

Testimony to the same effect was given by several chemists who had analyzed the stomach and viscera of the dead man.There was a sediment of poison present, they admitted, and sufficient had been extracted in a free state to end the lives of several guinea pigs on which it had been tested.But as to the exact nature of the poison they could not yet say.More time for analysis was needed.

It was certain that Mr.Carwell had come to his death by an active agent in the nature of some substance, as yet unknown, which he either swallowed purposely, by accident, or because some one gave it to him either knowingly or unknowingly.This was a sufficiently broad hypothesis on which to base almost anything, thought Colonel Ashley, ashe sat and listened in the corner of the improvised courtroom.

There was a stir of excitement and anticipation when Viola was called, but beyond testifying that her father was in his usual health when he went with her to the golf game, she could throw no light on the puzzle, nor could the dead man's sister or any of the servants.

"Call Jean Forette," said the prosecutor, and the chauffeur, a decidedly nervous man on whom the excitement of testifying plainly told, came to the stand.

He made a poor showing, and there were several whispers that ran around the courtroom, but poor Jean's rather distressing manner was improved when Mr.Stryker took him in hand to question him.The prosecutor, observing that the man was more frightened than anything else, soon put him at his ease, and then the witness told a clear and connected story.He admitted frankly that because he had not the faculty, or, perhaps, the desire to drive the big, new car, he and his late employer were to part company at the end of the month.That was no secret, and there were no hard feelings on either side.It was in the course of business, and natural.

Yes, he had driven Mr.Carwell and his daughter to the links that day in the big red, white and blue machine.Mr.Carwell had been in his usual jolly spirits, and had greeted several acquaintances on the road.

Had they stopped at any place? Oh, yes.The golfer was thirsty, and halted at a roadhouse for a pint of champagne - his favorite wine.Jean had alighted from the car to get it for him, and Viola, recalled to the stand, testified that she had seen her father drink some of the bubbling liquor.It was obvious why she had not spoken of it before, and that point was not pressed.It was known she did not share her father's love for sports and high living.

A little delay was caused while the innkeeper was sent for, but pending his arrival some other unimportant witnesses were called, among them Major Wardell, who was Mr.Carwell's rival in the golf game.

Had he heard his friend speak of feeling ill? No, not until a moment before the final stroke was made.Then Mr.Carwell had said he felt "queer," and had acted as though dizzy.The major, who was himself quite a convivial spirit, attributed it to some highballs he and his friendhad had in the clubhouse just prior to the game.

Mr.Carwell had drunk nothing during his round of golf, and had associated during the progress of the game with no one except the players who were with him from the start to the finish.He was not seen to have taken any tablets or powders that might have contained poison, and a thorough search of his person and clothing after his death had revealed nothing.

At this point the innkeeper appeared.He testified to having served Mr.Carwell's chauffeur with a pint of champagne which Jean Forette was seen to carry directly from the cafe to the waiting automobile.The champagne was from a bottle newly opened, and the innkeeper himself had selected a clean glass and carefully washed it before pouring in the wine.He knew Mr.Carwell was fastidious about such matters, as he had often spent many hours in the roadhouse.

"LeGrand Blossom!"

Now something might come out.It was known that Blossom was Mr.Carwell's chief clerk, and more than one person knew of the impending partnership, for Mr.Carwell was rather talkative at times.

"Mr.Blossom," asked the prosecutor, after some preliminary questions, "it has been intimated - not here but outside - that the financial affairs of Mr.Carwell were not in such good shape as might be wished.Do you know anything about this?""I do, sir.

"Tell what you know."

"I know he was hard pushed for money, and had to get loans from the bank and otherwise.""Was that unusual?"

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    感谢订阅和红豆,新文《你比星河更倾城》开坑啦,欢迎小可爱跳坑~ 十三年,足以改变很多事情。无论是外貌,还是人心。槿城四大世家之一的夏家失踪了十三年的大小姐回来了。现在回来有什么用呢?她父亲夏二爷再娶的那位夫人在夏家地位超然,小时候定下的未婚夫和她的妹妹感情深厚……这位夏大小姐回来了还不是夹着尾巴做人?槿城世族大家的豪门太太们最近又有了新的谈资。关于夏家,关于夏家失踪了十三年的那位大小姐。此时,夏家老宅朱红色的大门缓缓打开,夏朝颜看着熟悉的故居,微微启唇,无声的吐出一句话——我回来了。——我回来了,那些曾经伤害过我的人,准备好迎接我了吗?夏朝颜vs霍清珣,甜宠无虐,男女主身心干净,就酱。
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