

"No, sah; I hab done my best, but I cannot find out anyting.The niggers at Jackson's all say dat no strangers hab been there wid do old man for a long time before de day dat Dinah was carried off.Ihave been over dar, massa, and hab talked wid the hands at do house.Dey all say dat no one been dere for a month.Me sure dat doy no tell a lie about it, because doy all hate Massa Jackson like pison.Den de lawyer, he am put do advertisement you told him in the papers: Five hundred dollars to whoever would give information about do carrying off of a female slave from Missy Wingfiold, or dat would lead to de discovery of her hiding-place.

But no answer come.Me heard Missy Wingfield say so last night.""That's bad, Dan; but I hardly expected anything better.I felt sure the old fox would have taken every precaution, knowing what a serious business it would be for him if it were found out.Now Iam back I will take the matter up myself, and we will see what we can do.I wish I could have set about it the day after she was carried away.It is more than a fortnight ago now, and that will make it much more difficult than it would have been bad it been begun at once.""Well, Vincent, so you have come back to us undamaged this time," his mother said after the first greeting."We wore very anxious when the news came that a great battle had been fought last Friday; but when we heard the next morning the enemy had been repulsed so easily we wore not so anxious, although it was not until this morning that the list of killed and wounded was published, and our minds set at rest""No, mother; it was a tremendous artillery battle, but it was a little more than that-at least on our side.But I have never heard anything at all like it from sunrise to sunset.But, after all, an artillery fire is more frightening than dangerous, except at comparatively close quarters.The enemy must have fired at least fifty shots for every man that was hit.I counted several times, and there wore fully a hundred shots a minute, and I don't think it lessened much the whole day.I should think they must have fired two or three hundred rounds at least from each gun.The roar was incessant, and what with the din they made, and the replies of our own artillery, and the bursting of shells, and the rattle of musketry, the din at times was almost bewildering.Wildfire was hit with a piece of shell, but fortunately it was not a very large one, and he is not much the worse for it, but the shock knocked him off his legs;of course I went down with him, and thought for a moment I had been hit myself No; it was by far the most hollow affair we have had.The enemy fought obstinately enough, but without the slightest spirit or dash, and only once did they get up anywhere near our line, and then they wont back a good deal quicker than they came.""And now you are going to be with us for three months, Vincent?"I hope so, mother; at least if they do not advance again.I shall be here off and on.I mean to find Dinah Morris if it is possible, and if I can obtain the slightest clew I shall follow it up and go wherever it may lead me.""Well, we will spare you for that, Vincent.As you know, I did not like your mixing yourself up in that business two years ago, but it is altogether different now.The woman was very willing and well conducted, and I had got to be really fond of her.But putting that aside, it is intolerable that such a piece of insolence as the stealing of one of our slaves should go unpunished.Therefore if you do find any clew to the affair we will not grumble at your following it up, even if it does take you away from home for a short time.By the by, we had letters this morning from a certain young lady in Georgia inclosing her photograph, and I rather fancy there is one for you somewhere.""Where is it, mother?" Vincent asked, jumping from his seat.

"Let me think," Mrs.Wingfield replied."Did either of you girls put it away, or where can it have been stowed?" The girls both laughed.

"Now, Vincent, what offer do you make for the letter? Well, we won't tease you," Annie went on as Vincent gave an impatient exclamation."Another time we might do so, but as you have just come safely back to us I don't think it will be fair, especially as this is the very first letter.Here it is it" and she took out of the workbox before her the missive Vincent was so eager to receive.

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    The Pathfinder

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    Complete Poetical Works

  • 红颜


    这是一篇关于银行理财、投资诈骗的妙作,完全与生活同步。大堂女经理娇小可人,完全是一表面现象。她挪用客户存款竟然出于绝望的婚姻和贫寒的家境,而男友的父亲却以告密的方式来爱自己的儿子,人性的善恶莫非只在一念之间? 我从小就知道我很普通,非常非常普通,但大多数笨鸟后面都站着一个勤劳的驱鸟人,我爸就是这种人,小学阶段他陪我每周3小时上数学拓展课,初升高时分数不够他不得不出了一大笔钱,高中阶段有两个固定的家教轮番进出。眼看我这麻袋实在绣不出花来了,爸及时启动备用方案,让我上了离家较近的一所大学的体育系。
  • 玫瑰引力(全集)


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  • 我的绝色总裁老婆


  • 将门嫡妃略凶残

