

"Halloo there!" the senior officer called to the men, who had stopped in their work and were gazing at the sudden fray that had arisen, "a sergeant and four men." Four of the negro soldiers and a sergeant at once stepped forward."Take this man and conduct him to the village.Put him in a room, and stay there with him.Do you, sergeant, station yourself at the door, so that I shall know where to find you.Put on your uniforms and take your guns." The men put on their coats, which they had removed while at work, shouldered their muskets, and took their places, two on each side of the prisoner.The officers then turned to examine their prostrate comrade.

"It's all over with him," one said, stooping down; "the shovel has cut his skull nearly in half.Well, I fancy he was a bad lot.I don't believe in Southerners who come over to fight in our ranks;besides he was at one time in the rebel army.""Yes, he was taken prisoner," another said."Then his father, who had to bolt from the South, because, he said, of his Northern sympathies, but likely enough for something else, came round, made interest somehow and got his son released, and then some one else got him a commission with us.He always said he had been obliged to fight on the other side, but that he had always been heart and soul for the North; anyhow, he was always blackguarding his old friends.I always doubted the fellow.Well, there's an end of him; and anyhow he has done useful service at last by recognizing this spy.Fine-looking young fellow that.He called him Vincent Wingfield.I seem to remember the nanie;perhaps I have read it in some of the rebel newspapers we got hold of; likely enough some one will know it.Well, I suppose we had better have Jackson carried into camp."Four more of the negroes were called out, and these carried the body into the camp of his regiment.Au officer was also sent from the working party to report the capture of a spy to his colonel.

"I will report it to the general," the latter said; "he rode along here about a quarter of an hour ago, and may not be back again for some hours.As we have got the spy fast it cannot make any difference."As he was marched back to the village Vincent felt that there was no hope for him whatever.He had been denounced as a spy, and although the lips that had denounced him had been silenced forever, the mischief had been done.He could give no satisfactory account of himself.He thought for a moment of declaring that a mistake had been made, but he felt that no denial would counterbalance the effect of Jackson's words.The fury, too, with which the latter had attacked him would show plainly enough that his assailant was absolutely certain as to his identity, and even that there had been a personal feud between them.Then he thought that if he said that he was the son of the woman in the lint she would bear him out in the assertion.But it was not likely that this would be accepted as against Jackson's testimony; besides, inquiry among her neighbors would certainly lead to the discovery that she was speaking an untruth, and might even involve her in his fate as his abettor.But most of all he decided against this course because it would involve the telling of a lie.

Vincent considered that while in disguise, and doing important service for his country, he was justified in using deceit; but merely for the purpose of saving his own life, and that perhaps uselessly, he would not lie.His fate, of course, was certain.He was a spy, and would be shot for it.Vincent had so often been in the battlefield, so often under a fire from which it seemed that no one could come alive, that the thought that death was at hand had not for him the terrors that possess those differently circumstanced.He was going to die for the Confederacy as tens of thousands of brave men had died before, and he rejoiced over the precaution he had taken as to the transmission of his discoveries on the previous day, and felt sure that General Lee would do full justice to his memory, and announce that he had died in doing noble service to the country.

He sighed as he thought of his mother and sisters; but Rose had been married in the spring, and Annie was engaged to an officer in General Beauregard's staff.Then he thought of Lucy away in Georgia and for the first time his lip quivered and his cheek paled.

The negro guards, who had been enlisted but a few weeks, were wholly ignorant of their duties, and having once conveyed their prisoner into the room, evidently considered that all further necessity for military strictness was at an end.They had been ordered to stay in the room with the prisoner, but no instructions had been given as to their conduct there.They accordingly placed their muskets in one corner of the room, and proceeded to chatter and laugh without further regarding him.

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