

Eyatonkawee was among the women, and heard their expressions of anxiety as the voices of the men rose louder and more threatening. Some carried their children away into the woods for safety, while others sought speech with their husbands outside the council lodge and besought them to come away in time. But more than this was needed to cope with the emergency. Suddenly a familiar form appeared in the door of the council lodge.

"Is it becoming in a warrior to spill the blood of his tribesmen? Are there no longer any Ojibways?"It was the voice of Eyatonkawee, that strong- hearted woman! Advancing at the critical mo- ment to the middle of the ring of warriors, she once more recited her "brave deed" with all the accompaniment of action and gesture, and to such effect that the disorderly feast broke up inconfusion, and there was peace between the rival bands of Sioux.

There was seldom a dangerous quarrel among the Indians in those days that was not precipi- tated by the use of strong liquor, and this sim- ple Indian woman, whose good judgment was equal to her courage, fully recognized this fact. All her life, and especially after her favorite brother had been killed in a drunken brawl in the early days of the American Fur Company, she was a determined enemy to strong drink, and it is said did more to prevent its use among her immediate band than any other person. Be- ing a woman, her sole means of recognition was the "brave deed" which she so wonderfully described and enacted before the people. During the lifetime of She-whose-Voice-is- heard-afar--and she died only a few years ago --it behooved the Sioux men, if they drank at all, to drink secretly and in moderation. There are many who remember her brave entrance upon the scene of carousal, and her dramatic recital of the immortal deed of her youth.

"Hanta! hanta wo! (Out of the way!)" exclaim the dismayed warriors, scrambling in every direction to avoid the upraised arm of the terrible old woman, who bursts suddenly upon them with disheveled hair, her gown torn and streaked here and there with what looks like fresh blood, her leather leggins loose and ungartered, as if newly come from the famous struggle. One of the men has a keg of whisky for which he has given a pony, and the others have been invited in for a night of pleasure. But scarcely has the first round been drunk to the toast of "great deeds," when Eyatonkawee is upon them, her great knife held high in her wrinkled left hand, her tomahawk in the right. Her black eyes gleam as she declaims in a voice strong, unterrified:

"Look! look! brothers and husbands--the Sacs and Foxes are upon us! Behold, our braves are surprised--they are unprepared! Hear the mothers, the wives and the children screaming in affright!

"Your brave sister, Eyatonkawee, she, the newly made mother, is serving the smoking venison to her husband,just returned from the chase! Ah, he plunges into the thickest of the enemy! He falls, he falls, in full view of his young wife!

"She desperately presses her babe to her breast, while on they comeyelling and triumphant! The foremost of them all enters her white buffalo- skin teepee: Tossing her babe at the warrior's feet, she stands before him, defiant; But he straightway levels his spear at her bosom. Quickly she springs aside, and as quickly deals a deadly blow with her ax: Falls at her feet the mighty warrior!

"Closely following on comes another, unknowing what fate has met his fellow! He too enters her teepee, and upon his feather-decked head her ax falls-- Only his death-groan replies!

"Another of heroic size and great prowess, as witnessed by his war- bonnet of eagle-feathers, Rushes on, yelling and whooping--for they believe that victory is with them! The third great warrior who has dared to enter Eyatonkawee's teepee uninvited, he has already dispatched her husband! He it is whose terrible war-cry has scattered her sisters among the trees of the forest!

"On he comes with confidence and a brave heart, seeking one more bloody deed-- One more feather to win for his head! Behold, he lifts above her woman's head his battle-ax! No hope, no chance for her life! . . . Ah! he strikes beyond her--only the handle of the ax falls heavily upon her tired shoulder! Her ready knife finds his wicked heart,-- Down he falls at her feet!

"Now the din of war grows fainter and further. The Sioux recover heart, and drive the enemy headlong from their lodges: Your sister stands victorious over three! "She takes her baby boy, and makes him count with his tiny hands the first 'coup' on each dead hero; Hence he wears the 'first feathers' while yet in his oaken cradle.

"The bravest of the whole Sioux nation have given the war-whoop in your sister's honor, and have said: 'Tis Eyatonkawee who is not satisfied with downing the mighty oaks with her ax-- She took the mighty Sacs and Foxes for trees, and she felled them with a will!'"In such fashion the old woman was wont to chant her story, and not a warrior there could tell one to surpass it! The custom was strong, and there was not one to prevent her when she struck open with a single blow of her ax the keg of whisky, and the precious liquor trickled upon the ground.

"So trickles under the ax of Eyatonkawee the blood of an enemy to the Sioux!"

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  • 誓言(吸血鬼日志系列#7)


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