

What then, what next? Was it sheer blind force of passion that would satisfy her now? Not this, but the subtle thrills of extreme sensation in reduction.It was an unbroken will reacting against her unbroken will in a myriad subtle thrills of reduction, the last subtle activities of analysis and breaking down, carried out in the darkness of her, whilst the outside form, the individual, was utterly unchanged, even sentimental in its poses.

But between two particular people, any two people on earth, the range of pure sensational experience is limited.The climax of sensual reaction, once reached in any direction, is reached finally, there is no going on.

There is only repetition possible, or the going apart of the two protagonists, or the subjugating of the one will to the other, or death.

Gerald had penetrated all the outer places of Gudrun's soul.He was to her the most crucial instance of the existing world, the ne plus ultra of the world of man as it existed for her.In him she knew the world, and had done with it.Knowing him finally she was the Alexander seeking new worlds.But there were no new worlds, there were no more men, there were only creatures, little, ultimate creatures like Loerke.The world was finished now, for her.There was only the inner, individual darkness, sensation within the ego, the obscene religious mystery of ultimate reduction, the mystic frictional activities of diabolic reducing down, disintegrating the vital organic body of life.

All this Gudrun knew in her subconsciousness, not in her mind.She knew her next step--she knew what she should move on to, when she left Gerald.

She was afraid of Gerald, that he might kill her.But she did not intend to be killed.A fine thread still united her to him.It should not be her death which broke it.She had further to go, a further, slow exquisite experience to reap, unthinkable subtleties of sensation to know, before she was finished.

Of the last series of subtleties, Gerald was not capable.He could not touch the quick of her.But where his ruder blows could not penetrate, the fine, insinuating blade of Loerke's insect-like comprehension could.

At least, it was time for her now to pass over to the other, the creature, the final craftsman.She knew that Loerke, in his innermost soul, was detached from everything, for him there was neither heaven nor earth nor hell.He admitted no allegiance, he gave no adherence anywhere.He was single and, by abstraction from the rest, absolute in himself.

Whereas in Gerald's soul there still lingered some attachment to the rest, to the whole.And this was his limitation.He was limited, borne, subject to his necessity, in the last issue, for goodness, for righteousness, for oneness with the ultimate purpose.That the ultimate purpose might be the perfect and subtle experience of the process of death, the will being kept unimpaired, that was not allowed in him.And this was his limitation.

There was a hovering triumph in Loerke, since Gudrun had denied her marriage with Gerald.The artist seemed to hover like a creature on the wing, waiting to settle.He did not approach Gudrun violently, he was never ill-timed.But carried on by a sure instinct in the complete darkness of his soul, he corresponded mystically with her, imperceptibly, but palpably.

For two days, he talked to her, continued the discussions of art, of life, in which they both found such pleasure.They praised the by-gone things, they took a sentimental, childish delight in the achieved perfections of the past.Particularly they liked the late eighteenth century, the period of Goethe and of Shelley, and Mozart.

They played with the past, and with the great figures of the past, a sort of little game of chess, or marionettes, all to please themselves.

They had all the great men for their marionettes, and they two were the God of the show, working it all.As for the future, that they never mentioned except one laughed out some mocking dream of the destruction of the world by a ridiculous catastrophe of man's invention: a man invented such a perfect explosive that it blew the earth in two, and the two halves set off in different directions through space, to the dismay of the inhabitants: or else the people of the world divided into two halves, and each half decided it was perfect and right, the other half was wrong and must be destroyed;so another end of the world.Or else, Loerke's dream of fear, the world went cold, and snow fell everywhere, and only white creatures, polar-bears, white foxes, and men like awful white snow-birds, persisted in ice cruelty.

Apart from these stories, they never talked of the future.They delighted most either in mocking imaginations of destruction, or in sentimental, fine marionette-shows of the past.It was a sentimental delight to reconstruct the world of Goethe at Weimar, or of Schiller and poverty and faithful love, or to see again Jean Jacques in his quakings, or Voltaire at Ferney, or Frederick the Great reading his own poetry.

They talked together for hours, of literature and sculpture and painting, amusing themselves with Flaxman and Blake and Fuseli, with tenderness, and with Feuerbach and Bocklin.It would take them a life-time, they felt to live again, in petto, the lives of the great artists.But they preferred to stay in the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries.

They talked in a mixture of languages.The ground-work was French, in either case.But he ended most of his sentences in a stumble of English and a conclusion of German, she skilfully wove herself to her end in whatever phrase came to her.She took a peculiar delight in this conversation.It was full of odd, fantastic expression, of double meanings, of evasions, of suggestive vagueness.It was a real physical pleasure to her to make this thread of conversation out of the different-coloured stands of three languages.

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