
第2章 ACT I(2)

Fatal this marriage,cancelling your fame,Blotting your names from books of memory,Razing the characters of your renown,Defacing monuments of conquer'd France,Undoing all,as all had never been!CARDINAL.Nephew,what means this passionate discourse,This peroration with such circumstance?For France,'tis ours;and we will keep it still.GLOUCESTER.Ay,uncle,we will keep it if we can;But now it is impossible we should.Suffolk,the new-made duke that rules the roast,Hath given the duchy of Anjou and Maine Unto the poor King Reignier,whose large style Agrees not with the leanness of his purse.SALISBURY.Now,by the death of Him that died for all,These counties were the keys of Normandy!But wherefore weeps Warwick,my valiant son?WARWICK.For grief that they are past recovery;For were there hope to conquer them again My sword should shed hot blood,mine eyes no tears.Anjou and Maine!myself did win them both;Those provinces these arms of mine did conquer;And are the cities that I got with wounds Deliver'd up again with peaceful words?Mort Dieu!YORK.For Suffolk's duke,may he be suffocate,That dims the honour of this warlike isle!France should have torn and rent my very heart Before I would have yielded to this league.I never read but England's kings have had Large sums of gold and dowries with their wives;And our King Henry gives away his own To match with her that brings no vantages.GLOUCESTER.A proper jest,and never heard before,That Suffolk should demand a whole fifteenth For costs and charges in transporting her!She should have stay'd in France,and starv'd in France,Before-CARDINAL.My Lord of Gloucester,now ye grow too hot:It was the pleasure of my lord the King.GLOUCESTER.My Lord of Winchester,I know your mind;'Tis not my speeches that you do mislike,But 'tis my presence that doth trouble ye.Rancour will out:proud prelate,in thy face I see thy fury;if I longer stay We shall begin our ancient bickerings.Lordings,farewell;and say,when I am gone,I prophesied France will be lost ere long.Exit CARDINAL.So,there goes our Protector in a rage.'Tis known to you he is mine enemy;Nay,more,an enemy unto you all,And no great friend,I fear me,to the King.Consider,lords,he is the next of blood And heir apparent to the English crown.Had Henry got an empire by his marriage And all the wealthy kingdoms of the west,There's reason he should be displeas'd at it.Look to it,lords;let not his smoothing words Bewitch your hearts;be wise and circumspect.What though the common people favour him,Calling him 'Humphrey,the good Duke of Gloucester,'Clapping their hands,and crying with loud voice 'Jesu maintain your royal excellence!'With 'God preserve the good Duke Humphrey!'I fear me,lords,for all this flattering gloss,He will be found a dangerous Protector.BUCKINGHAM.Why should he then protect our sovereign,He being of age to govern of himself?Cousin of Somerset,join you with me,And all together,with the Duke of Suffolk,We'll quickly hoise Duke Humphrey from his seat.CARDINAL.This weighty business will not brook delay;I'll to the Duke of Suffolk presently.Exit SOMERSET.Cousin of Buckingham,though Humphrey's pride And greatness of his place be grief to us,Yet let us watch the haughty cardinal;His insolence is more intolerable Than all the princes in the land beside; If Gloucester be displac'd, he'll be Protector.BUCKINGHAM.Or thou or I,Somerset,will be Protector,Despite Duke Humphrey or the Cardinal.Exeunt BUCKINGHAM and SOMERSET SALISBURY.Pride went before,ambition follows him.While these do labour for their own preferment,Behoves it us to labour for the realm.I never saw but Humphrey Duke of Gloucester Did bear him like a noble gentleman.Oft have I seen the haughty Cardinal-More like a soldier than a man o'th'church,As stout and proud as he were lord of all-Swear like a ruffian and demean himself Unlike the ruler of a commonweal.Warwick my son,the comfort of my age,Thy deeds,thy plainness,and thy housekeeping,Hath won the greatest favour of the commons,Excepting none but good Duke Humphrey.And,brother York,thy acts in Ireland,In bringing them to civil discipline,Thy late exploits done in the heart of France When thou wert Regent for our sovereign,Have made thee fear'd and honour'd of the people:Join we together for the public good,In what we can,to bridle and suppress The pride of Suffolk and the Cardinal,With Somerset's and Buckingham's ambition;And,as we may,cherish Duke Humphrey's deeds While they do tend the profit of the land.WARWICK.So God help Warwick,as he loves the land And common profit of his country!YORK.And so says York-[Aside]for he hath greatest cause.

SALISBURY.Then let's make haste away and look unto the main.WARWICK.Unto the main!O father,Maine is lost-That Maine which by main force Warwick did win,And would have kept so long as breath did last.Main chance,father,you meant;but I meant Maine,Which I will win from France,or else be slain.Exeunt

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