

"Dalton, I was down last night to see that lease of Heyburn's on the twelfth level of the Taurus.The Consolidated will tap our workings about noon to-day, just below us.I want you to turn on them the air-drill pipe as soon as they break through.Have a lot of loose rock there mixed with a barrel of lime.Let loose the air pressure full on the pile, and give it to their men straight.Follow them up to the end of their own tunnel when they retreat, and hold it against them.Get control of the levels above and below, too.Throw as many men as you can into their workings, and gut them till there is no ore left."Dalton had the fighting edge."You'll stand by me, no matter what happens?""Nothing will happen.They're not expecting trouble.But if anything does, I'll see you through.Eaton is your witness that I ordered it.""Then it's as good as done, Mr.Ridgway," said Dalton, turning away."There may be bloodshed," suggested Eaton dubiously, in a low voice.

Ridgway's laugh had a touch of affectionate contempt."Don't cross bridges till you get to them, Steve.Haven't you discovered, man, that the bold course is always the safe one? It's the quitter that loses out every time.The strong man gets there; the weak one falls down.It's as invariable as the law of gravity." He got up and stretched his broad shoulders in a deep breath."Now for Mr.Harley.Send him in, Eaton.

That morning Simon Harley had done two things for many years foreign to his experience: He had gone to meet another man instead of making the man come to him, and he had waited the other man's pleasure in an outer office.That he had done so implied a strong motive.

Ridgway waved Harley to a chair without rising to meet him.The eyes of the two men fastened, wary and unwavering.They might have been jungle beasts of prey crouching for the attack, so tense was their attention.The man from Broadway was the first to speak.

"I have called, Mr.Ridgway, to arrange, if possible, a compromise.I need hardly say this is not my usual method, but the circumstances are extremely unusual.I rest under so great a personal obligation to you that I am willing to overlook a certain amount of youthful presumption." His teeth glittered behind a lip smile, intended to give the right accent to the paternal reproof."My personal obligation--""What obligation? I left you to die in the snow.', "You forget what you did for Mrs.Harley.""You may eliminate that," retorted the younger man curtly."You are under no obligations whatever to me.""That is very generous of you, Mr.Ridgway, but--"Ridgway met his eyes directly, cutting his sentence as with a knife."'Generous' is the last word to use.It is not a question of generosity at all.What I mean is that the thing I did was done with no reference whatever to you.It is between me and her alone.I refuse to consider it as a service to you, as having anything at all to do with you.I told you that before.I tell you again."Harley's spirit winced.This bold claim to a bond with his wife thatexcluded him, the scornful thrust of his enemy--he was already beginning to consider him in that light rather than as a victim--had touched the one point of human weakness in this money-making Juggernaut.He saw himself for the moment without illusions, an old man and an unlovable one, without near kith or kin.He was bitterly aware that the child he had married had been sold to him by her guardian, under fear of imminent ruin, before her ignorance of the world had given her experience to judge for herself.The money and the hidden hunger of sentiment he wasted on her brought him only timid thanks and wan obedience.But for this man, with his hateful, confident youth, he had seen the warm smile touch her lips and the delicate color rose her cheeks.Nay, he had seen more her arms around his neck and her, warm breath on his cheek.They had lived romance, these two, in the days they had been alone together.They had shared danger and the joys of that Bohemia of youth from which he was forever excluded.It was his resolve to wipe out by financial favors--he could ruin the fellow later if need be--any claims of Ridgway upon her gratitude or her foolish imagination.He did not want the man's appeal upon her to carry the similitude of martyrdom as well as heroism.

"Yet, the fact remains that it was a service" --his thin lips smiled."I must be the best judge of that, I think.I want to be perfectly frank, Mr.Ridgway.The Consolidated is an auxiliary enterprise so far as I am concerned, but I have always made it a rule to look after details when it became necessary.I came to Montana to crush you.I have always regarded you as a menace to our legitimate interests, and I had quite determined to make an end of it.You are a good fighter, and you've been on the ground in person, which counts for a great deal.But you must know that if I give myself to it in earnest, you are a ruined man."The Westerner laughed hardily."I hear you say it.""But you don't believe," added the other quietly."Many men have heard and not believed.They have KNOWN when it was too late.

"If you don't mind, I'll buy my experience instead of borrowing it," Ridgway flung back flippantly.

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