

In the afternoon he lounged into the editorial office, carrying with affected nonchalance that weight of the irremediable he had felt laid on him suddenly in the small hours of the night - that consciousness of something that could no longer be helped.His patronising friend informed him at once that he had made the acquaintance of the Moorsom party last night.At the Dunsters, of course.Dinner.

"Very quiet.Nobody there.It was much better for the business.

I say..."

Renouard, his hand grasping the back of a chair, stared down at him dumbly.

"Phew! That's a stunning girl...Why do you want to sit on that chair? It's uncomfortable!""I wasn't going to sit on it." Renouard walked slowly to the window, glad to find in himself enough self-control to let go the chair instead of raising it on high and bringing it down on the Editor's head.

"Willie kept on gazing at her with tears in his boiled eyes.You should have seen him bending sentimentally over her at dinner.""Don't," said Renouard in such an anguished tone that the Editor turned right round to look at his back.

"You push your dislike of young Dunster too far.It's positively morbid," he disapproved mildly."We can't be all beautiful after thirty....I talked a little, about you mostly, to the professor.He appeared to be interested in the silk plant - if only as a change from the great subject.Miss Moorsom didn't seem to mind when I confessed to her that I had taken you into the confidence of the thing.Our Willie approved too.Old Dunster with his white beard seemed to give me his blessing.All those people have a great opinion of you, simply because I told them that you've led every sort of life one can think of before you got struck on exploration.They want you to make suggestions.What do you think 'Master Arthur' is likely to have taken to?""Something easy," muttered Renouard without unclenching his teeth.

"Hunting man.Athlete.Don't be hard on the chap.He may be riding boundaries, or droving cattle, or humping his swag about the back-blocks away to the devil - somewhere.He may be even prospecting at the back of beyond - this very moment.""Or lying dead drunk in a roadside pub.It's late enough in the day for that."The Editor looked up instinctively.The clock was pointing at a quarter to five."Yes, it is," he admitted."But it needn't be.

And he may have lit out into the Western Pacific all of a sudden -say in a trading schooner.Though I really don't see in what capacity.Still...""Or he may be passing at this very moment under this very window.""Not he...and I wish you would get away from it to where one can see your face.I hate talking to a man's back.You stand there like a hermit on a sea-shore growling to yourself.I tell you what it is, Geoffrey, you don't like mankind.""I don't make my living by talking about mankind's affairs,"Renouard defended himself.But he came away obediently and sat down in the armchair."How can you be so certain that your man isn't down there in the street?" he asked."It's neither more nor less probable than every single one of your other suppositions."Placated by Renouard's docility the Editor gazed at him for a while."Aha! I'll tell you how.Learn then that we have begun the campaign.We have telegraphed his description to the police of every township up and down the land.And what's more we've ascertained definitely that he hasn't been in this town for the last three months at least.How much longer he's been away we can't tell.""That's very curious."

"It's very simple.Miss Moorsom wrote to him, to the post office here directly she returned to London after her excursion into the country to see the old butler.Well - her letter is still lying there.It has not been called for.Ergo, this town is not his usual abode.Personally, I never thought it was.But he cannot fail to turn up some time or other.Our main hope lies just in the certitude that he must come to town sooner or later.Remember he doesn't know that the butler is dead, and he will want to inquire for a letter.Well, he'll find a note from Miss Moorsom."Renouard, silent, thought that it was likely enough.His profound distaste for this conversation was betrayed by an air of weariness darkening his energetic sun-tanned features, and by the augmented dreaminess of his eyes.The Editor noted it as a further proof of that immoral detachment from mankind, of that callousness of sentiment fostered by the unhealthy conditions of solitude -according to his own favourite theory.Aloud he observed that as long as a man had not given up correspondence he could not be looked upon as lost.Fugitive criminals had been tracked in that way by justice, he reminded his friend; then suddenly changed the bearing of the subject somewhat by asking if Renouard had heard from his people lately, and if every member of his large tribe was well and happy.

"Yes, thanks."

The tone was curt, as if repelling a liberty.Renouard did not like being asked about his people, for whom he had a profound and remorseful affection.He had not seen a single human being to whom he was related, for many years, and he was extremely different from them all.

On the very morning of his arrival from his island he had gone to a set of pigeon-holes in Willie Dunster's outer office and had taken out from a compartment labelled "Malata" a very small accumulation of envelopes, a few addressed to himself, and one addressed to his assistant, all to the care of the firm, W.Dunster and Co.As opportunity offered, the firm used to send them on to Malata either by a man-of-war schooner going on a cruise, or by some trading craft proceeding that way.But for the last four months there had been no opportunity.

"You going to stay here some time?" asked the Editor, after a longish silence.

Renouard, perfunctorily, did see no reason why he should make a long stay.

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