

"That's all right." I said, "but you'd better hurry off."He obeyed with alacrity, disappearing in the direction of the village, while I went on toward the orchard to find Lisbeth. And presently, sure enough, I did find her - that is to say, part of her, for the foliage of that particular tree happened to be very thick and I could see nothing of her but a foot.

A positively delicious foot it was, too, small and shapely, that swung audaciously to and fro; a foot in a ridiculously out-of-place little patent- leather shoe, with a sheen of slender silken ankle above.

I approached softly, with the soul of me in my eyes, so to speak, yet, despite my caution, she seemed to become aware of my presence in some way - the foot faltered in its swing and vanished as the leaves were parted and Lisbeth looked down at me.

"Oh, it's you?" she said, and I fancied she seemed quite pleased. "You'll find a step-ladder somewhere about - it can't be very far.""Thanks," I answered, "but I don't want one.""No; but I do; I want to get down. That little wretched Imp hid the ladder, and I've been here all the afternoon," she wailed.

"But then you refused to be an elephant, you know," I reminded her.

"He shall go to bed for it - directly after tea!" she said.

"Lisbeth," I returned, "I firmly believe your nature to be altogether too sweet and forgiving - ""I want to come down !"

"Certainly," I said; "put your left foot in my right hand, take firm hold of the branch above and let yourself sink gently into my arms.""Oh!" she exclaimed suddenly, "here's Mr. Selwyn coming," and following her glance, I saw a distant Panama approaching.

"Lisbeth," said I, "are you anxious to see him?" "In this ridiculous situation - of course not!""Very well then, hide - just sit there and leave matters to me and - " "Hush," she whispered, and at that moment Selwyn emerged into fullview.Catching sight of me he stopped in evident surprise.

"I was told I should find Miss Elizabeth here," he said stiffly.

"It would almost appear that you had been misinformed," I answered. For a moment he seemed undecided what to do. Would he go away? I wondered. Evidently not, for after glancing about him he sat himself down upon a rustic seat near-by with a certain resolute air that I did not like. I must get rid of him at all hazards.

"Sir," said I, "can I trespass on your generosity to the extent of a match or say a couple?" After a brief hesitation he drew out a very neat silver match-box, which he handed to me.

"A fine day, sir?" I said, puffing at my pipe. Mr. Selwyn made no reply.

"I hear that the crops are looking particularly healthy this year," I wenton.

Mr. Selwyn appeared to be utterly lost in the contemplation of anadjacent tree.

"To my mind an old apple tree is singularly picturesque," I began again, nice nobbly branches, don't you know."Mr. Selwyn began to fidget.

"And then," I pursued, "they tell me that apples are so good for the blood."Mr. Selwyn shifted his gaze to the toe of his riding boot, and for a space there was silence, so much so, indeed, that an inquisitive rabbit crept up and sat down to watch us with much interest, until - evidently remembering some pressing engagement - he disappeared with a flash of his white tail.

"Talking of rabbits," said I, "they are quite a pest in Australia, I believe, and are exterminated by the thousand; I have often wondered if a syndicate could not be formed to acquire the skins - this idea, so far as I know, is original, but you are quite welcome to it if - "Mr. Selwyn rose abruptly to his feet.

"I once in my boyhood possessed a rabbit - of the lop-eared variety," I continued, "which overate itself and died. I remember I attempted to skin it with dire results - ""Sir." said Mr. Selwyn. "I beg to inform you that I am not interested in rabbits, lop-eared or otherwise, nor do I propose to become so; furthermore - "But at this moment of my triumph, even as he turned to depart, something small and white fluttered down from the branches above, and the next moment Selwyn had stooped and picked up a lace handkerchief. Then, while he stared at it and I at him, there came a ripple of laughter and Lisbeth peered down at us through the leaves.

"My handkerchief-thank you," she said, as Selwyn stood somewhat taken aback by her sudden appearance. "The trees hereabouts certainly bear very remarkable, not to say delightful fruit," he said.

"And as you will remember, I was always particularly fond of apple trees," I interpolated.

"Mr. Selwyn," smiled Lisbeth, "let me introduce you to Mr. Brent." "Sir," said I, "I am delighted to make your acquaintance; have heard Her Grace of Chelsea speak of you - her friends are mine, I trust?"Mr.Selwyn's bow was rather more than distant.

"I have already had the pleasure of meeting this - this very original gentleman before, and under rather peculiar circumstances, Miss Elizabeth," he said, and forthwith plunged into an account of the wholeaffair of the "ambushes," while Lisbeth, perched upon her lofty throne, surveyed us with an ever-growing astonishment.

"Whatever does it all mean ?" she inquired as Mr. Selwyn made an end.

"You must know, then," I explained, leaning upon my quarter-staff, "the Imp took it into his head to become Robin Hood; I was Little-John, and Mr. Selwyn here was so very obliging as to enact the role of Sheriff of Nottingham - ""I beg your pardon," exc1aimed Mr. Selwyn indignantly, turning upon me with a fiery eye.

  • 鉴湖说


  • 佛治身经


  • 大藏正教血盆经


  • 立斋闲录


  • The Heritage of the Desert

    The Heritage of the Desert

  • 我的致富经:广西农村青年创业成才案例汇编


  • 谁,拿走了我的安琪儿


  • 世界最具英雄性的军事将帅(4)


  • 在诸天中寻找


  • 重生皇后很嚣张


  • 雪球专刊第042期:投资7堂课


  • 手写情书


  • 疯狂升级系统


  • 诡都魔域


  • 煤老板自述30年:煤老板眼中的世道与人生

