

One afternoon Renouard stepping out on the terrace found nobody there.It was for him, at the same time, a melancholy disappointment and a poignant relief.

The heat was great, the air was still, all the long windows of the house stood wide open.At the further end, grouped round a lady's work-table, several chairs disposed sociably suggested invisible occupants, a company of conversing shades.Renouard looked towards them with a sort of dread.A most elusive, faint sound of ghostly talk issuing from one of the rooms added to the illusion and stopped his already hesitating footsteps.He leaned over the balustrade of stone near a squat vase holding a tropical plant of a bizarre shape.Professor Moorsom coming up from the garden with a book under his arm and a white parasol held over his bare head, found him there and, closing the parasol, leaned over by his side with a remark on the increasing heat of the season.Renouard assented and changed his position a little; the other, after a short silence, administered unexpectedly a question which, like the blow of a club on the head, deprived Renouard of the power of speech and even thought, but, more cruel, left him quivering with apprehension, not of death but of everlasting torment.Yet the words were extremely simple.

"Something will have to be done soon.We can't remain in a state of suspended expectation for ever.Tell me what do you think of our chances?"Renouard, speechless, produced a faint smile.The professor confessed in a jocular tone his impatience to complete the circuit of the globe and be done with it.It was impossible to remain quartered on the dear excellent Dunsters for an indefinite time.

And then there were the lectures he had arranged to deliver in Paris.A serious matter.

That lectures by Professor Moorsom were a European event and that brilliant audiences would gather to hear them Renouard did not know.All he was aware of was the shock of this hint of departure.

The menace of separation fell on his head like a thunderbolt.And he saw the absurdity of his emotion, for hadn't he lived all these days under the very cloud? The professor, his elbows spread out, looked down into the garden and went on unburdening his mind.Yes.

The department of sentiment was directed by his daughter, and she had plenty of volunteered moral support; but he had to look after the practical side of life without assistance.

"I have the less hesitation in speaking to you about my anxiety, because I feel you are friendly to us and at the same time you are detached from all these sublimities - confound them.""What do you mean?" murmured Renouard.

"I mean that you are capable of calm judgment.Here the atmosphere is simply detestable.Everybody has knuckled under to sentiment.

Perhaps your deliberate opinion could influence...""You want Miss Moorsom to give it up?" The professor turned to the young man dismally.

"Heaven only knows what I want."

Renouard leaning his back against the balustrade folded his arms on his breast, appeared to meditate profoundly.His face, shaded softly by the broad brim of a planter's Panama hat, with the straight line of the nose level with the forehead, the eyes lost in the depth of the setting, and the chin well forward, had such a profile as may be seen amongst the bronzes of classical museums, pure under a crested helmet - recalled vaguely a Minerva's head.

"This is the most troublesome time I ever had in my life,"exclaimed the professor testily.

"Surely the man must be worth it," muttered Renouard with a pang of jealousy traversing his breast like a self-inflicted stab.

Whether enervated by the heat or giving way to pent up irritation the professor surrendered himself to the mood of sincerity.

"He began by being a pleasantly dull boy.He developed into a pointlessly clever young man, without, I suspect, ever trying to understand anything.My daughter knew him from childhood.I am a busy man, and I confess that their engagement was a complete surprise to me.I wish their reasons for that step had been more naive.But simplicity was out of fashion in their set.From a worldly point of view he seems to have been a mere baby.Of course, now, I am assured that he is the victim of his noble confidence in the rectitude of his kind.But that's mere idealising of a sad reality.For my part I will tell you that from the very beginning I had the gravest doubts of his dishonesty.

Unfortunately my clever daughter hadn't.And now we behold the reaction.No.To be earnestly dishonest one must be really poor.

This was only a manifestation of his extremely refined cleverness.

The complicated simpleton.He had an awful awakening though."In such words did Professor Moorsom give his "young friend" to understand the state of his feelings toward the lost man.It was evident that the father of Miss Moorsom wished him to remain lost.

Perhaps the unprecedented heat of the season made him long for the cool spaces of the Pacific, the sweep of the ocean's free wind along the promenade decks, cumbered with long chairs, of a ship steaming towards the Californian coast.To Renouard the philosopher appeared simply the most treacherous of fathers.He was amazed.But he was not at the end of his discoveries.

"He may be dead," the professor murmured.

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