

"It's a nasty business turning out now, eh, Kimble?" said the Squire."He might ha' gone for your young fellow--the 'prentice, there--what's his name?""Might? aye--what's the use of talking about might?" growled uncle Kimble, hastening out with Marner, and followed by Mr.Crackenthorp and Godfrey."Get me a pair of thick boots, Godfrey, will you? And stay, let somebody run to Winthrop's and fetch Dolly--she's the best woman to get.Ben was here himself before supper; is he gone?""Yes, sir, I met him," said Marner; "but I couldn't stop to tell him anything, only I said I was going for the doctor, and he said the doctor was at the Squire's.And I made haste and ran, and there was nobody to be seen at the back o' the house, and so I went in to where the company was."The child, no longer distracted by the bright light and the smiling women's faces, began to cry and call for "mammy", though always clinging to Marner, who had apparently won her thorough confidence.

Godfrey had come back with the boots, and felt the cry as if some fibre were drawn tight within him.

"I'll go," he said, hastily, eager for some movement; "I'll go and fetch the woman--Mrs.Winthrop.""Oh, pooh--send somebody else," said uncle Kimble, hurrying away with Marner.

"You'll let me know if I can be of any use, Kimble," said Mr.Crackenthorp.But the doctor was out of hearing.

Godfrey, too, had disappeared: he was gone to snatch his hat and coat, having just reflection enough to remember that he must not look like a madman; but he rushed out of the house into the snow without heeding his thin shoes.

In a few minutes he was on his rapid way to the Stone-pits by the side of Dolly, who, though feeling that she was entirely in her place in encountering cold and snow on an errand of mercy, was much concerned at a young gentleman's getting his feet wet under a like impulse.

"You'd a deal better go back, sir," said Dolly, with respectful compassion."You've no call to catch cold; and I'd ask you if you'd be so good as tell my husband to come, on your way back--he's at the Rainbow, I doubt--if you found him anyway sober enough to be o' use.Or else, there's Mrs.Snell 'ud happen send the boy up to fetch and carry, for there may be things wanted from the doctor's.""No, I'll stay, now I'm once out--I'll stay outside here," said Godfrey, when they came opposite Marner's cottage."You can come and tell me if I can do anything.""Well, sir, you're very good: you've a tender heart," said Dolly, going to the door.

Godfrey was too painfully preoccupied to feel a twinge of self-reproach at this undeserved praise.He walked up and down, unconscious that he was plunging ankle-deep in snow, unconscious of everything but trembling suspense about what was going on in the cottage, and the effect of each alternative on his future lot.No, not quite unconscious of everything else.Deeper down, and half-smothered by passionate desire and dread, there was the sense that he ought not to be waiting on these alternatives; that he ought to accept the consequences of his deeds, own the miserable wife, and fulfil the claims of the helpless child.But he had not moral courage enough to contemplate that active renunciation of Nancy as possible for him: he had only conscience and heart enough to make him for ever uneasy under the weakness that forbade the renunciation.And at this moment his mind leaped away from all restraint toward the sudden prospect of deliverance from his long bondage.

"Is she dead?" said the voice that predominated over every other within him."If she is, I may marry Nancy; and then I shall be a good fellow in future, and have no secrets, and the child--shall be taken care of somehow." But across that vision came the other possibility--"She may live, and then it's all up with me."Godfrey never knew how long it was before the door of the cottage opened and Mr.Kimble came out.He went forward to meet his uncle, prepared to suppress the agitation he must feel, whatever news he was to hear.

"I waited for you, as I'd come so far," he said, speaking first.

"Pooh, it was nonsense for you to come out: why didn't you send one of the men? There's nothing to be done.She's dead--has been dead for hours, I should say.""What sort of woman is she?" said Godfrey, feeling the blood rush to his face.

  • 文学


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    Love Eternal

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  • 青柠薄荷糖


    【推新文:《快穿之高危职业直播间》】 秦姝这辈子最后悔的事,就是小时候父母决定搬家的时候,受了魏崆那臭小孩儿的贿赂,两包柠檬糖便成功折服在他温润俊颜下,以至于之后的几十年里被吃的死死的。 上学的时候秦姝就是一个大写的“懒”,不写作业就爱瞎折腾儿,毕竟有人会给她善后,也有作业可以抄。 众人:“你可别宠坏了她” 魏崆:“不怕,宠坏了我负责” 众人:“她要是成绩下降怎么办” 魏崆:“不怕,我在,再低也比你们高” 众人:“……”青涩暖甜的独家校园记忆。
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  • 把工作做到极致:做最好的执行者


  • 娃哈哈攻略


    1.娃哈哈宗旨:娃哈哈 健康你我他 欢乐千万家2.娃哈哈精神:励精图治 艰苦奋斗 勇于开拓 自强不息3.娃哈哈经营哲学:凝聚小家 发展大家 报效国家4.娃哈哈座右铭:先将诚信施于人 才能取信于人5.娃哈哈工作要求:认真 严格 主动 高效6.娃哈哈行为准则:忠诚 创新 负责 亲情7.娃哈哈工作作风:拉得出 打得响 过得硬8.娃哈哈人才观:唯德唯才 有用即才 人皆为才9.娃哈哈团队意识:道相同 心相通 力相聚 情相融10.娃哈哈核心价值观:敬业爱岗 能上能下 崇尚科学 精益求精
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  • 你离品味有多远

