
第32章 XINGU December, 1911(9)

"Yes.You said it had crowded everything else out of your mind." "Well, YOU said it had changed your whole life!""For that matter, Miss Van Vluyck said she had never grudged the time she'd given it."Mrs.Plinth interposed: "I made it clear that I knew nothing whatever of the original."Mrs.Ballinger broke off the dispute with a groan."Oh, what does it all matter if she's been making fools of us? I believe Miss Van Vluyck's right--she was talking of the river all the while!""How could she? It's too preposterous," Miss Glyde exclaimed."Listen."MissVanVluyckhadrepossessedherselfoftheEncyclopaedia, and restored her spectacles to a nose reddened byexcitement."'The Xingu, one of the principal rivers of Brazil, rises on the plateau of Mato Grosso, and flows in a northerly direction for a length of no less than one thousand one hundred and eighteen miles, entering the Amazon near the mouth of the latter river.The upper course of the Xingu is auriferous and fed by numerous branches.Its source was first discovered in 1884 by the German explorer von den Steinen, after a difficult and dangerous expedition through a region inhabited by tribes still in the Stone Age of culture.'"The ladies received this communication in a state of stupefied silence from which Mrs.Leveret was the first to rally."She certainly DID speak of its having branches."The word seemed to snap the last thread of their incredulity."And of its great length," gasped Mrs.Ballinger.

"She said it was awfully deep, and you couldn't skip--you just had to wade through," Miss Glyde subjoined.

The idea worked its way more slowly through Mrs.Plinth's compact resistances."How could there be anything improper about a river?" she inquired.


"Why, what she said about the source--that it was corrupt?""Not corrupt, but hard to get at," Laura Glyde corrected."Some one who'd been there had told her so.I daresay it was the explorer himself-- doesn't it say the expedition was dangerous?""'Difficult and dangerous,'" read Miss Van Vluyck.

Mrs.Ballinger pressed her hands to her throbbing temples."There's nothing she said that wouldn't apply to a river--to this river!" She swung about excitedly to the other members."Why, do you remember her telling us that she hadn't read 'The Supreme Instant' because she'd taken it on a boating party while she was staying with her brother, and some one had 'shied' it overboard-- 'shied' of course was her own expression?"The ladies breathlessly signified that the expression had not escaped them.

"Well--and then didn't she tell Osric Dane that one of her books was simply saturated with Xingu? Of course it was, if some of Mrs.Roby'srowdy friends had thrown it into the river!"This surprising reconstruction of the scene in which they had just participated left the members of the Lunch Club inarticulate.At length Mrs.Plinth, after visibly labouring with the problem, said in a heavy tone: "Osric Dane was taken in too."Mrs.Leveret took courage at this."Perhaps that's what Mrs.Roby did it for.She said Osric Dane was a brute, and she may have wanted to give her a lesson."Miss Van Vluyck frowned."It was hardly worth while to do it at our expense.""At least," said Miss Glyde with a touch of bitterness, "she succeeded in interesting her, which was more than we did.""What chance had we?" rejoined Mrs.Ballinger."Mrs.Roby monopolised her from the first.And THAT, I've no doubt, was her purpose--to give Osric Dane a false impression of her own standing in the Club.She would hesitate at nothing to attract attention: we all know how she took in poor Professor Foreland.""She actually makes him give bridge-teas every Thursday," Mrs.Leveret piped up.

Laura Glyde struck her hands together."Why, this is Thursday, and it's THERE she's gone, of course; and taken Osric with her!""And they're shrieking over us at this moment," said Mrs.Ballinger between her teeth.

This possibility seemed too preposterous to be admitted."She would hardly dare," said Miss Van Vluyck, "confess the imposture to Osric Dane.""I'm not so sure: I thought I saw her make a sign as she left.If she hadn't made a sign, why should Osric Dane have rushed out after her?""Well, you know, we'd all been telling her how wonderful Xingu was, and she said she wanted to find out more about it," Mrs.Leveret said, with a tardy impulse of justice to the absent.

This reminder, far from mitigating the wrath of the other members, gave it a stronger impetus.

"Yes--and that's exactly what they're both laughing over now," saidLaura Glyde ironically.

Mrs.Plinth stood up and gathered her expensive furs about her monumental form."I have no wish to criticise," she said; "but unless the Lunch Club can protect its members against the recurrence of such--such unbecoming scenes, I for one--""Oh, so do I!" agreed Miss Glyde, rising also.

Miss Van Vluyck closed the Encyclopaedia and proceeded to button herself into her jacket."My time is really too valuable--" she began.

"I fancy we are all of one mind," said Mrs.Ballinger, looking searchingly at Mrs.Leveret, who looked at the others.

"I always deprecate anything like a scandal--" Mrs.Plinth continued."She has been the cause of one to-day!" exclaimed Miss Glyde.

Mrs.Leveret moaned: "I don't see how she COULD!" and Miss Van Vluyck said, picking up her note-book: "Some women stop at nothing.""--but if," Mrs.Plinth took up her argument impressively, "anything of the kind had happened in MY house" (it never would have, her tone implied), "I should have felt that I owed it to myself either to ask for Mrs.Roby's resignation--or to offer mine.""Oh, Mrs.Plinth--" gasped the Lunch Club.

"Fortunately for me," Mrs.Plinth continued with an awful magnanimity, "the matter was taken out of my hands by our President's decision that the right to entertain distinguished guests was a privilege vested in her office; and I think the other members will agree that, as she was alone in this opinion, she ought to be alone in deciding on the best way of effacing its--its really deplorable consequences."A deep silence followed this unexpected outbreak of Mrs.Plinth's long-stored resentment.

"I don't see why I should be expected to ask her to resign--" Mrs.Ballinger at length began; but Laura Glyde turned back to remind her: "You know she made you say that you'd got on swimmingly in Xingu."An ill-timed giggle escaped from Mrs.Leveret, and Mrs.Ballinger energetically continued "--but you needn't think for a moment that I'm afraid to!"The door of the drawing-room closed on the retreating backs of theLunch Club, and the President of that distinguished association, seating herself at her writing-table, and pushing away a copy of "The Wings of Death" to make room for her elbow, drew forth a sheet of the club's note- paper, on which she began to write: "My dear Mrs.Roby--"

The End of Xingu

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