


Mary stood overwhelmed by the tragedy she had witnessed.For the time her brain refused to record sensations.She had seen too much, felt too much in the past eight hours.Soul and body were numb.

The first impressions of returning consciousness were fixed on Nance.She had risen suddenly from the floor and smoothed the hair back from Jim's forehead with tender touch as if afraid to wake him.She drew the quilt from the kitchen floor, spread it over the body, and lifted her eyes to Mary's.It was only too plain.

Reason had gone.

She tipped close and put her fingers on her lips.

"Sh! We mustn't wake him.He's tired.Let him sleep.It's my boy.He's come home.We'll fix him a fine Christmas dinner.I've got a turkey.I'll bake a cake----" she paused and laughed softly."I've got eggs too, fresh laid yesterday.We'll make egg- nog all day and all night.I ain't had no Christmas since that devil stole him.We'll have one this time, won't we?"The girl's wits were again alert.She must run for help.A minute to humor the old woman's delusion and she might return before any harm came to her.Jim had not moved a muscle.It was plain that he was beyond help.

"Yes," Mary answered cheerfully."You fix the cake--and I'll get the wood to make a fire."Nance laughed again.

"We'll have the dinner all ready for him when he wakes, won't we?" "Yes.I'll be back in a few minutes."Nance hurried into the kitchen humming an old song in a faltering voice that sent the cold chills down the girl's spine.

Mary slipped quietly through the door and ran with swift, sure foot down the narrow road along which the machine had picked its way theafternoon before.The cabin they had passed last could not be more than a mile.

She made no effort to find the logs for pedestrians when the road crossed the brook.She plunged straight through the babbling waters with her shoes, regardless of skirts.

Panting for breath, she saw the smoke curling from the cabin chimney a quarter of a mile away.

"Thank God!" she cried."They're awake!"

She was so glad to have reached her goal, her strength suddenly gave way and she dropped to a boulder by the wayside to rest.In two minutes she was up and running with all her might.

She rushed to the door and knocked.

A mountaineer in shirt-sleeves and stockings answered with a look of mild wonder.

"For God's sake come and help me.I must have a doctor quick.We spent the night at Mrs.Owens'.She's lost her mind completely--a terrible thing has happened--you'll help me?""Cose I will, honey," the mountaineer drawled."Jest ez quick ez I get on my shoes.""Is there a doctor near?" she asked breathlessly.He answered without looking up:

"The best one that God ever sent to a sick bed.He don't charge nobody a cent in these parts.He just heals the sick because hit's his callin'.Come from somewhar up North and built hisself a fine log house up on the side of the mountains.Hit's full of all the medicines in the world, too----""Will you ask him to come for me?"Mary broke in.

"I'll jump on my hoss an' have him thar in half a' hour.You can run right back, honey, and look out for the po' ole critter till we get thar.""Thank you!Thank you!" she answered grate fully.

"Not at all, not at all!" he protested as he swung through the door and hurried to the low-pitched sheds in which his horse and cow were stabled."Be thar in no time!"When Mary returned, Nance was still busy in the kitchen.She had built a fire and put the turkey in the oven.

Mary was counting the minutes now until the doctor should come.The old woman's prattle about the return of her lost boy, so big and strong and handsome, had become unendurable.She felt that she should scream and collapse unless help came at once.She looked at her watch.It was just thirty-five minutes from the time she had left the cabin in the valley below.

She sprang to her feet with a smothered cry of joy.The beat of a horse's hoof at full gallop was ringing down the road.

In two minutes the Doctor's firm footstep was heard at the kitchen door.

  • The Mansion

    The Mansion

  • 书法纶贯


  • 五显灵观大帝灯仪


  • 成方切用


  • Hospital Sketches

    Hospital Sketches

  • 绝世音缘


  • 傲天狂妃


    虽有绝世风华,却是废品灵根。忍下屈辱与人为妾,嫁入王府,却在大婚之日受尽侮辱,被王爷夫君毙于掌下。再睁眼时,她南宫莫邪已觉醒了前世记忆,废体封印被解,天地神器出世,人人唾弃的下堂妃如一柄出鞘寒剑,剑锋所指,欺我辱我者,一一奉还!前世情仇,今生恩怨,一起了结吧!满天的仙神又算什么?至尊神兽也只能匍匐在我脚下!颠倒这乾坤,换了这天地,只为我生生世世的爱人不再永镇黄泉之底!(推荐清鸢完结文:热血玄幻《异世仙尊》http://read。xxsy。net/info/379125。html)【精彩片花】极品帅皇子:莫邪,这世间的荣华富贵算得了什么?不及你回眸一笑,你若成魔,我亦与你共舞!傲娇小美男:嗯哼 ̄ ̄小爷就喜欢你这种强势的女人!嗯哼 ̄ ̄女人快点强大起来,爷需要你的保护哦。。。。。。冷酷帝王攻:莫邪,以后,我就是你的人了!要杀要剐,悉听尊便!素手妙神医:美人儿,别皱眉头哇!会长皱纹的,就算是吓不到我,吓坏小朋友也是不好的,对了,要不要做个拉皮?给你打八折!腹黑小神兽:莫邪姐姐,小黑喜欢被你抱在怀里,对了,就是这个姿势,嗯。。。。。。再往上一点,对,再往上。。。。。。软软的,有弹性,小黑帮你做按摩,有助发育哦!。。。。。。(美男无限,热血无限,纯情NP,结局圆满。喂,那谁,别左顾右盼,说的就是你!看了这么久还不点“加入书架”,磨磨唧唧的干啥呢?某鸢有个不良嗜好,看到收藏涨了,就会文思如雪崩!最后再叨叨一句,不会让你失望滴——信清鸢,得永生!)
  • 大怪莫尼与混血基因的感染者


  • 豪门顶级盛婚


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  • 倾覆的文明


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