纯爱里的花朵肆意开放,馨香了整个懵懂季节。人生在迷藏里的暖爱,就是向上的力量吧。多少在外人看来的若无其事,心底里早已暗涌澎湃。清亮的人组合的清亮故事,像现实里折射的光,丰满了文字的世界,小心翼翼守护着的人,在远方的问候里,会有迟到的答案。谁的青春里没有雷阵雨呢?青春期里一度的不完美,在成长的岔路口,总是有不满意横亘脚前,凌乱的自卑与忧伤是青春的主旋律吧,只是遇到了这个人,就想要把自己变得更好。所有的故事,都是一句话的温暖,开头和结尾都是自己的坚持,就这样一句话一个标点,把所有的经过再细数一遍。Daddy, We Hardly Knew You
Influential feminist writer and intellectual Germaine Greer tracks the life of her father, an Australian intelligence officer during World War II, who died in her childhood. A secretive man, Reg Greer took pains to hide his working-class roots. As she painstakingly assembles the jigsaw pieces of his life, Germaine discovers surprising secrets about her father, her family, and herself.Obsessed with family history, Greer is chasing not just her father's life story, but the parental love she always felt deprived of. Brimming with emotion, loss, regret, fury, and the intense depth of love, this book offers a moving climax--as well as sharp observations about Australian culture during the war.哈珀·李作品集(全两册)