

A Chair T HERE WAS a jumble market every Monday afternoon in the old market-place in town.Ursula and Birkin strayed down there one afternoon.They had been talking of furniture, and they wanted to see if there was any fragment they would like to buy, amid the heaps of rubbish collected on the cobble-stones.

The old market-square was not very large, a mere bare patch of granite setts, usually with a few fruit-stalls under a wall.It was in a poor quarter of the town.Meagre houses stood down one side, there was a hosiery factory, a great blank with myriad oblong windows, at the end, a street of little shops with flagstone pavement down the other side, and, for a crowning monument, the public baths, of new red brick, with a clock-tower.The people who moved about seemed stumpy and sordid, the air seemed to smell rather dirty, there was a sense of many mean streets ramifying off into warrens of meanness.Now and again a great chocolate-and-yellow tramcar ground round a difficult bend under the hosiery factory.

Ursula was superficially thrilled when she found herself out among the common people, in the jumbled place piled with old bedding, heaps of old iron, shabby crockery in pale lots, muffled lots of unthinkable clothing.

She and Birkin went unwillingly down the narrow aisle between the rusty wares.He was looking at the goods, she at the people.

She excitedly watched a young woman, who was going to have a baby, and who was turning over a mattress and making a young man, down-at-heel and dejected, feel it also.So secretive and active and anxious the young woman seemed, so reluctant, slinking, the young man.He was going to marry her because she was having a child.

When they had felt the mattress, the young woman asked the old man seated on a stool among his wares, how much it was.He told her, and she turned to the young man.The latter was ashamed, and selfconscious.He turned his face away, though he left his body standing there, and muttered aside.

And again the woman anxiously and actively fingered the mattress and added up in her mind and bargained with the old, unclean man.All the while, the young man stood by, shamefaced and down-at-heel, submitting.

`Look,' said Birkin, `there is a pretty chair.'

`Charming!' cried Ursula.`Oh, charming.'

It was an arm-chair of simple wood, probably birch, but of such fine delicacy of grace, standing there on the sordid stones, it almost brought tears to the eyes.It was square in shape, of the purest, slender lines, and four short lines of wood in the back, that reminded Ursula of harpstrings.

`It was once,' said Birkin, `gilded -- and it had a cane seat.Somebody has nailed this wooden seat in.Look, here is a trifle of the red that underlay the gilt.The rest is all black, except where the wood is worn pure and glossy.It is the fine unity of the lines that is so attractive.

Look, how they run and meet and counteract.But of course the wooden seat is wrong -- it destroys the perfect lightness and unity in tension the cane gave.I like it though --'

`Ah yes,' said Ursula, `so do I.'

`How much is it?' Birkin asked the man.

`Ten shillings.'

`And you will send it --?'

It was bought.

`So beautiful, so pure!' Birkin said.`It almost breaks my heart.' They walked along between the heaps of rubbish.`My beloved country -- it had something to express even when it made that chair.'

`And hasn't it now?' asked Ursula.She was always angry when he took this tone.

`No, it hasn't.When I see that clear, beautiful chair, and I think of England, even Jane Austen's England -- it had living thoughts to unfold even then, and pure happiness in unfolding them.And now, we can only fish among the rubbish heaps for the remnants of their old expression.There is no production in us now, only sordid and foul mechanicalness.'

`It isn't true,' cried Ursula.`Why must you always praise the past, at the expense of the present? Really , I don't think so much of Jane Austen's England.It was materialistic enough, if you like --'

`It could afford to be materialistic,' said Birkin, `because it had the power to be something other -- which we haven't.We are materialistic because we haven't the power to be anything else -- try as we may, we can't bring off anything but materialism: mechanism, the very soul of materialism.'

Ursula was subdued into angry silence.She did not heed what he said.

She was rebelling against something else.

`And I hate your past.I'm sick of it,' she cried.`I believe I even hate that old chair, though it is beautiful.It isn't my sort of beauty.I wish it had been smashed up when its day was over, not left to preach the beloved past to us.I'm sick of the beloved past.'

`Not so sick as I am of the accursed present,' he said.

`Yes, just the same.I hate the present -- but I don't want the past to take its place -- I don't want that old chair.'

He was rather angry for a moment.Then he looked at the sky shining beyond the tower of the public baths, and he seemed to get over it all.

He laughed.

`All right,' he said, `then let us not have it.I'm sick of it all, too.At any rate one can't go on living on the old bones of beauty.'

`One can't,' she cried.`I don't want old things.'

`The truth is, we don't want things at all,' he replied.`The thought of a house and furniture of my own is hateful to me.'

This startled her for a moment.Then she replied:

`So it is to me.But one must live somewhere.'

`Not somewhere -- anywhere,' he said.`One should just live anywhere -- not have a definite place.I don't want a definite place.As soon as you get a room, and it is complete , you want to run from it.Now my rooms at the Mill are quite complete, I want them at the bottom of the sea.It is a horrible tyranny of a fixed milieu, where each piece of furniture is a commandment-stone.'

She clung to his arm as they walked away from the market.

`But what are we going to do?' she said.`We must live somehow.And I do want some beauty in my surroundings.I want a sort of natural grandeur even, splendour.'

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