
第64章 The Six Hungry Beasts(2)

'Oh, my brother, my dear little brother, don't do that,' cried the magpie, hopping about in his anguish.'You know you promised only a few days ago that you would get your snow-shoes elsewhere.'

'So I did; but though I have searched through the whole forest, there is not a single tree that is as good as this.I am very sorry to put you out, but really it is not my fault.The only thing I can do for you is to offer to give up my snow-shoes altogether if you will throw me down one of your young ones in exchange.'

And the poor magpie, in spite of his wisdom, was obliged to throw another of his little ones out of the nest; and this time he was not able to console himself with the thought that he had been much cleverer than other people.

He sat on the edge of his nest, his head drooping and his feathers all ruffled, looking the picture of misery.Indeed he was so different from the gay, jaunty magpie whom every creature in the forest knew, that a crow who was flying past, stopped to inquire what was the matter.'Where are the two young ones who are not in the nest?' asked he.

'I had to give them to the fox,' replied the magpie in a quivering voice; 'he has been here twice in the last week, and wanted to cut down my tree for the purpose of making snow-shoes out of it, and the only way I could buy him off was by giving him two of my young ones.'

Oh, you fool,' cried the crow, 'the fox was only trying to frighten you.He could not have cut down the tree, for he has neither axe nor knife.Dear me, to think that you have sacrificed your young ones for nothing! Dear, dear! how could you be so very foolish!'

And the crow flew away, leaving the magpie overcome with shame and sorrow.

The next morning the fox came to his usual place in front of the tree, for he was hungry, and a nice young magpie would have suited him very well for dinner.But this time there was no cowering, timid magpie to do his bidding, but a bird with his head erect and a determined voice.

'My good fox,' said the magpie putting his head on one side and looking very wise--'my good fox, if you take my advice, you will go home as fast as you can.There is no use your talking about making snow-shoes out of this tree, when you have neither knife nor axe to cut it down with!'

'Who has been teaching you wisdom?' asked the fox, forgetting his manners in his surprise at this new turn of affairs.

'The crow, who paid me a visit yesterday,' answered the magpie.

'The crow was it?' said the fox, 'well, the crow had better not meet me for the future, or it may be the worse for him.'

As Michael, the cunning beast, had no desire to continue the conversation, he left the forest; but when he came to the high road he laid himself at full length on the ground, stretching himself out, just as if he was dead.Very soon he noticed, out of the corner of his eye, that the crow was flying towards him, and he kept stiller and stifer than ever, with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.The crow, who wanted her supper very badly, hopped quickly towards him, and was stooping forward to peck at his tongue when the fox gave a snap, and caught him by the wing.The crow knew that it was of no use struggling, so he said:

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    她,生于望族,却因战乱,不得不背井离乡。他,烽火中的枭雄,百般谋算,却心系百姓。他们,亿万人中的微粒,是烽烟中的儿女,是携手一生的传奇。文文架空虚构,考究慎入!片段一:顾昭宸于洛阳拾获孔明灯一盏。灯上字迹娟秀而不失大气:一愿家人身康健,二愿战乱速决,三愿国泰民安,盛世宁和。署名唯竹儿二字。片段二:“少帅如此行事,可想过意中人心情。”顾昭宸:“本帅尚无意中人,至于日后,若有夫人,自当一心一意,相敬如宾。”相敬如宾,这意思是...秋华思量,或许,这是最合适的,两个人相伴走一生罢了,何必言情意深浅。 云云新书《朝秦沐暮》更新啦~各位多多关注哈
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    新书已经上传,书名:一剑捅穿这民国,请大家继续支持。 荣嘉刚来到这个世界的时候,猴子才刚刚从石头里蹦出来,天蓬还没被封为元帅,小白龙还在四海逍遥地纨绔着,九头虫才长出两颗头,那具白骨依然被深埋在万年阴墓下,黑熊是个只知掏蜂窝的吃货,蝎子精对自己的身世懵懂不知,一切都还没开始,但高高在上的圣人们已经开始布局,只是随着荣嘉的到来,从此之后,世间再无西游
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