

Wildfire, apparently disgusted at having allowed himself to be mounted so suddenly, lashed out viciously two or three times, and then refused to move.For half an hour Vincent tried the effect of patient coax-jug, but in vain.

"Well, if you won't do it by fair means you must by foul," Vincent said at last, and sharply pricked him with his spurs.

Wildfire sprang into the air, and then began a desperate series of efforts to rid himself of his rider, rearing and kicking in such quick succession that he seemed half the time in the air.Finding after awhile that his efforts were unavailing, he subsided at last into sulky immovability.Again Vincent tried coaxing and patting, but as no success attended these efforts, he again applied the spur sharply.This time the horse responded by springing forward like an arrow from a bow, dashed at the top of his speed across the inclosure, cleared the high fence without an effort, and then set off across the country.

He had attempted to take the bit in his teeth, but with a sharp jerk as he drove the spurs in, Vincent had defeated his intention.He now did not attempt to check or guide him, but keeping a light hand on the reins let him go his own course.Vincent knew that so long as the horse was going full speed it could attempt no trick to unseat him, and he therefore sat easily in his saddle.

For six miles Wildfire continued his course, clearing every obstacle without abatement to his speed, and delighting his rider with his power and jumping qualities.Occasionally, only when the course he was taking would have led him to obstacles impossible for the best jumper to surmount, Vincent attempted to put the slightest pressure upon one rein or the other, so as to direct it to an easier point.

At the end of six miles the horse's speed began slightly to abate, and Vincent, abstaining from the use of his spurs, pressed it with his knees and spoke to it cheerfully urging it forward.He now from time to time bent forward and patted it, and for another six miles kept it going at a speed almost as great as that at which it had started Then he allowed it gradually to slacken its pace, until at last first the gallop and then the trot ceased, and it broke into a walk.

"You have had a fine gallop, old fellow," Vincent said, patting it;"and so have I.There's been nothing for you to lose your temper about, and the next road we come upon we will turn our face homeward.Half a dozen lessons like this, and then no doubt we shall be good friends."The journey home was performed at a walk, Vincent talking the greater part of the time to the horse.It took a good deal more than six lessons before Wildfire would start without a preliminary struggle with his master, but in the end kindness and patience conquered.Vincent often visited the horse in the stables, and, taking with him an apple or some pieces of sugar, spent some time there talk.mg to and petting it.He never carried a whip, and never used the spurs except in forcing it to make its first start.

Had the horse been naturally ill-tempered Vincent would probably have failed, but, as he happened afterward to learn, its first owner had been a hot-tempered and passionate young planter, who, instead of being patient with it, had beat it about the head, and so rendered it restive and bad-tempered.Had Vincent not laid aside his whip before mounting it for the first time, he probably would never have effected a cure.It was the fact that the animal had no longer a fear of his old enemy the whip as much as the general course of kindness and good treatment that had effected the change in his behavior.

It was just when Vincent had established a good under standing between himself and Wildfire that he had the altercation with the overseer, whom he found about to flog the young negro Dan.

Pearson had sent the lad half an hour before on a message to some slaves at work at the other end of the estate, and had found him sitting on the ground watching a tree in which he had discovered a possum.That Dan deserved punishment was undoubted.He had at present no regular employment upon the estate Jake, his father, was head of the stables, and Dan had made himself useful in odd jobs about the horses, and expected to become one of the regular stable hands.The overseer was of opinion that there were already more negroes in the stable than could find employment, and had urged upon Mrs.Wingfield that one of the hands there and the boy Dan should be sent out to the fields.She, however, refused.

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