

"Then I know it can't be very bad," she made haste to answer."You had better read it and see.""I don't understand business at all," she said"But--sometimes it almost frightens me.Business isn't really like war, is it?""A good deal like it.But that need not frighten you.All life is a battle-- sometimes, at least.Success implies fighting.""And does that in turn imply tragedy--for the loser?""Not if one is a good loser.We lose and make another start.""But if success is a battle, it must be gained at the expense of another.""Sometimes.But you must look at it in a big way." The secretary of the trust magnate had come in and was in low-toned conversation with him.The visitor led her to the nearest window and drew back the curtains so that they looked down on the lusty life of the turbid young city, at the lights in the distant smelters and mills, at the great hill opposite, with its slagdumps, gallows-frames and shaft-houses black against the dim light, which had yielded its millions and millions of tons of ore for the use of mankind."All this had to be fought for.It didn't grow of itself.And because men fought for it, the place is what it is.Sixty thousand people live here, fed by the results of the battle.The highest wages in the world are paid the miners here.They live in rough comfort and plenty, whereas in the countries they came from they were underpaid and underfed.Is that not good?""Yes," she admitted.

"Life for you and for me must be different, thank God.You are in the world to make for the happiness of those you meet.That is good.But unless I am to run away from my work, what I do must make some unhappy.I can't help that if I am to do big things.When you hear people talking of the harm I do, you will remember what I have told you to-night, and you will think that a man and his work cannot be judged by isolated fragments.""Yes," she breathed softly, for she knew that this man was saying good-by to her and was making his apologia.

"And you will remember that no matter how bitter the fight may grow between me and Mr.Harley, it has nothing to do with you.We shall still be friends, though we may never meet again.""I shall remember that, too," he heard her murmur.

"You have been hoping that Mr.Harley and I would be friends.That is impossible.He came out here to crush me.For years his subordinates have tried to do this and failed.I am the only man alive that has ever resisted him successfully.I don't underestimate his power, which is greater than any czar or emperor that ever lived, but I don't think he will succeed.I shall win because I understand the forces against me.He will lose because he scorns those against him.""I am sorry.Oh, I am so sorry," she wailed, gently as a breath of summer wind.For she saw now that the cleavage between them was too wide for a girl's efforts to bridge.

"That I am going to win?" he smiled gravely.

"That you must be enemies; that he came here to ruin you, since you say he did.""You need not be too hard on him for that.By his code I am a freebooter and a highwayman.Business offers legitimate ways of robbery, and I transgress them.His ways are not my ways, and mine are not his, but it is only fair to say that his are the accepted ones.""I don't understand it at all.You are both good men.I know you are.Surely you need not be enemies."But she knew she could hope for no reassurance from the man besideher.

Presently she led him back across the big room to the fireplace nearwhere her husband lay.His secretary had gone, and he was lying resting on the lounge.He opened his eyes and smiled at her."Has Mr.Ridgway been pointing out to you the places of interest?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, dear." The last word came hesitantly after the slightest of pauses."He says he must be going now."The head of the greatest trust on earth got to his feet and smiled benignantly as he shook hands with the departing guest."I shall hope to see you very soon and have a talk regarding business, Mr.Ridgway," he said.

"Whenever you like, Mr.Harley." To the girl he said merely, "Good night," and was gone.

The old man put an arm affectionately across his young wife's shoulder.

"Shall we read another psalm, my dear? Or are you tired?"She repressed the little shiver that ran through her before she answered wearily."I am a little tired.If you don't mind I would like to retire, please."He saw her as far as the door of her apartments and left her with her maid after he had kissed the cold cheek she dutifully turned toward him.

  • 安广县乡土志


  • 明伦汇编官常典给谏部


  • 经稗


  • 洞真黄书


  • 十住毗婆沙论


  • 经济学改变你的生活


  • 换个环境


    孙本林从软席车厢走下来,看见迎面走来了市里接站的领导,有宜县上级主管市的市委副书记张克英。张克英是从市委宣传部长位置上提起来的,在省文代会作代会上,张克英作为该市的领队与孙本林打过交道,彼此之间还挺熟悉。 孙本林稍稍地迟疑一下,落在了其他人的身后。市里的领导与前面的几个人热情握手寒暄,互相介绍着认识的领导。这时张克英看到躲在后面的孙本林,伸过手去,说:“孙主席,怎么站在后面了,你是不想与我们见面吗?” 经张克英这么一说,孙本林觉得有些难为情,忙上前握住了张克英的手,说:“哪呀,张书记,这不是还没轮到我么。”
  • 中药学知识问答


  • 人生何必太较真


    庄之鱼的《人生何必太较真》通过对每个人都要面对的问题,譬如伤害、金钱、幸福、得失、挫折、名利等九大方面,进行了深入的阐述,结合发人深思的故事和案例,《人生何必太较真》旨在让读者在品味别人的人生经历中,领略到为人处世所应该具备的基本态度——不较真。 因为太较真,认死理,就会对什么都看不惯,连一个朋友都容不下,把自己同社会隔绝开。镜子很平,但在高倍放大镜下,就成了凹凸不平的山峦;肉眼看很干净的东西,拿到显微镜下,满目都是细菌。试想,如果我们“戴”着放大镜、显微镜生活,恐怕连饭都不敢吃了。再用放大镜去看别人的毛病,恐怕那家伙罪不容诛、无可救药了。 正所谓“水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒”,就是这个道理。
  • 重生之我老婆超甜


    今天你对我爱答不理,明天…… 明天我还是这么喜欢你 嘤嘤嘤迟怂怂跟鸡大婶的故事又名重生之寂寞爱吃鱼宠文甜文 开新文啦,短篇小虐文,感兴趣的小可爱可以搜索(只愿不曾遇见),不感兴趣的话……当我什么都没说吧 溜了溜了
  • 谨姝


  • 落果


  • 重炮狙击


  • 倾世帝女乱天下


  • 中国古代文人传说

