone getting married! When you marry and have a theatre of your own, take me into your company.I shan't be master then, you'll be master."Fenogenov remembered it, and muttered with clenched fists:
"If he doesn't send money I'll smash her! I won't let myself be made a fool of, damn my soul!"At one provincial town the company tried to give Masha the slip, but Masha found out, ran to the station, and got there when the second bell had rung and the actors had all taken their seats.
"I've been shamefully treated by your father," said the tragedian; "all is over between us!"And though the carriage was full of people, she went down on her knees and held out her hands, imploring him:
"I love you! Don't drive me away, Kondraty Ivanovitch," she besought him."I can't live without you!"They listened to her entreaties, and after consulting together, took her into the company as a "countess" -- the name they used for the minor actresses who usually came on to the stage in crowds or in dumb parts.To begin with Masha used to play maid-servants and pages, but when Madame Beobahtov, the flower of Limonadov's company, eloped, they made her _ingenue_.She acted badly, lisped, and was nervous.She soon grew used to it, however, and began to be liked by the audience.Fenogenov was much displeased.
"To call her an actress!" he used to say."She has no figure, no deportment, nothing whatever but silliness."In one provincial town the company acted Schiller's " Robbers."Fenogenov played Franz, Masha, Amalie.The tragedian shouted and quivered.Masha repeated her part like a well-learnt lesson, and the play would have gone off as they generally did had it not been for a trifling mishap.Everything went well up to the point where Franz declares his love for Amalie and she seizes his sword.The tragedian shouted, hissed, quivered, and squeezed Masha in his iron embrace.And Masha, instead of repulsing him and crying "Hence! " trembled in his arms like a bird and did not move,...she seemed petrified.
"Have pity on me!" she whispered in his ear."Oh, have pity on me! I am so miserable!""You don't know your part! Listen to the prompter!" hissed the tragedian, and he thrust his sword into her hand.
After the performance, Limonadov and Fenogenov were sitting in the ticket box-office engaged in conversation.
"Your wife does not learn her part, you are right there," the manager was saying."She doesn't know her line....Every man has his own line,...but she doesn't know hers...."Fenogenov listened, sighed, and scowled and scowled.
Next morning, Masha was sitting in a little general shop writing:
"Papa, he beats me! Forgive us! Send us some money!"