

A throng followed the silent figure, borne on the shoulders of some grounds workmen, but only club members were admitted to the house.And among them buzzed talk of the tragedy that had so suddenly ended the day of sports.

"He looked all right when he started to play," said one."Never saw him in better form, and some of his shots were marvelous.""He'd been drinking a little too much for a man to play his best, especially on a hot day," ventured another."He must have been taken ill from that, and the excitement of trying to win over the major, and itaffected his heart."

"Never knew him to have heart disease," declared Bruce Garrigan."Lots of us have it and don't know it," commented Tom Sharwell."Isuppose it will take an autopsy to decide.""Rather tough on Miss Carwell," was another comment."That's true !" several agreed.

The body of Horace Carwell was placed in one of the small card rooms, and the door locked.Then followed some quick telephoning on the part of Dr.Baird, who had recently joined the golf club, and who had arrived at the clubhouse shortly before Mr.Carwell dropped dead.It was at the suggestion of Harry Bartlett that Dr.Addison Lambert, the Carwell family physician, was sent for, and that rather aged practitioner arrived as soon as possible.

He was taken in to view the body, together with Dr.Baird, who was almost pathetically deferential to his senior colleague.The two medical men were together in the room with the body for some time, and when they came out Viola Carwell was there to meet them.Dr.Lambert put his arms about her.He had known her all her life - since she first ventured into this world, in fact - and his manner was most fatherly.

"Oh, Uncle Add !" she murmured to him - for she had long called him by this endearing title - Oh, Uncle Add! What is it? Is my father - is he really - ""My dear little girl, your father is dead, I am sorry to say.You must be very brave, and bear up.Be the brave woman he would want you to be.""I will, Uncle Add.But, oh, it is so hard! He was all I had! Oh, what made him die?"She questioned almost as a little child might have done.

"That I don't know, my dear," answered Dr.Lambert gently."We shall have to find that out later by - Well, we'll find out later, Dr.Baird andI.You had better go home now.I'll have your car brought around.Is that - that Frenchman here - your chauffeur?""Yes, he was here a little while ago.But I had rather not go home with him - at least, unless some one else comes with me.I don't like - Idon't like that big, new car.

"If you will come with me, Viola - " began Bartlett.

"Yes, Harry, I'll go with you.Oh, poor Aunt Mary! This will be a terrible shock to her.I - ""I'll telephone, offered Dr.Lambert."She'll know when you arrive.And I'll be over to see you, Viola, as soon as I make some arrangements.""And will you look after - after poor father?" "Yes, you may leave it all to me.

And so, while the body of the dead clubman remained at the nineteenth hole, Viola Carwell was taken to The Haven by Harry Bartlett, while Captain Poland, nodding farewell to LeGrand Blossom and some of his other friends, left the grounds in his gray car.

And as he rode down past the inlet where the tide was now running out to the sea, he saw an osprey dart down and strike at an unseen fish.

But the bird rose with dripping pinions, its talons empty."You didn't get any one that time!" murmured the captain.

  • 蔷薇


  • The Provincial Letters

    The Provincial Letters

  • 佛说阿弥陀佛根本秘密神咒经


  • 最上乘论


  • 纯正蒙求


  • 小人物日记


  • 名胜奇迹(走进科学)


  • 世界上最著名的童话寓言故事


  • 爱你入毒刺骨


  • 子不语


  • 冷血丹


  • 恍惚(中篇小说)


  • 天价宠婚:豪门阔少小甜心


  • 亿万老公甜蜜蜜


  • 九州天启

