

The tourist women, under the hau tree arbour that lines the Moana hotel beach, gasped when Lee Barton and his wife Ida emerged from the bath-house.And as the pair walked past them and down to the sand, they continued to gasp.Not that there was anything about Lee Barton provocative of gasps.The tourist women were not of the sort to gasp at sight of a mere man's swimming-suited body, no matter with what swelling splendour of line and muscle such body was invested.Nevertheless, trainers and conditioners of men would have drawn deep breaths of satisfaction at contemplation of the physical spectacle of him.But they would not have gasped in the way the women did, whose gasps were indicative of moral shock.

Ida Barton was the cause of their perturbation and disapproval.They disapproved, seriously so, at the first instant's glimpse of her.They thought--such ardent self-deceivers were they--that they were shocked by her swimming suit.But Freud has pointed out how persons, where sex is involved, are prone sincerely to substitute one thing for another thing, and to agonize over the substituted thing as strenuously as if it were the real thing.

Ida Barton's swimming suit was a very nice one, as women's suits go.Of thinnest of firm-woven black wool, with white trimmings and a white belt-line, it was high-throated, short-sleeved, and brief- skirted.Brief as was the skirt, the leg-tights were no less brief.Yet on the beach in front of the adjacent Outrigger Club, and entering and leaving the water, a score of women, not provoking gasping notice, were more daringly garbed.Their men's suits, as brief of leg-tights and skirts, fitted them as snugly, but were sleeveless after the way of men's suits, the arm-holes deeply low- cut and in-cut, and, by the exposed armpits, advertiseful that the wearers were accustomed to 1916 decollete.

So it was not Ida Barton's suit, although the women deceived themselves into thinking it was.It was, first of all, say her legs; or, firstof all, say the totality of her, the sweet and brilliant jewel of her femininity bursting upon them.Dowager, matron, and maid, conserving their soft- fat muscles or protecting their hot-house complexions in the shade of the hau-tree arbour, felt the immediate challenge of her.She was menace as well, an affront of superiority in their own chosen and variously successful game of life.

But they did not say it.They did not permit themselves to think it.They thought it was the suit, and said so to one another, ignoring the twenty women more daringly clad but less perilously beautiful.Could one have winnowed out of the souls of these disapproving ones what lay at bottom of their condemnation of her suit, it would have been found to be the sex-jealous thought: THAT NO WOMAN, SO BEAUTIFUL AS THIS ONE, SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO SHOW HER BEAUTY.Itwas not fair to them.What chance had they in the conquering of males with so dangerous a rival in the foreground?

They were justified.As Stanley Patterson said to his wife, where the two of them lolled wet in the sand by the tiny fresh-water stream that the Bartons waded in order to gain the Outrigger Club beach:

"Lord god of models and marvels, behold them! My dear, did you ever see two such legs on one small woman! Look at the roundness and taperingness.They're boy's legs.I've seen featherweights go into the ring with legs like those.And they're all-woman's legs, too.Never mistake them in the world.The arc of the front line of that upper leg! And the balanced adequate fullness at the back! And the way the opposing curves slender in to the knee that IS a knee! Makes my fingers itch.Wish I had some clay right now.""It's a true human knee," his wife concurred, no less breathlessly; for, like her husband, she was a sculptor."Look at the joint of it working under the skin.It's got form, and blessedly is not covered by a bag of fat." She paused to sigh, thinking of her own knees."It's correct, and beautiful, and dainty.Charm! If ever I beheld the charm of flesh, it is now.I wonder who she is."Stanley Patterson, gazing ardently, took up his half of the chorus."Notice that the round muscle-pads on the inner sides that make mostwomen appear knock-kneed are missing.They're boy's legs, firm and sure--""And sweet woman's legs, soft and round," his wife hastened to balance."And look, Stanley! See how she walks on the balls of her feet.It makes her seem light as swan's down.Each step seems just a little above the earth, and each other step seems just a little higher above until you get the impression she is flying, or just about to rise and begin flying..."So Stanley and Mrs.Patterson.But they were artists, with eyes therefore unlike the next batteries of human eyes Ida Barton was compelled to run, and that laired on the Outrigger lanais (verandas) and in the hau-tree shade of the closely adjoining seaside.The majority of the Outrigger audience was composed, not of tourist guests, but of club members and old-timers in Hawaii.And even the old-times women gasped.

"It's positively indecent," said Mrs.Hanley Black to her husband, herself a too-stout-in-the-middle matron of forty-five, who had been born in the Hawaiian islands, and who had never heard of Ostend.

Hanley Black surveyed his wife's criminal shapelessness and voluminousness of antediluvian, New-England swimming dress with a withering, contemplative eye.They had been married a sufficient number of years for him frankly to utter his judgment.

"That strange woman's suit makes your own look indecent.You appear as a creature shameful, under a grotesqueness of apparel striving to hide some secret awfulness.""She carries her body like a Spanish dancer," Mrs.Patterson said to her husband, for the pair of them had waded the little stream in pursuit of the vision.

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