

"I have just heard that we shall fall back across the Rappahannock to-morrow, and I imagine there will not be much hard fighting again until spring, long before which I hope you will be in your place among us again.We lost twenty-three men and two officers (Ketler and Sumner) yesterday.Good-by, old fellow! I need not say keep up your spirits, for that you are pretty sure to do.

"Yours truly,"JAMES SINCLAIR."

After the first start at seeing Dan, Vincent was scarcely surprised, for he had often thought over what the boy would do, and had fancied that while, if he supposed him dead, he would go straight back to the Orangery, it was quite possible that, should he hear that he was a prisoner, Dan might take it into his head to endeavor to join him.As to his making his escape, that did not appear to be a very difficult undertaking now that he had a friend outside.The watch kept up was not a very vigilant one, for such numbers of prisoners were taken on both sides that they were not regarded as of very great importance, and, indeed, the difficulty lay rather in making across the country to the Southern border than in escaping from prison; for with a friend outside, with a disguise in readiness, that matter was comparatively easy.All that was required for the adventure was a long rope, a sharp file, and a dark night.

The chief difficulty that occurred to Vincent arose from the fact that there were some twenty other prisoners in the same ward.He could hardly file through the bars of the window unnoticed by them, and they would naturally wish to share in his flight; but where one person might succeed in evading the vigilance of the guard, it was unlikely in the extreme that twenty would do so, and the alarm once given all would be recaptured.He was spared the trouble of making up his mind as to his plans, for by the time he had finished his letter the hour that the hucksters were allowed to sell their goods was passed, and the gates were shut and all was quiet.

After some thought he came to the conclusion that the only plan would be to conceal himself somewhere in the prison just before the hour at which they were locked up in their wards.The alarm would be given, for the list of names was called over before lock-up, and a search would of course be made.Still, if lie could find a good place for concealment, it might succeed, since the search after dark would not be so close and minute as that which would he made next morning.The only disadvantage would be that the sentries would be especially on the alert, as, unless the fugitive had succeeded in some way in passing out of the gates in disguise, he must still be within the walls, and might attempt to scale them through the night.This certainty largely increased the danger, and Vincent went to bed that night without finally determining what had better be done.

The next morning while walking in the grounds he quite determined as to the place he would choose for his concealment if he adopted the plan he had thought of the evening before.The lower rooms upon one side of the building were inhabited by the governor and officers of the prison, and if he were to spring through an open window unnoticed just as it became dusk, and hide himself in a cupboard or under a bed there he would be safe for a time, as, however close the search might be in other parts of the building, it would be scarcely suspected, at any rate on the first alarm, that he had concealed himself in the officers' quarters.

There would, of course, be the chance of his being detected as he got out of the window again at night, but this would not be a great risk.It was the vigilance of the sentries that he most feared, and the possibility that, as soon us the fact of his being missing was known, a cordon of guards might be stationed outside the wall in addition to those in the yard.The danger appeared to him to be so great that he was half inclined to abandon the enterprise.It would certainly be weary work to be shut up there for perhaps a year while his friends were fighting the battles of his country; but it would be better after ell to put up with that than to run any extreme risk of being shot.

When he had arrived at this conclusion be went upstairs to his room to write a line to Dan.The day was a fine one, and he found that the whole of the occupants of the room had gone below.This was an unexpected bit of good fortune, and he at once went to the window and examined the bars.They were thick and of new iron, but had been hastily put up.The building had originally been a large warehouse, and when it had been converted into a prison for the Confederate prisoners the bars had been added to the windows.

Instead, therefore, of being built into solid stone and fastened in by lead, they were merely screwed on to the wooden framework of the windows, and by a strong turn-screw a bar could be removed in five minutes.This altogether altered the position.He had only to wait until the rest of the occupants of the room were asleep and then to remove the bar and let himself down.

He at once wrote:

"I want twenty yards of strong string, and the same length of rope that will bear my weight; also a strong turn-screw.When I have got this I will let you know night and hour.Shall want disguise ready to put on."He folded the note up into a small compass, and at the hour at which Dan would be about to enter he sauntered down to the gate.

In a short time the venders entered, and were soon busy selling their wares.Dan had, as before, a basket of melons.Vincent made his way up to him.

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