

The only possible plan would be to get you on board some ship going to England.""Ships not dare take negro on board," Tony said."Me heard dat said many times-dat against de law.""Yes, I know it's against the law," Vincent said, "and it's against the law my talking to you here, Tony; but you see it's done.The difficulty is how to do it.All vessels are searched before they start, and an officer goes down with them past Fortress Monroe to see that they take no one en board.Still it is possible.Of course there is risk in the matter; but there is risk in everything.I will think it over.Do not lose heart.Dan will be back directly with enough food to last you for some days.If I were you I would take refuge this time in White Oak Swamp.It is much nearer, and Ihear it has already been searched from end to end, so they are not likely to try again; and if yon hear them you can, if you are pressed, cross the Chickahominy and make down through the woods.Do you come again on Saturday evening-that will give me four days to see what I can do.I may not succeed, you know; for the penalty is so severe against taking negroes on board that I may not be able to find any one willing to risk it.But it is worth trying.""De Lord bless you, sah!" Tony said."I will do juss what you toll me; but don't you run no risks for me, my life ain't worth dat.""I will take care, Tony.And now here comes Dan with the provisions.""Can I see Dinah, sah?" Tony pleaded.

"I think you had better not," Vincent replied."You see the Jacksons might at any moment learn that she is here, and then she might be questioned whether she had seen you since your escape;and it would be much better for her to be able to deny having done so.But you shall see her next time you come, whether I am able to make any arrangements for your escape or not.I will let he! know to-morrow morning that I have seen you, and that you are safe at present."The next morning Vincent rode over to City Point, where ships with a large draught of water generally brought up, either transferring their goods into smaller craft to be sent up by river to Richmond, or to be carried on by rail through the town of Petersburg.Leaving his horse at a house near the river, ho crossed the James in a boat to City Point.There were several vessels lying here, and for some hours ho hung about the wharf watching the process of discharging.By the end of that time ho had obtained a view of all the captains, and had watched them as they gave their orders, and had at last come to the conclusion as to which would be the most likely to suit his purpose.Having made up his mind, he waited until the one he had fixed upon came ashore.Ho was a man of some five-and-thirty years old, with a pleasant face and good-natured smile.He first went into some offices on the wharf, and half an hour later came out and walked toward the railway-station.Vincent at once followed him, and as he overtook him said:

"I want very much to speak to you, sir, if you could spare me a minute or two.""Certainly," the sailor said with some surprise."The train for Petersburg does not go for another half hour.What can I do for you?""My name is Vincent Wingfield.My father was an English officer, and my mother is the owner of some large estates near Richmond.I am most anxious to get a person in whom I am interested on board ship, and I do not know how to set about it.""There's no difficulty about that," the captain said smiling; "you have only to go to an office and pay for his passage to where he wants to go.""I can't do that," Vincent replied; "for unfortunately it is against the law for any captain to take him.""You mean he is a negro?" the captain asked, stopping short in his walk and looking sharply at Vincent.

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