

"What remarkable children mine are!" thought she, smiling with a mother's pride; and, smiling at herself, too, for being so proud of them."What other children could have made anything so like a little girl's figure out of snow at the first trial? Well; but now I must finish Peony's new frock, for his grandfather is coming to-morrow, and I want the little fellow to look handsome."So she took up the frock, and was soon as busily at work again with her needle as the two children with their snow-image.But still, as the needle travelled hither and thither through the seams of the dress, the mother made her toil light and happy by listening to the airy voices of Violet and Peony.They kept talking to one another all the time, their tongues being quite as active as their feet and hands.Except at intervals, she could not distinctly hear what was said, but had merely a sweet impression that they were in a most loving mood, and were enjoying themselves highly, and that the business of making the snow-image wentprosperously on.Now and then, however, when Violet and Peony happened to raise their voices, the words were as audible as if they had been spoken in the very parlor where the mother sat.Oh how delightfully those words echoed in her heart, even though they meant nothing so very wise or wonderful, after all!

But you must know a mother listens with her heart much more than with her ears; and thus she is often delighted with the trills of celestial music, when other people can hear nothing of the kind.

"Peony, Peony!" cried Violet to her brother, who had gone to another part of the garden, "bring me some of that fresh snow, Peony, from the very farthest corner, where we have not been trampling.I want it to shape our little snow-sister's bosom with.You know that part must be quite pure, just as it came out of the sky!""Here it is, Violet!" answered Peony, in his bluff tone,--but a very sweet tone, too,--as he came floundering through the half-trodden drifts."Here is the snow for her little bosom.O Violet, how beau-ti-ful she begins to look!""Yes," said Violet, thoughtfully and quietly; "our snow-sister does look very lovely.I did not quite know, Peony, that we could make such a sweet little girl as this."The mother, as she listened, thought how fit and delightful an incident it would be, if fairies, or still better, if angel-children were to come from paradise, and play invisibly with her own darlings, and help them to make their snow-image, giving it the features of celestial babyhood! Violet and Peony would not be aware of their immortal playmates,--only they would see that the image grew very beautiful while they worked at it, and would think that they themselves had done it all.

"My little girl and boy deserve such playmates, if mortal children ever did!" said the mother to herself; and then she smiled again at her own motherly pride.

Nevertheless, the idea seized upon her imagination; and, ever and anon, she took a glimpse out of the window, half dreaming that she might see the golden-haired children of paradise sporting with her own golden-haired Violet and bright-cheeked Peony.

Now, for a few moments, there was a busy and earnest, but indistinct hum of the two children's voices, as Violet and Peony wrought together with one happy consent.Violet still seemed to be the guiding spirit, while Peony acted rather as a laborer, and brought her the snow from far and near.And yet the little urchin evidently had a proper understanding of the matter, too!

"Peony, Peony!" cried Violet; for her brother was again at the other side of the garden."Bring me those light wreaths of snow that have rested on the lower branches of the pear-tree.You can clamber on the snowdrift, Peony, and reach them easily.I must have them to make some ringlets for our snow-sister's head!""Here they are, Violet!" answered the little boy."Take care you do not break them.Well done! Well done! How pretty!""Does she not look sweetly?" said Violet, with a very satisfied tone; "and now we must have some little shining bits of ice, to make the brightness of her eyes.She is not finished yet.Mamma will see how very beautiful she is; but papa will say, 'Tush! nonsense!--come in out of the cold!' ""Let us call mamma to look out," said Peony; and then he shouted lustily, "Mamma! mamma!! mamma!!! Look out, and see what a nice 'ittle girl we are making!"The mother put down her work for an instant, and looked out of the window.But it so happened that the sun--for this was one of the shortest days of the whole year--had sunken so nearly to the edge of the world that his setting shine came obliquely into the lady's eyes.So she was dazzled, you must understand, and could not very distinctly observe what was in the garden.Still, however, through all that bright, blinding dazzle of the sun and the new snow, she beheld a small white figure in the garden, that seemed to have a wonderful deal of human likeness about it.And she saw Violet and Peony,--indeed, she looked more at them than at the image,-- she saw the two children still at work; Peony bringing fresh snow, and Violet applying it to the figure as scientifically as a sculptor adds clay to his model.Indistinctly as she discerned the snow-child, the mother thought to herself that never before was there a snow-figure so cunningly made,nor ever such a dear little girl and boy to make it.

  • 存韩


  • 剪胜野闻


  • 部执异论


  • Dreams


  • 煎茶水记


  • 情忆·名人·美文


  • 末世之最强军团


  • 百姓拿手菜


  • 我家男人形象又崩了


  • 大乘入道次第


  • 良夫空间有点田


  • 魔者尘心


  • 鼓韵


  • 你是在做牛做马,还是做主管


  • 经济学常识一本通


    你是一个理财高手吗? 你有做生意的潜质吗? 你是否能合理支配薪水?你的理财盲点在哪里? 你的赚钱能力有多强? 你是否适合做投资? 是什么决定你的生活水平?经济学一直被称为“沉闷的科学”,因为经济学家经常带来坏消息。他们会指出一个表面上看来很吸引人的项目,很可能结局并不那么美妙… …《经济学常识一本通》以经济学教材为底本,整合经济学各分支理论常识,一本书能让读者通读整个经济学。同时用简洁易懂的文字阐释经济学常识精髓,再给这些理论配以精彩绝妙的故事加以解说,让象牙塔里的镇塔之宝跟读者做亲密接触。