

"Yes, that is what I mean," Vincent said."He is a negro who has been brutally ill-treated and has run away from his master, and Iwould willingly give five hundred dollars to get him safely away."This is a very serious business in which you are meddling, young sir," the sailor said."Putting aside the consequences to yourself, you are asking me to break the law and to run the risk of the confiscation of my ship.Even if I were willing to do what you propose it would be impossible, for the ship will be searched from end to end before the hatches are closed, and an official will be on board until we discharge the pilot after getting well beyond the mouth of the river.""Yes, I know that," Vincent replied; "but my plan was to take a boat and go out beyond the sight of land, and then to put him on board after you have got well away.""That might be managed, certainly," the captain said."It would be contrary to my duty to do anything that would risk the property of my employers; but if when I am out at sea a boat came alongside, and a passenger came on board, it; would be another matter.Isuppose, young gentleman, that you would not interfere in such a business, and run the risk that you certainly would run if detected, unless you were certain that this was a deserving case, and that the man has committed no sort of crime; for I would not receive on board my ship a fugitive from justice, whether he was black or white.""It is indeed a deserving case," Vincent said earnestly."The poor fellow has the misfortune of belonging to one of the worst masters in the State.He has been cruelly flogged on many occasions, and was finally driven to run away by their selling his wife and child.""The brutes!" the sailor said."How you people can allow such things to be done is a mystery to me.Well, lad, under those circumstances I will agree to do what you ask me, and if your boat comes alongside when I am so far away from land that it cannot be seen, I will take the man to England.""Thank you very much indeed," Vincent said; "you will be doing a good action.Upon what day do you sail?""I shall drop down on Monday into Hampton Roads, and shall get up sail at daylight next morning.I shall pass Fortress Monroe at about seven in the morning, and shall sail straight out.""And how shall I know your ship?" Vincent asked."There may be others starting just about the same time."The sailor thought for a moment."When I am four or five miles out I will hoist my owner's flag at the foremast-head.It is a red flag with a white ball, so you will be able to make it out a considerable distance away.Yon must not be less than ten or twelve miles out, for the pilot often does not leave the ship till she is some miles past Fortress Monroe, and the official will not leave the ship till he does.I will keep a sharp lookout for you, but Icannot lose my time in waiting.If you do not come alongside Ishall suppose that you have met with some interruption to your plans.""Thank you very much, sir.Unless something goes wrong I shall be alongside on Tuesday.""That's settled, then," the captain said, "and I must be off, or else Ishall lose my train.By the way, when you come alongside do not 'rake any sign that you have met me before.It is just as well that none of my crew should know that it is a planned thing, for if we ever happened to put in here again they might blab about it, and it is just as well not to give them the chance.Good-by, my lad; Ihope that all will go well.But, you know, you are doing a very risky thing; for the assisting a runaway slave to escape is about as serious an offense as you can commit in these parts.You might shoot half a dozen men and get off scot free, but if yen were caught aiding a runaway to escape there is no saying what might come of it."After taking leave of the captain, Vincent recrossed the river and rode home.He had friends whose fathers' estates bordered some on the James and others on the York River, and all of these had pleasure-boats.It was obviously better to go down the York River, and thence round to the mouth of the James at Fortress Monroe, as the traffic on the York was comparatively small, and it was improbable that he would be noticed either going down or returning.He had at first thought of hiring a fishing-boat from some of the free negroes who made their living on the river.But he finally decided against this; for the fact of the boat being absent so long would attract its owner's attention, and in case any suspicion arose that the fugitive had escaped by water, the hiring of a boat by one who had already befriended the slave, and its absence for so long a time, would be almost certain to cause suspicion to be directed toward him.He therefore decided upon borrowing a boat from a friend, and next morning rode to the plantation of the father of Harry Furniss, this being situated on a convenient position on the Pamunky, one of the branches of the York River.

"Are you using that sailing-boat of yours at present, Harry?

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  • The Vanished Messenger

    The Vanished Messenger

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