

Yesler, still moving slowly with a walking stick by reason of his green wound, left the street-car and made his way up Forest Road to the house which bore the number 792.In the remote past there had been some spasmodic attempt to cultivate grass and raise some shade-trees along the sidewalks, but this had long since been given up as abortive.An air of decay hung over the street, the unmistakable suggestion of better days.This was writ large over the house in front of which Yesler stopped.The gate hung on one hinge, boards were missing from the walk, and a dilapidated shutter, which had once been green, swayed in the breeze.

A woman of about thirty, dark and pretty but poorly dressed, came to the door in answer to his ring.Two little children, a boy and a girl, with their mother's shy long-lashed Southern eyes of brown, clung to her skirts and gazed at the stranger.

"This is where Mr.Pelton lives, is it not?" he asked."Yes, sir.""Is he at home?" "Yes, sir."

"May I see him?" "He's sick."

"I'm sorry to hear it.Too sick to be seen? If not, I should like very much to see him.I have business with him."The young woman looked at him a little defiantly and a little suspiciously."Are you a reporter?"Sam smiled."No, ma'am."

"Does he owe you money" He could see the underlying blood dye her dusky cheeks when she asked the question desperately, as it seemed to him with a kind of brazen shame to which custom had inured her.She had somehow the air of some gentle little creature of the forests defending her young.

"Not a cent, ma'am.I don't want to do him any harm.""I didn't hear your name."

"I haven't mentioned it," he admitted, with the sunny smile that was a letter of recommendation in itself."Fact is I'd rather not tell it till he sees me."From an adjoining room a querulous voice broke into their conversation."Who is it, Norma?""A gentleman to see you, Tom." "Who is it?" more sharply.

"It is I, Mr.Pelton.I came to have a talk with you." Yesler pushed forward into the dingy sitting-room with the pertinacity of a bookagent."I heard you were not well, and I came to find out if I can do anything for you."The stout man lying on the lounge grew pale before the blood reacted in a purple flush.His very bulk emphasized the shabbiness of the stained and almost buttonless Prince Albert coat he wore, the dinginess of the little room he seemed to dwarf.

"Leave my house, seh.You have ruined this family, and you come to gloat on your handiwork.Take a good look, and then go, Mr.Yesler.You see my wife in cotton rags doing her own work.Is it enough, seh?"The slim little woman stepped across the room and took her place beside her husband.Her eyes flashed fire at the man she held responsible for the fall of her husband.Yesler's generous heart applauded the loyalty which was proof against both disgrace and poverty.For in the past month both of these had fallen heavily upon her.Tom Pelton had always lived well, and during the past few years he had speculated in ventures far beyond his means.Losses had pursued him, and he had looked to the senatorship to recoup himself and to stand off the creditors pressing hard for payment.Instead he had been exposed, disgraced, and finally disbarred for attempted bribery.Like a horde of hungry rats his creditors had pounced upon the discredited man and wrested from him the remnants of his mortgaged property.He had been forced to move into a mere cottage and was a man without a future.For the only profession at which he had skill enough to make a living was the one from which he had been cast as unfit to practise it.The ready sympathy of the cattleman had gone out tothe politician who was down and out.He had heard the situation discussed enough to guess pretty close to the facts, and he could not let himself rest until he had made some effort to help the man whom his exposure had ruined, or, rather, had hastened to ruin, for that result had been for years approaching.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Pelton.If I've injured you I want to make it right." "Make it right!" The former congressman got up with an oath."Makeit right! Can you give me back my reputation, my future? Can you take away the shame that has come upon my wife, and that my children will have to bear in the years to come? Can you give us back our home, our comfort, our peace of mind?""No, I can't do this, but I can help you to do it all," the cattleman made answer quietly.

He offered no defense, though he knew perfectly well none was needed.He had no responsibility in the calamity that had befallen this family.Pelton's wrong-doing had come home to those he loved, and he could rightly blame nobody but himself.However much he might arraign those who had been the agents of his fall, he knew in his heart that the fault had been his own.

Norma Pelton, tensely self-repressed, spoke now."How can you do this, sir?""I can't do it so long as you hold me for an enemy, ma'am.I'm ready to cry quits with your husband and try a new deal.If I injured him he tried to even things up.Well, let's say things are squared and start fresh.I've got a business proposition to make if you're willing to listen to it.""What sort of a proposition?"

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