

"I'm running about twenty-five thousand sheep up in the hills.I've just bought a ranch with a comfortable ranch-house on it for a kind of central point.My winter feeding will all be done from it as a chief place of distribution.Same with the shearing and shipping.I want a good man to put in charge of my sheep as head manager, and I would be willing to pay a proper salary.There ain't any reason why this shouldn't work into a partnership if he makes good.With wool jumping, as it's going to do in the next four years, the right kind of man can make himself independent forlife.My idea is to increase my holdings right along, and let my manager in as a partner as soon as he shows he is worth it.Now that ranch-house is a decent place.There's a pretty good school, ma'am, for the children.The folks round that neighborhood may not have any frills, but--""Are you offering Tom the place as manager?" she demanded, in amazement.

"That was my idea, ma'am.It's not what you been used to, o' course, but if you're looking for a change I thought I'd speak of it," he said diffidently.

She looked at him in a dumb surprise.She, too, in her heart knew that this man was blameless.He had done his duty, and had nearly lost his life for it at the hands of her husband.Now, he had come to lift them out of the hideous nightmare into which they had fallen.He had come to offer them peace and quiet and plenty in exchange for the future of poverty and shame and despair which menaced them.They were to escape into God's great hills, away from the averted looks and whispering tongues and the temptations to drown his trouble that so constantly beset the father of her children.Despite his faults she still loved Tom Pelton; he was a kind and loving husband and father.Out on the range there still waited a future for him.When she thought of it a lump rose in her throat for very happiness.She, who had been like a rock beside him in his trouble, broke down now and buried her head in her husband's coat.

"Don't you, honey--now, don't you cry." The big man had lost all his pomposity, and was comforting his sweetheart as simply as a boy."It's all been my fault.I've been doing wrong for years--trying to pull myself out of the mire by my bootstraps.By Gad, you're a man, Sam Yesler, that's what you are.If I don't turn ovah a new leaf I'd ought to be shot.We'll make a fresh start, sweetheart.Dash me, I'm nothing but a dashed baby." And with that the overwrought man broke down, too.

Yesler, moved a good deal himself, maintained the burden of the conversation cheerfully.

"That's all settled, then.Tell you I'm right glad to get a competent man to put in charge.Things have been running at loose ends, because I haven't the time to look after them.This takes a big load off my mind.You betterarrange to go up there with me as soon as you have time, Pelton, and look the ground over.You'll want to make some changes if you mean to take your family up there.Better to spend a few hundreds and have things the way you want them for Mrs.Pelton than to move in with things not up to the mark.Of course, I'll put the house in the shape you want it.But we can talk of that after we look it over."In his embarrassment he looked so much the boy, so much the culprit caught stealing apples and up for sentence, that Norma Pelton's gratitude took courage.She came across to him and held out both hands, the shimmer of tears still in the soft brown eyes.

"You've given us more than life, Mr.Yesler.You can't ever know what you have done for us.Some things are worse than death to some people.I don't mean poverty, but--other things.We can begin again far away from this tainted air that has poisoned us.I know it isn't good form to be saying this.One shouldn't have feelings in public.But I don't care.I think of the children--and Tom.I didn't expect ever to be happy again, but we shall.I feel it."She broke down again and dabbed at her eyes with her kerchief.Sam, very much embarrassed but not at all displeased at this display of feeling, patted her dark hair and encouraged her to composure.

"There.It's all right, now, ma'am.Sure you'll be happy.Any mother that's got kids like these--"He caught up the little girl in his arms by way of diverting attention from himself.

This gave a new notion to the impulsive little woman.

"I want you to kiss them both.Come here, Kennie.This is Mr.Yesler, and he is the best man you've ever seen.I want you to remember that he has been our best friend.""Yes, mama."

"Oh, sho, ma'am!" protested the overwhelmed cattleman, kissing both the children, nevertheless.

Pelton laughed.He felt a trifle hysterical himself."If she thinks it she'll say it when she feels that way.I'm right surprised she don't kiss you, too.""I will," announced Norma promptly, with a pretty little tide of color.

She turned toward him, and Yesler, laughing, met the red lips of the new friend he had made.

"Now, you've got just grounds for shooting me," he said gaily, and instantly regretted his infelicitous remarkFor both husband and wife fell grave at his words.It was Pelton that answered them.

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