

To say the least, Mrs.Sayther's career in Dawson was meteoric.

She arrived in the spring, with dog sleds and French-Canadian voyageurs, blazed gloriously for a brief month, and departed up the river as soon as it was free of ice.Now womanless Dawson never quite understood this hurried departure, and the local Four Hundred felt aggrieved and lonely till the Nome strike was made and old sensations gave way to new.For it had delighted in Mrs.

Sayther, and received her wide-armed.She was pretty, charming, and, moreover, a widow.And because of this she at once had at heel any number of Eldorado Kings, officials, and adventuring younger sons, whose ears were yearning for the frou-frou of a woman's skirts.

The mining engineers revered the memory of her husband, the late Colonel Sayther, while the syndicate and promoter representatives spoke awesomely of his deals and manipulations; for he was known down in the States as a great mining man, and as even a greater one in London.Why his widow, of all women, should have come into the country, was the great interrogation.But they were a practical breed, the men of the Northland, with a wholesome disregard for theories and a firm grip on facts.And to not a few of them Karen Sayther was a most essential fact.That she did not regard the matter in this light, is evidenced by the neatness and celerity with which refusal and proposal tallied off during her four weeks' stay.And with her vanished the fact, and only the interrogation remained.

To the solution, Chance vouchsafed one clew.Her last victim, Jack Coughran, having fruitlessly laid at her feet both his heart and a five-hundred-foot creek claim on Bonanza, celebrated the misfortune by walking all of a night with the gods.In the midwatch of this night he happened to rub shoulders with Pierre Fontaine, none other than head man of Karen Sayther's voyageurs.

This rubbing of shoulders led to recognition and drinks, and ultimately involved both men in a common muddle of inebriety.

"Heh?" Pierre Fontaine later on gurgled thickly."Vot for Madame Sayther mak visitation to thees country? More better you spik wit her.I know no t'ing 'tall, only all de tam her ask one man's name.'Pierre,' her spik wit me; 'Pierre, you moos' find thees mans, and I gif you mooch--one thousand dollar you find thees mans.' Thees mans? Ah, oui.Thees man's name--vot you call--Daveed Payne.Oui, m'sieu, Daveed Payne.All de tam her spik das name.And all de tam I look rount vaire mooch, work lak hell, but no can find das dam mans, and no get one thousand dollar 'tall.

By dam!

"Heh? Ah, oui.One tam dose mens vot come from Circle City, dose mens know thees mans.Him Birch Creek, dey spik.And madame?

Her say 'Bon!' and look happy lak anyt'ing.And her spik wit me.

'Pierre,' her spik, 'harness de dogs.We go queek.We find thees mans I gif you one thousand dollar more.' And I say, 'Oui, queek!

Allons, madame!'

"For sure, I t'ink, das two thousand dollar mine.Bully boy! Den more mens come from Circle City, and dey say no, das thees mans, Daveed Payne, come Dawson leel tam back.So madame and I go not 'tall.

"Oui, m'sieu.Thees day madame spik.'Pierre,' her spik, and gif me five hundred dollar, 'go buy poling-boat.To-morrow we go up de river.' Ah, oui, to-morrow, up de river, and das dam Sitka Charley mak me pay for de poling-boat five hundred dollar.Dam!"Thus it was, when Jack Coughran unburdened himself next day, that Dawson fell to wondering who was this David Payne, and in what way his existence bore upon Karen Sayther's.But that very day, as Pierre Fontaine had said, Mrs.Sayther and her barbaric crew of voyageurs towed up the east bank to Klondike City, shot across to the west bank to escape the bluffs, and disappeared amid the maze of islands to the south.

"Oui, madame, thees is de place.One, two, t'ree island below Stuart River.Thees is t'ree island."As he spoke, Pierre Fontaine drove his pole against the bank and held the stern of the boat against the current.This thrust the bow in, till a nimble breed climbed ashore with the painter and made fast.

"One leel tam, madame, I go look see."

A chorus of dogs marked his disappearance over the edge of the bank, but a minute later he was back again.

"Oui, madame, thees is de cabin.I mak investigation.No can find mans at home.But him no go vaire far, vaire long, or him no leave dogs.Him come queek, you bet!""Help me out, Pierre.I'm tired all over from the boat.You might have made it softer, you know."From a nest of furs amidships, Karen Sayther rose to her full height of slender fairness.But if she looked lily-frail in her elemental environment, she was belied by the grip she put upon Pierre's hand, by the knotting of her woman's biceps as it took the weight of her body, by the splendid effort of her limbs as they held her out from the perpendicular bank while she made the ascent.Though shapely flesh clothed delicate frame, her body was a seat of strength.

Still, for all the careless ease with which she had made the landing, there was a warmer color than usual to her face, and a perceptibly extra beat to her heart.But then, also, it was with a certain reverent curiousness that she approached the cabin, while the Hush on her cheek showed a yet riper mellowness.

"Look, see!" Pierre pointed to the scattered chips by the woodpile."Him fresh--two, t'ree day, no more."Mrs.Sayther nodded.She tried to peer through the small window, but it was made of greased parchment which admitted light while it blocked vision.Failing this, she went round to the door, half lifted the rude latch to enter, but changed her mind and let it fall back into place.Then she suddenly dropped on one knee and kissed the rough-hewn threshold.If Pierre Fontaine saw, he gave no sign, and the memory in the time to come was never shared.But the next instant, one of the boatmen, placidly lighting his pipe, was startled by an unwonted harshness in his captain's voice.

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