

"But oh, my friends, think you our guides, our native attendants, deep- sunk in heathenism, were affected by such a scene? No.The devil's hand was upon them.Utterly regardless and unimpressed, they were only careful about their supper, chatted about their raw fish, and stretched themselves upon their mats to sleep.Children of the devil they were, insensible to the beauties, the sublimities, and the awful terror of God's works.But you are not heathen I now address.What is a heathen? He is one who betrays a stupid insensibility to every elevated idea and to every elevated emotion.If you wish to awaken his attention, do not bid him to look down into the Pit of Hell.But present him with a calabash of poi, a raw fish, or invite him to some low, grovelling, and sensuous sport.Oh, my friends, how lost are they to all that elevates the immortal soul! But the preacher and I, sad and sick at heart for them, gazed down into hell.Oh, my friends, it WAS hell, the hell of the Scriptures, the hell of eternal torment for the undeserving..."Alice Akana was in an ecstasy or hysteria of terror.She was mumbling incoherently: "O Lord, I will give nine-tenths of my all.I will give all.I will give even the two bolts of pina cloth, the mandarin coat, and the entire dozen silk stockings..."By the time she could lend ear again, Abel Ah Yo was launching out on his famous definition of eternity.

"Eternity is a long time, my friends.God lives, and, therefore, God lives inside eternity.And God is very old.The fires of hell are as old and as everlasting as God.How else could there be everlasting torment for those sinners cast down by God into the Pit on the Last Day to burn for ever and for ever through all eternity? Oh, my friends, your minds are small--too small to grasp eternity.Yet is it given to me, by God's grace, toconvey to you an understanding of a tiny bit of eternity.

"The grains of sand on the beach of Waikiki are as many as the stars, and more.No man may count them.Did he have a million lives in which to count them, he would have to ask for more time.Now let us consider a little, dinky, old minah bird with one broken wing that cannot fly.At Waikiki the minah bird that cannot fly takes one grain of sand in its beak and hops, hops, all day lone and for many days, all the day to Pearl Harbour and drops that one grain of sand into the harbour.Then it hops, hops, all day and for many days, all the way back to Waikiki for another grain of sand.And again it hops, hops all the way back to Pearl Harbour.And it continues to do this through the years and centuries, and the thousands and thousands of centuries, until, at last, there remains not one grain of sand at Waikiki and Pearl Harbour is filled up with land and growing coconuts and pine-apples.And then, oh my friends, even then, IT WOULD NOT YET BE SUNRISE IN HELL!

Here, at the smashing impact of so abrupt a climax, unable to withstand the sheer simplicity and objectivity of such artful measurement of a trifle of eternity, Alice Akana's mind broke down and blew up.She uprose, reeled blindly, and stumbled to her knees at the penitent form.Abel Ah Yo had not finished his preaching, but it was his gift to know crowd psychology, and to feel the heat of the pentecostal conflagration that scorched his audience.He called for a rousing revival hymn from his singers, and stepped down to wade among the hallelujah-shouting negro soldiers to Alice Akana.And, ere the excitement began to ebb, nine-tenths of his congregation and all his converts were down on knees and praying and shouting aloud an immensity of contriteness and sin.

Word came, via telephone, almost simultaneously to the Pacific and University Clubs, that at last Alice was telling her soul in meeting; and, by private machine and taxi-cab, for the first time Abel Ah Yo's revival was invaded by those of caste and place.The first comers beheld the curious sight of Hawaiian, Chinese, and all variegated racial mixtures of the smelting-pot of Hawaii, men and women, fading out and slinking away through the exits of Abel Ah Yo's tabernacle.But those who were sneaking out were mostly men, while those who remained were avid-facedas they hung on Alice's utterance.

Never was a more fearful and damning community narrative enunciated in the entire Pacific, north and south, than that enunciated by Alice Akana; the penitent Phryne of Honolulu.

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