

I don't say she wouldn't, anyhow, seeing as you are an officer, and the Yanks are after you.Still, she is close is Sarah Johnson, and Idon't know as she is so set on the Confederacy as most people.Itell you what I will do, sir.I will go down and say as a stranger wants to buy her boat, and no questions asked.She is just to show where the boat is hidden, and you are to pay for it and take it away when you want it.""That would be a very good plan," Vincent said, "if you wouldn't mind the trouble.""The trouble is nothing," she said."Johnson's place ain't above a mile along the shore.""I will go with you until you get close to the house," Vincent said;"then, when you hear what she wants for the boat, I will give you the money for it, and you can show me where it is hidden."This was accordingly done.Mrs.Johnson, after a con sidorable amount of bargaining with Vincent's guide, agreed to take twenty dollars for the boat, and upon receiving the money sent down one of her boys with her to show her where it was hidden.It was in a hole that had been scooped out in the steep bank some ten foot above the water's edge, and was completely hidden from the sight of any one rowing past by a small clump of bushes.When the boys had returned to the farmhouse the woman took Vincent to the spot, and they then went back together.

Here he and Tony had a long talk as to whether it would be better to put out at once or to wait till nightfall.It was finally determined that it was best to make an immediate start.A boat rowed by two men would attract little attention.It might belong to any of the ships at anchor in the river, and might be supposed to have gone on shore to fetch eggs or chickens, or with a letter or a message.

"You see, both shores are in the hands of the Yankees," Vincent said, "and there will not be any suspicion of a boat in the daytime.

At night we might be hailed, and if we gave no answer fired upon, and that night bring a gunboat along to see what was the matter.

No, I think it will be far best to go on boldly.There are not likely to be any bodies of Federal troops on the opposite shore except at Fortress Monroe, and perhaps opposite the point where they have got their landing below Petersburg.Once ashore we shall be safe.

The peninsula opposite is covered with forest and swamp, and we shall have no difficulty in getting through however many troops they may have across it.You know the place pretty well, don't you, Tony?"Tony nodded."Once across, sah, all de Yank army wouldn't catch us.Me know ob lots ob hiding-places.""Them broad hats will never do," the woman said; "but I have got some blue nightcaps I knitted for my husband.They are something like the caps I have soon some sailors wear; anyhow, they will pass at a distance, and when you take your coats and vests off, them colored flannel shirts will be just the right thing.""That will do capitally, and the sooner we are off the bettor,"Vincent said, and after heartily thanking the two women, and bestowing a present upon each of the children, they started along the shore.

The boat was soon got into the water, the oars put out, and they started.The tide was just low now, and they agreed to pull along at a short distance from the shore until it turned.As soon as it did so the vessels at anchor would be getting up sail to make up to the landing-place, and even had any one on board noticed the boat put out, and had been watching it, they would have other things to think about.

"It is some time since we last rowed in a boat together, Tony.""About three years, sah; dat time when you got me safe away.Ihad a bad fright dat day you left me, sah.It came on to blow bery hard, and some oh de men told me dat dey did not tink you would ever get back to shore.Dat made me awful bad, sah; and me wish ober and ober again dat me hab died in de forest instead oh your taking me off in a boat and trowing away your life.I neber felt happy again, sah, till I got your letter up in Canady, and knew you had got back safe dat day.""We had a narrow squeak of it, Tony, and were blown some distance up.We were nearly swamped a score of times, and Dan quite made up his mind that it was all up with us.However, we got through safe, and I don't think a soul, except perhaps Jackson and that rascally overseer of ours, who afterward had a hand in carrying off your wife, and lost his life in consequence, ever had a suspicion we had been doing more than a long fishing expedition.Iwill tell you all about it when we are going through the woods.

Now I think it's pretty nearly dead water, and we will begin to edge across."

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