

"It's dark--the lamp's out.Have you a light?"said the other voice--Bersonin's.

No doubt they had a light, but they should not use it.

It was come to the crisis now, and I rushed down the steps and flung myself against the door.Bersonin had unbolted it and it gave way before me.The Belgian stood there sword in hand, and Detchard was sitting on a couch at the side of the room.

In astonishment at seeing me, Bersonin recoiled; Detchard jumped to his sword.I rushed madly at the Belgian: he gave way before me, and I drove him up against the wall.He was no swordsman, though he fought bravely, and in a moment he lay on the floor before me.

I turned--Detchard was not there.Faithful to his orders, he had not risked a fight with me, but had rushed straight to the door of the King's room, opened it and slammed it behind him.

Even now he was at his work inside.

And surely he would have killed the King, and perhaps me also, had it not been for one devoted man who gave his life for the King.

For when I forced the door, the sight I saw was this:

the King stood in the corner of the room: broken by his sickness, he could do nothing; his fettered hands moved uselessly up and down, and he was laughing horribly in half-mad delirium.

Detchard and the doctor were together in the middle of the room;and the doctor had flung himself on the murderer, pinning his hands to his sides for an instant.

Then Detchard wrenched himself free from the feeble grip, and, as I entered, drove his sword through the hapless man.

Then he turned on me, crying:


We were sword to sword.By blessed chance, neither he nor Bersonin had been wearing their revolvers.

I found them afterwards, ready loaded, on the mantelpiece of the outer room: it was hard by the door, ready to their hands, but my sudden rush in had cut off access to them.

Yes, we were man to man: and we began to fight, silently, sternly, and hard.Yet I remember little of it, save that the man was my match with the sword--nay, and more, for he knew more tricks than I; and that he forced me back against the bars that guarded the entrance to "Jacob's Ladder."And I saw a smile on his face, and he wounded me in the left arm.

No glory do I take for that contest.I believe that the man would have mastered me and slain me, and then done his butcher's work, for he was the most skilful swordsman I have ever met;but even as he pressed me hard, the half-mad, wasted, wan creature in the corner leapt high in lunatic mirth, shrieking:

"It's cousin Rudolf! Cousin Rudolf! I'll help you, cousin Rudolf!"and catching up a chair in his hands (he could but just lift it from the ground and hold it uselessly before him) he came towards us.

Hope came to me.

"Come on!" I cried."Come on! Drive it against his legs."Detchard replied with a savage thrust.He all but had me.

"Come on! Come on, man!" I cried."Come and share the fun!"And the King laughed gleefully, and came on, pushing his chair before him.

With an oath Detchard skipped back, and, before I knew what he was doing, had turned his sword against the King.

He made one fierce cut at the King, and the King, with a piteous cry, dropped where he stood.The stout ruffian turned to face me again.But his own hand had prepared his destruction:

for in turning he trod in the pool of blood that flowed from the dead physician.

He slipped; he fell.Like a dart I was upon him.I caught him by the throat, and before he could recover himself I drove my point through his neck, and with a stifled curse he fell across the body of his victim.

Was the King dead? It was my first thought.I rushed to where he lay.Ay, it seemed as if he were dead, for he had a great gash across his forehead, and he lay still in a huddled heap on the floor.I dropped on my knees beside him, and leant my ear down to hear if he breathed.But before I could there was a loud rattle from the outside.I knew the sound: the drawbridge was being pushed out.A moment later it rang home against the wall on my side of the moat.I should be caught in a trap and the King with me, if he yet lived.He must take his chance, to live or die.I took my sword, and passed into the outer room.Who were pushing the drawbridge out--my men?

If so, all was well.My eye fell on the revolvers, and I seized one;and paused to listen in the doorway of the outer room.To listen, say I?

Yes, and to get my breath: and I tore my shirt and twisted a strip of it round my bleeding arm; and stood listening again.I would have given the world to hear Sapt's voice.For I was faint, spent, and weary.

And that wild-cat Rupert Hentzau was yet at large in the Castle.

Yet, because I could better defend the narrow door at the top of the stairs than the wider entrance to the room, I dragged myself up the steps, and stood behind it listening.

What was the sound? Again a strange one for the place and time.An easy, scornful, merry laugh--the laugh of young Rupert Hentzau! I could scarcely believe that a sane man would laugh.

Yet the laugh told me that my men had not come; for they must have shot Rupert ere now, if they had come.And the clock struck half-past two!

My God! The door had not been opened! They had gone to the bank!

They had not found me! They had gone by now back to Tarlenheim, with the news of the King's death--and mine.Well, it would be true before they got there.Was not Rupert laughing in triumph?

For a moment, I sank, unnerved, against the door.Then Istarted up alert again, for Rupert cried scornfully:

"Well, the bridge is there! Come over it!

And in God's name, let's see Black Michael.

Keep back, you curs! Michael, come and fight for her!"If it were a three-cornered fight, I might yet bear my part.

I turned the key in the door and looked out.

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  • 重生缘:妃倾天下


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  • 武侠大乱斗


  • 黑街男友:帝景十四煞


  • 冥王劫:都市情缘


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