

"Come," said Colonel Parker, with apparent unconsciousness of the effect of his disclosure, "let us begin frankly.You have, I believe, some anxiety in regard to the mental condition of Don Jose.""We believe him to be mad," said Padre Felipe promptly, "irresponsible, possessed!""That is your opinion; good," said the lawyer quietly."And ours too," clamored the party, "without doubt.""Good," returned the lawyer with perfect cheerfulness."As his relations, you have no doubt had superior opportunities for observing his condition.I understand also that you may think it necessary to have him legally declared non compos, a proceeding which, you are aware, might result in the incarceration of our distinguished friend in a mad-house.""Pardon, Senor," interrupted Dona Maria proudly, "you do not comprehend the family.When a Sepulvida is visited of God we do not ask the Government to confine him like a criminal.We protect him in his own house from the consequences of his frenzy.""From the machinations of the worldly and heretical," broke in the priest, "and from the waste and dispersion of inherited possessions.""Very true," continued Colonel Parker, with unalterable good-humor; "but I was only about to say that there might be conflicting evidence of his condition.For instance, our friend has been here three days.In that time he has had three interviews with three individuals under singular circumstances." Colonel Parker then briefly recounted the episodes of the landlord, the gambler, Miss Jenkinson and the poetess, as they had been related to him."Yet," he continued, "all but one of these individuals are willing to swear that they not only believe Don Jose perfectly sane, butendowed with a singularly sound judgment.In fact, the testimony of Mr.Hamlin and Miss Jenkinson is remarkably clear on that subject."The company exchanged a supercilious smile."Do you not see, O Senor Advocate," said Don Vincente compassionately, "that this is but a conspiracy to avail themselves of our relative's weakness.Of a necessity they find him sane who benefits them.""I have thought of that, and am glad to hear you say so," returned the lawyer still more cheerfully, "for your prompt opinion emboldens me to be at once perfectly frank with you.Briefly then, Don Jose has summoned me here to make a final disposition of his property.In the carrying out of certain theories of his, which it is not my province to question, he has resolved upon comparative poverty for himself as best fitted for his purpose, and to employ his wealth solely for others.In fact, of all his vast possessions he retains for himself only an income sufficient for the bare necessaries of life.""And you have done this?" they asked in one voice."Not yet," said the lawyer.

"Blessed San Antonio, we have come in time!" ejaculated Dona Carmen."Another day and it would have been too late; it was an inspiration of the Blessed Innocents themselves," said Dona Maria, crossing herself."Can you longer doubt that this is the wildest madness?" said Father Felipe with flashing eyes.

"Yet," returned the lawyer, caressing his heavy beard with a meditative smile, "the ingenious fellow actually instanced the vows of YOUR OWN ORDER, reverend sir, as an example in support of his theory.But to be brief.Conceiving, then, that his holding of property was a mere accident of heritage, not admitted by him, unworthy his acceptance, and a relic of superstitious ignorance"--"This is the very sacrilege of Satanic prepossession," broke in the priest indignantly.

"He therefore," continued the lawyer composedly, "makes over and reverts the whole of his possessions, with the exceptions I have stated, to his family and the Church."A breathless and stupefying silence fell upon the company.In thedead hush the sound of Polly Jenkinson's piano, played in a distant room, could be distinctly heard.With their vacant eyes staring at him the speaker continued:

"That deed of gift I have drawn up as he dictated it.I don't mind saying that in the opinion of some he might be declared non compos upon the evidence of that alone.I need not say how relieved I am to find that your opinion coincides with my own.""But," gasped Father Felipe hurriedly, with a quick glance at the others, "it does not follow that it will be necessary to resort to these legal measures. Care, counsel, persuasion--""The general ministering of kinship--nursing, a woman's care--the instincts of affection," piped Dona Maria in breathless eagerness.

"Any light social distraction--a harmless flirtation--a possible attachment," suggested Dona Carmen shyly.

"Change of scene--active exercise--experiences--even as those you have related," broke in Don Vincente.

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