


On Mars all property is considered as belonging to God, its Creator, who provided it for the enfoldment and comfort of His creatures.No individual lays claim to property in the sense that you Earth dwellers do.

Through God's love does man inhabit a portion of the material universe, but only for a season.Man comes into material being to express life and acquire an individuality, after which he passes out of material bondage, when his place is taken by another.

At man's transition he takes with him only character, nothing else.If the things he has striven for during his material life have been but chimeras: the material things of life: the fruits of the Earth, then in that case he will find himself poor indeed.The only real wealth, the only thing worth striving for, is a knowledge of God and His Kingdom.And with us Martians a knowledge of God is the ultimate goal sought for.Hence all material things to the Martian are but expedients, soon to be forgotten.

Material wealth is an abstraction.Its usual evidence is the possession of property, which may be money, land, goods or chattels, as the case may be. In final analysis this concrete evidence of wealth is not real.

Money is nothing more or less than a stamped token entitling the possessor to so much human effort, for the real value behind money, after all, is but so much human energy or force, varying according to its quality and its worth.

Other forms of property such as goods and chattels, are the result of human endeavor and may be secured by the exchange of money, or it may be produced by the owner.

Wealth represented by lands, which were created by God for the benefit of all humankind.and not for the individual, is the so-called right-secured by barter, exchange or inheritance, to use or withhold from use, at the caprice of the owner--of a certain piece or portion of the planet.

Under a legal fiction the title to land extends to the center of the Earth and to infinity in an opposite direction!

The text: "Thou shalt earn thy bread by the sweat of thy brow" has a deep significance to one who has come into a knowledge of Truth.Drones have no place in the Divine Plan.It is not only essential but mandatory, that each one do his part for the common good.The non- producing rich man is as much a drone as is the vagabond who neither toils nor spins.The Biblical test concerning the difficulty of the rich man getting into Heaven means that it is impossible for a drone or parasite to get into harmony with God.

The possession of wealth is not in itself sinful, but the possession of wealth is a corollary to selfishness.He who is unselfish will spurn wealth.The individual who accumulates beyond his needs sins against Heaven when he locks up his goods in strong boxes.The act of hoarding deprives some creature of his just portion, for God has planned there should be sufficient for all who make the effort, and a system that permits an unequal distribution of God's gifts is in opposition to the Divine Plan, and doubly pernicious is a church organization that permits it.

Only after Christ has taken up His abode in the hearts of the people of your Earth will surcease come to the suffering millions on your planet.

Happiness and selfishness are so diametrically opposed that the former is impossible unless the latter is eliminated from your world, for only real happiness comes after complete surrender to God.Surrender to God means subordination to His will.His will on Earth must be done as it is in Heaven.All must be self- conscious of this.If God's will was adhered to on your Earth what a different place it would be! Instead of a shambles it would be a paradise, the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God a fact instead of the dream of a few.

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