

She had only meant to take the money.The fool had fought.She killed him because she had to.And now the sobbing, sniveling little idiot who had kept her waiting all night had stuck her nose into some thing that didn't concern her.If she opened her mouth, the gallows would be the end.

She would open it too.Of course she would.She was his wife.They had quarreled, but the simpleton would blab.Nance knew this with unerring instinct.It was no use to offer her half the money.She didn't have sense enough to take it.She knew those pious, baby faces--well, there was room for two in the cave under the cliff.It was daylight now.No matter; it was Christmas morning.No man or woman ever darkened her door on Christmas day.She could hide their bodies until dark, and then it was easy.She would be in New York herself before anyone could suspect the meaning of that automobile in the shed or the owners would trouble themselves to come after it.

Again her decision was quick and fierce.Her hand was on the bag.She would hold it against the world, all hell and heaven.

With the leap of a tigress she was on the girl, the bag gripped in her left hand, the knife in her right.

To her amazement the trembling figure stood stock still gazing at her with a strange look of pity.

"Well!" Nance growled."I ain't goin' ter be took now I've got this money--I'm goin' to New York ter find my boy!"She lifted the knife and stopped in sheer stupor of surprise at the girl's immovable body and staring eyes.Had she gone crazy? What on earth could it mean? No girl of her youth and beauty could look death in the face without a tremor.No woman in her right senses could see the body of her dead husband lying there red and yet quivering without a sign.It was more than even Nance's nerves could endure.

She lowered the knife and peered into the girl's set face and glanced quickly about the room.Could she have called help? Was the house surrounded?It was impossible.She couldn't have escaped.What did it mean?

The old woman drew back with a terror she couldn't understand."What are you looking at me like that for?" she panted.

Mary held her gaze in lingering pity.Her heart went out now to the miserable creature trembling in the presence of her victim.The blow must fall that would crush the soul out of her body at one stroke.The gray hair had tumbled over her distorted features, the ragged dress had been torn from her throat in the struggle and her flat, bony breast was exposed.

"You don't--have--to--go--to--New York--to--find-- your--boy!" the strained voice said at last.

Nance frowned in surprise and flew back at her in rage."Yes I do, too--he lives thar!"The little figure straightened above the crouching form."He's here!"Nance sank slowly against the table and rested the bag on the edge of the chair.Its weight was more than she could bear.She tried to glance over her shoulder at the body on the couch and her courage failed.The first suspicion of the hideous truth flashed through her stunned mind.She couldn't grasp it at once.

"Whar?" she whispered hoarsely.

Mary lifted her arm slowly and pointed to the couch."There!"Nance glared at her a moment and broke into a hysterical laugh."It's a lie--a lie--a lie!""It's true----"

"Yer're just a lyin' ter me ter get away an give me up--but ye won't do it--little Miss--old Nance is too smart for ye this time.Who told you that?""He told me tonight!"

"He told you?" she repeated blankly."Yes.""You're a liar!" she growled."And I'll prove it-- you move out o' your tracks an' I'll cut your throat.My boy's got a scar on his neck--I know right whar to look for it.Don't you move now till I see--I know you're a liar----"She turned and with the quick trembling fingers of her right hand tore the shirt back from the neck and saw the scar.She still held the bag in her left hand.The muscles slowly relaxed and the bag fell endwise to the floor, the gold crashing and rolling over the boards.She stared in stupor and threw both hands above her streaming gray hair.

"Lord God Almighty!" she shrieked."Why didn't I think that he wuz somebody else's boy if he weren't mine!"The thin body trembled and crumpled beside the couch.The girl lifted her head in a look of awe as if in prayer."And God has set me free! free! free!"

  • The Song of Hiawatha

    The Song of Hiawatha

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    长篇历史小说《落红春深——明宪宗宠妃万贞儿传奇》,共分40章,本小说是当前流行的历史古装宫廷情感题材。 主要人物形象比较真实丰满生动,故事情节曲折有吸引力。 万贞儿四岁入宫,她是比太子大十七岁的宫女,忠心耿耿地陪伴太子朱见深度过惊恐孤独黑暗的童年岁月,是明宪宗朱见深一生中最宠爱和最依赖的女人。她见证和亲历了大明宣德、正统、景泰、天顺、成化五朝一系列重大历史事件的腥风血雨。