
第46章 The Cottager And His Cat(1)

Once upon a time there lived an old man and his wife in a dirty, tumble-down cottage, not very far from the splendid palace where the king and queen dwelt.In spite of the wretched state of the hut, which many people declared was too bad even for a pig to live in, the old man was very rich, for he was a great miser, and lucky besides, and would often go without food all day sooner than change one of his beloved gold pieces.

But after a while he found that he had starved himself once too often.He fell ill, and had no strength to get well again, and in a few days he died, leaving his wife and one son behind him.

The night following his death, the son dreamed that an unknown man appeared to him and said: 'Listen to me; your father is dead and your mother will soon die, and all their riches will belong to you.Half of his wealth is ill-gotten, and this you must give back to the poor from whom he squeezed it.The other half you must throw into the sea.Watch, however, as the money sinks into the water, and if anything should swim, catch it and keep it, even if it is nothing more than a bit of paper.'

Then the man vanished, and the youth awoke.

The remembrance of his dream troubled him greatly.He did not want to part with the riches that his father had left him, for he had known all his life what it was to be cold and hungry, and now he had hoped for a little comfort and pleasure.Still, he was honest and good-hearted, and if his father had come wrongfully by his wealth he felt he could never enjoy it, and at last he made up his mind to do as he had been bidden.He found out who were the people who were poorest in the village, and spent half of his money in helping them, and the other half he put in his pocket.From a rock that jutted right out into the sea he flung it in.In a moment it was out of sight, and no man could have told the spot where it had sunk, except for a tiny scrap of paper floating on the water.He stretched down carefully and managed to reach it, and on opening it found six shillings wrapped inside.This was now all the money he had in the world.

The young man stood and looked at it thoughtfully.'Well, I can't do much with this,' he said to himself; but, after all, six shillings were better than nothing, and he wrapped them up again and slipped them into his coat.

He worked in his garden for the next few weeks, and he and his mother contrived to live on the fruit and vegetables he got out of it, and then she too died suddenly.The poor fellow felt very sad when he had laid her in her grave, and with a heavy heart he wandered into the forest, not knowing where he was going.By-and-by he began to get hungry, and seeing a small hut in front of him, he knocked at the door and asked if they could give him some milk.

The old woman who opened it begged him to come in, adding kindly, that if he wanted a night's lodging he might have it without its costing him anything.

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