

"Union or not Union, I mean to talk it, and I want to know who is going to prevent me?"The two men rose simultaneously from their chairs, and in a second the crack of two revolvers sounded.As if they had only been waiting for the signal, a score of other men leaped up and sprang at each other.They had, as the altercation grew hotter, joined in with exclamations of anger or approval, and Vincent saw that although the Unionists were the majority the party of sympathizers with the South was a strong one.Having neither arms nor inclination to join in a broil of this kind he made his escape into the street the instant hostilities began, and hurried away from the sound of shouts, oaths, the sharp cracks of pistols, and the breaking of glass.Ten minutes later he returned.The hotel was shut up, but an angry mob were assembled round the door shouting, "Down with the rebels! down with the Secessionists!" and were keeping up a loud knocking at the door.

Presently a window upstairs opened, and the proprietor put out his head.

"Gentlemen," ha said, "I can assure you that the persons who were the cause of this disturbance all left the hotel by the back way as soon as the affair was over.I have sent for the police commissioner, and upon his arrival he will be free to search the house, and to arrest any one concerned in this affair."The crowd were not satisfied, and renewed their knocking at the door; but two or three minutes later an officer, with a strong body of police, arrived on the spot.In a few words he told the crowd to disperse, promising that the parties concerned in the affair would be taken un and duly deal with.He than entered the house with four of his men, leaving the rest to wait.Vincent entered with the constables, saying that he was staying at the house.The fumes of gunpowder were still floating about the hall, three bodies were lying on the floor, and several men were binding up their wounds.

The police-officer inquired into the origin of the broil, and all present concurred in saying that it arose from some Secessionists speaking insultingly of the army of the Union.

Search was then made in the hotel, and it was found that eight persons were missing.One of the killed was a well-known citizen of the town; he was the speaker on the Union side of the argument.

The other two were strangers, and no one could say which side they espoused.All those present declared that they themselves were Union men, and it was supposed that the eight who were missing were the party who had taken the other side of the question.The evidence of each was taken down by the police-officer.Vincent was not questioned, as, having entered with the constables, it was supposed he was not present at the affair.

In the morning Vincent read in the local paper a highly colored account of the fray.After giving a large number of wholly fictitious details of the fray, it went on to say:

"The victims were Cyrus D.Jenkins, a much-esteemed citizen and a prominent Unionist; the other two were guests at the hotel; one had registered as P.J.Moore of Vermont, the other James Harvey of Tennessee.Nothing is as yet known as to the persons whose rooms were unoccupied, and who had doubtless made their escape as soon as the affray was over; but the examination of their effects, which will be made by the police in the morning, will doubless furnish a clew by which they will be brought to justice."Having read this, Vincent looked for the news as to the escape from Elmira, being anxious to know whether his companions had been as fortunate as himself in getting clear away.He was startled by reading the following paragraph: "We are enabled to state that the police have received a letter stating that one of the officers who escaped from Elmira prison has adopted the disguise of a minister, and is traveling through the country with a black servant.

At present the authorities are not disposed to attach much credit to this letter, and are inclined to believe that it has been sent in order to put them on a wrong scent.However a watch will doubtless be kept by the police throughout the country for a person answering to this description."Accustomed to rise early, Vincent was taking his breakfast almost alone, only two or three of the other guests having made their appearance.He finished his meal hastily, and went out to Dan, who was lounging in front of the hotel.

"Dan, go upstairs at once, pack the bag, bring it down and get out with it immediately.I will pay the bill.Don't stop to ask questions now."Vincent then walked up to the desk at the and of the hall, at which a clerk was sitting reading the paper.Sincerely hoping that the man's eye had not fallen on this paragraph, he asked if his account was made out.As he had fortunately mentioned on the preceding evening that he should be leaving in the morning, the bill was ready; and the clerk, scarce looking up from the paper, handed it to him.Vincent paid him the amount, saying carelessly, "I think Ihave plenty of time to catch the train for the east?"The clerk glanced at the clock.

"Yes, it goes at 8, and you have twenty minutes.It's only five minutes' walk to the station."

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