

"Something in the way of drinks, I should say," Vincent said."Isaw a woman going among the camps.She had two tin cans and a little mug.I think she had lemonade or something of that sort.""It wouldn't be lemonade," the woman said "I haven't seen a lemon for the last two years; but they do get some oranges from Florida.Maybe it was that, or perhaps it was spirits and water.""Perhaps it was," Vincent agreed; "though I don't think they would let any one sell spirits in the camp.""I can't get you any lemons or oranges neither," the woman said;"but I might make you a drink out of molasses and herbs, with some spirits in it.I have got a keg of old rye buried away ever since my man went off, six months ago; I am out of molasses, but Idare say I can borrow some from a neighbor, and as for herbs they are about the only thing the Yankees haven't stole.I think I could fix you up something that would do.As long as it has got spirits in it, it don't much matter what you put in besides, only it wouldn't do to take spirits up alone.You can call it plantation drink, and I don't suppose any one would ask too closely what it's made of.""Thank you, that will do capitally."The next morning Vincent again set out, turning big steps this time toward the right flank of the Federal position.He had in the course of the evening made a sketch of the ground he had soon, marking in all the principal batteries, with notes as to the number of guns for which they seemed to be intended.

"Look here," he said to the woman before leaving."I may not be as lucky to-day as I was yesterday.If I do not come back to-night, can you find any one you can trust to take this piece of paper round to Richmond? Of course he would have to make his way first up to Burksville junction, and then take train to Richmond.When he gets there he must go down to Petersburg, and ask for General Lee.

I have written a line to go with it, saying what I have done this for, and asking the general to give the bearer a hundred dollars.""I will take it myself," the woman said; "not for the sake of the hundred dollars, though I ain't saying as it wouldn't please the old man when he conies back to find I had a hundred dollars stored away; but for the cause.My men are all doing their duty, and I will do mine.So trust me, and if you don't come back by daybreak to-morrow morning, I will start right away with these letters.I will go out at once and hide them somewhere in case the Yanks should come and make a search.If you are caught they might, like enough, trace you here, and then they would search the place all over and maybe set it alight.If you ain't here by nightfall I shall sleep out in the wood, so if they come they won't find me here.If anything detains you, and you ain't back till after dark, you will find me somewhere near the tree where your horse is tied up."Provided with a large can full of a liquor that the woman compounded, and which Vincent, on tasting, found to be by no means bad, he started from the cottage.Again he made his way safely through the camps, and without hindrance lounged up to a spot where a large number of men belonging to one of the negro regiments were at work.

"Plantation liquor?" he said, again assuming a stupid air, to a black sergeant who was with them."First-rate stuff; and only fifteen cents a glass.""What plantation liquor like?" the negro asked."Me not know him.""First-rate stuff," Vincent repeated."Mother makes it of spirit and molasses and all sorts.Fifteen cents a glass.""Well, I will take a glass," the sergeant said."Mighty hot work dis in de sun; but don't you say nuffin about the spirit.Ef dey ask you, just you say molasses and all sorts, dat's quite enough.De white officer won't let spirits be sold in de camp.

"Dat bery good stuff," be said, smacking his lips as he handed back the little tin measure."You sell him all in no time." Several of the negroes now came round, and Vincent disposed of a considerable quantity of his plantation liquor.Then he turned to go away, for he did not want to empty his can at one place.He had not gone many paces when a party of three or four officers came along.

"Hallo, you sir, what the deuce are you doing here?" one asked angrily."Don't you know nobody is allowed to pass through the lines?""I didn't see no lines.What sort of lines are they? No one told me nothing about lines.My mother sent me out to sell plantation liquor, fifteen cents a glass.""What's it like?" one of the officers said laughing."Spirits, I will bet a dollar, in some shape or other.Pour me out a glass.I will try it, anyhow."Vincent filled the little tin mug, and handed it to the officer.As he lifted his face to do so there was a sudden exclamation.

"Vincent Wingfield!" and another officer drawing his sword attacked him furiously, shouting, "A spy! Seize him! AConfederate spy!"Vincent recognized with astonishment in the Federal officer rushing at him with uplifted sword his old antagonist, Jackson.

Almost instinctively he whirled the can, which was still half full of liquor, round his head and dashed it full in the face of his antagonist, who was knocked off his feet by the blow.With a yell of rage he started up again and rushed at Vincent.The latter snatched up a shovel that was lying close by and stood his ground.

The officers were so surprised at the suddenness of the incident and the overthrow of their companion, and for the moment so amused at the latter's appearance, covered as he was from head to foot with the sticky liquor and bleeding from a cut inflicted by the edge of the can, that they were incapable of interference.

Blinded with rage, and with the liquid streaming into his eyes, Jackson rushed at Vincent.The latter caught the blow aimed at him on the edge of the shovel, and then swinging his weapon round smote his antagonist with all his strength, the edge of the shovel falling fairly upon his head.Without a cry the traitor fell dead in his tracks.The other officers now drew their swords and rushed for-ward.Vincent, seeing the futility of resistance, threw down his shovel.He was instantly seized.

  • 闻一多经典


  • 我被封印三十七年


    前期玩梗较多,不喜快喷别忍着…反派:书上说的果然不错,正义可能会迟到。可是正义你是睡着了吧,主角能不能快点动手,给我个痛快啊…物是人非,归来仍是少年。 山河破碎,何处为家。 人彷徨,血未凉,不若一战,何妨?
  • 向姜修法


  • 永恒九天


  • 我在现世做鬼差


  • 命门


  • 妻奴难寻


  • 盛宠之霸爱成婚


  • 武界修道


  • 旅游手册(最新21世纪生活百科手册)

