

Quite a party of half a dozen machines were starting for Waikiki, and he found himself billeted to drive the Leslies and Burnstons home, though he did not fail to note that Ida sat in the driver's seat with Sonny in Sonny's car.Thus, she was home ahead of him and brushing her hair when he arrived.The parting of bed-going was usual, on the face of it, although he was almost rigid in his successful effort for casualness as he remembered whose lips had pressed hers last before his.

Was, then, woman the utterly unmoral creature as depicted by the German pessimists? he asked himself, as he tossed under his reading lamp, unable to sleep or read.At the end of an hour he was out of bed, and into his medicine case.Five grains of opium he took straight.An hour later, afraid of his thoughts and the prospect of a sleepless night, he took another grain.At one-hour intervals he twice repeated the grain dosage.But so slow was the action of the drug that dawn had broken ere his eyes closed.

At seven he was awake again, dry-mouthed, feeling stupid and drowsy, yet incapable of dozing off for more than several minutes at a time.He abandoned the idea of sleep, ate breakfast in bed, and devoted himself to the morning papers and the magazines.But the drug effect held, and he continued briefly to doze through his eating and reading.It was the same when he showered and dressed, and, though the drug had brought him little forgetfulness during the night, he felt grateful for the dreaming lethargy with which it possessed him through the morning.

It was when his wife arose, her serene and usual self, and came in to him, smiling and roguish, delectable in her kimono, that the whim- madness of the opium in his system seized upon him.When she had clearly and simply shown that she had nothing to tell him under their ancient compact of frankness, he began building his opium lie.Asked how he had slept, he replied:

"Miserably.Twice I was routed wide awake with cramps in my feet.I was almost too afraid to sleep again.But they didn't come back, though my feet are sorer than blazes.""Last year you had them," she reminded him.

"Maybe it's going to become a seasonal affliction," he smiled."They're not serious, but they're horrible to wake up to.They won't come again till to-night, if they come at all, but in the meantime I feel as if I had been bastinadoed."In the afternoon of the same day, Lee and Ida Barton made their shallow dive from the Outrigger beach, and went on, at a steady stroke, past the diving-stage to the big water beyond the Kanaka Surf.So quiet was the sea that when, after a couple of hours, they turned and lazily started shoreward through the Kanaka Surf they had it all to themselves.The breakers were not large enough to be exciting, and the last languid surf-boarders and canoeists had gone in to shore.Suddenly, Lee turned over on his back.

"What is it?" Ida called from twenty feet away.

"My foot--cramp," he answered calmly, though the words were twisted out through clenched jaws of control.

The opium still had its dreamy way with him, and he was without excitement.He watched her swimming toward him with so steady and unperturbed a stroke that he admired her own self-control, although at the same time doubt stabbed him with the thought that it was because she cared so little for him, or, rather, so much immediately more for Grandison.

"Which foot?" she asked, as she dropped her legs down and began treading water beside him.

"The left one--ouch!Now it's both of them."He doubled his knees, as if involuntarily raised his head and chest forward out of the water, and sank out of sight in the down-wash of a scarcely cresting breaker.Under no more than a brief several seconds, he emerged spluttering and stretched out on his back again.

Almost he grinned, although he managed to turn the grin into a pain- grimace, for his simulated cramp had become real.At least in one foot it had, and the muscles convulsed painfully.

"The right is the worst," he muttered, as she evinced her intention of laying hands on his cramp and rubbing it out."But you'd better keep away.I've had cramps before, and I know I'm liable to grab you if theseget any worse."

Instead, she laid her hands on the hard-knotted muscles, and began to rub and press and bend.

"Please," he gritted through his teeth."You must keep away.Just let me lie out here--I'll bend the ankle and toe-joints in the opposite ways and make it pass.I've done it before and know how to work it."She released him, remaining close beside him and easily treading water, her eyes upon his face to judge the progress of his own attempt at remedy.But Lee Barton deliberately bent joints and tensed muscles in the directions that would increase the cramp.In his bout the preceding year with the affliction, he had learned, lying in bed and reading when seized, to relax and bend the cramps away without even disturbing his reading.But now he did the thing in reverse, intensifying the cramp, and, to his startled delight, causing it to leap into his right calf.He cried out with anguish, apparently lost control of himself, attempted to sit up, and was washed under by the next wave.

He came up, spluttered, spread-eagled on the surface, and had his knotted calf gripped by the strong fingers of both Ida's small hands.

"It's all right," she said, while she worked."No cramp like this lasts very long.""I didn't know it could be so savage," he groaned."If only it doesn't go higher!It makes one feel so helpless."He gripped the biceps of both her arms in a sudden spasm, attempting to climb out upon her as a drowning man might try to climb out on an oar and sinking her down under him.In the struggle under water, before he permitted her to wrench clear, her rubber cap was torn off, and her hairpins pulled out, so that she came up gasping for air and half-blinded by her wet-clinging hair.Also, he was certain he had surprised her into taking in a quantity of water."Keepaway!"hewarned,ashespread-eagledwithacteddesperateness.

  • 好逑传


  • 难经经释


  • 外科发挥


  • 长歌行


  • 玄真灵应宝签


  • 重生之女导演


  • 皇上大人赏个脸


  • 第一女商:盛世耀倾城


  • 上一次温暖入睡的时候


  • 将上当进行到底(微小增刊幽默篇)


  • 最强Q币助手


  • 大雪之前


  • 冷帝追宠:嚣张邪妻不为后


  • 中医儿科处方手册


  • 某生物正虎视眈眈盯着我们

