
第13章 The Story of the Seven Simons(3)

'Has the king of Busan a great army?' asked King Archidej; 'is his country far off?'

'As far as I could judge,' replied Simon, 'it would take you nearly ten years in fair weather to sail there.But if the weather were stormy we might say twelve.I saw the army being reviewed.It is not so very large--a hundred thousand men at arms and a hundred thousand knights.Besides these, he has a strong bodyguard and a good many cross-bowmen.Altogether you may say another hundred thousand, and there is a picked body of heroes who reserve themselves for great occasions requiring particular courage.'

The king sat for some time lost in thought.At last he said to the nobles and courtiers standing round: 'I am determined to marry the Princess Helena, but how shall I do it?'

The nobles, courtiers and counsellors said nothing, but tried to hide behind each other.Then the third Simon said:

'Pardon me, your Majesty, if I offer my advice.You wish to go to the Island of Busan? What can be easier? In my ship you will get there in a week instead of in ten years.But ask your council to advise you what to do when you arrive--in one word, whether you will win the princess peacefully or by war?'

But the wise men were as silent as ever.

The king frowned, and was about to say something sharp, when the Court Fool pushed his way to the front and said: 'Dear me, what are all you clever people so puzzled about? The matter is quite clear.

As it seems it will not take long to reach the island why not send the seventh Simon? He will steal the fair maiden fast enough, and then the king, her father, may consider how he is going to bring his army over here--it will take him ten years to do it!---no less! What do you think of my plan?'

'What do I think? Why, that your idea is capital, and you shall be rewarded for it.Come, guards, hurry as fast as you can and bring the seventh Simon before me.'

Not many minutes later, Simon the seventh stood before the king, who explained to him what he wished done, and also that to steal for the benefit of his king and country was by no means a wrong thing, though it was very wrong to steal for his own advantage.

The youngest Simon, who looked very pale and hungry, only nodded his head.

'Come,' said the king, 'tell me truly.Do you think you could steal the Princess Helena?'

'Why should I not steal her, sire? The thing is easy enough.Let my brother's ship be laden with rich stuffs, brocades, Persian carpets, pearls and jewels.Send me in the ship.Give me my four middle brothers as companions, and keep the two others as hostages.'

When the king heard these words his heart became filled with longing, and he ordered all to be done as Simon wished.Every one ran about to do his bidding; and in next to no time the wonder-ship was laden and ready to start.

The five Simons took leave of the king, went on board, and had no sooner set sail than they were almost out of sight.The ship cut through the waters like a falcon through the air, and just a week after starting sighted the Island of Busan.The coast appeared to be strongly guarded, and from afar the watchman on a high tower called out: 'Halt and anchor! Who are you? Where do you come from, and what do you want?'

The seventh Simon answered from the ship: 'We are peaceful people.We come from the country of the great and good King Archidej, and we bring foreign wares--rich brocades, carpets, and costly jewels, which we wish to show to your king and the princess.

We desire to trade--to sell, to buy, and to exchange.'

The brothers launched a small boat, took some of their valuable goods with them, rowed to shore and went up to the palace.The princess sat in a rose-red room, and when she saw the brothers coming near she called her nurse and other women, and told them to inquire who and what these people were, and what they wanted.

The seventh Simon answered the nurse: 'We come from the country of the wise and good King Archidej,' said he, 'and we have brought all sorts of goods for sale.We trust the king of this country may condescend to welcome us, and to let his servants take charge of our wares.If he considers them worthy to adorn his followers we shall be content.'

This speech was repeated to the princess, who ordered the brothers to be brought to the red-room at once.They bowed respectfully to her and displayed some splendid velvets and brocades, and opened cases of pearls and precious stones.Such beautiful things had never been seen in the island, and the nurse and waiting women stood bewildered by all the magnificence.They whispered together that they had never beheld anything like it.The princess too saw and wondered, and her eyes could not weary of looking at the lovely things, or her fingers of stroking the rich soft stuffs, and of holding up the sparkling jewels to the light.

'Fairest of princesses,' said Simon.'Be pleased to order your waiting-maids to accept the silks and velvets, and let your women trim their head-dresses with the jewels; these are no special treasures.But permit me to say that they are as nothing to the many coloured tapestries, the gorgeous stones and ropes of pearls in our ship.We did not like to bring more with us, not knowing what your royal taste might be; but if it seems good to you to honour our ship with a visit, you might condescend to choose such things as were pleasing in your eyes.'

This polite speech pleased the princess very much.She went to the king and said: 'Dear father, some merchants have arrived with the most splendid wares.Pray allow me to go to their ship and choose out what I like.'

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