

Dies Enter, at the other end of the churchyard, FRIAR LAURENCE, with a lantern, crow, and spade FRIAR LAURENCE Saint Francis be my speed! how oft to-night Have my old feet stumbled at graves! Who's there? BALTHASAR Here's one, a friend, and one that knows you well.FRIAR LAURENCE Bliss be upon you! Tell me, good my friend, What torch is yond, that vainly lends his light To grubs and eyeless skulls? as I discern, It burneth in the Capel's monument.BALTHASAR It doth so, holy sir; and there's my master, One that you love.FRIAR LAURENCE Who is it? BALTHASAR Romeo.FRIAR LAURENCE How long hath he been there? BALTHASAR Full half an hour.FRIAR LAURENCE Go with me to the vault.BALTHASAR I dare not, sir My master knows not but I am gone hence;And fearfully did menace me with death, If I did stay to look on his intents.FRIAR LAURENCE Stay, then; I'll go alone.Fear comes upon me:O, much I fear some ill unlucky thing.BALTHASAR As I did sleep under this yew-tree here, I dreamt my master and another fought, And that my master slew him.FRIAR LAURENCE Romeo!

Advances Alack, alack, what blood is this, which stains The stony entrance of this sepulchre?

What mean these masterless and gory swords To lie discolour'd by this place of peace?

Enters the tomb Romeo! O, pale! Who else? what, Paris too?

And steep'd in blood? Ah, what an unkind hour Is guilty of this lamentable chance!

The lady stirs.

JULIET wakes JULIET O comfortable friar! where is my lord?

I do remember well where I should be, And there I am.Where is my Romeo?

Noise within FRIAR LAURENCE I hear some noise.Lady, come from that nest Of death, contagion, and unnatural sleep:A greater power than we can contradict Hath thwarted our intents.Come, come away.

Thy husband in thy bosom there lies dead;And Paris too.Come, I'll dispose of thee Among a sisterhood of holy nuns:Stay not to question, for the watch is coming;Come, go, good Juliet, Noise again I dare no longer stay.JULIET Go, get thee hence, for I will not away.


What's here? a cup, closed in my true love's hand?

Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end:O churl! drunk all, and left no friendly drop To help me after? I will kiss thy lips;Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, To make die with a restorative.

Kisses him Thy lips are warm.First Watchman [Within] Lead, boy: which way? JULIET Yea, noise? then I'll be brief.O happy dagger!

Snatching ROMEO's dagger This is thy sheath;Stabs herself there rust, and let me die.

Falls on ROMEO's body, and dies Enter Watch, with the Page of PARIS PAGE This is the place; there, where the torch doth burn.First Watchman The ground is bloody; search about the churchyard:Go, some of you, whoe'er you find attach.

Pitiful sight! here lies the county slain, And Juliet bleeding, warm, and newly dead, Who here hath lain these two days buried.

Go, tell the prince: run to the Capulets:Raise up the Montagues: some others search:We see the ground whereon these woes do lie;But the true ground of all these piteous woes We cannot without circumstance descry.

Re-enter some of the Watch, with BALTHASAR Second Watchman Here's Romeo's man; we found him in the churchyard.First Watchman Hold him in safety, till the prince come hither.

Re-enter others of the Watch, with FRIAR LAURENCE Third Watchman Here is a friar, that trembles, sighs and weeps:We took this mattock and this spade from him, As he was coming from this churchyard side.First Watchman A great suspicion: stay the friar too.

Enter the PRINCE and Attendants PRINCE What misadventure is so early up, That calls our person from our morning's rest?

Enter CAPULET, LADY CAPULET, and others CAPULET What should it be, that they so shriek abroad? LADY CAPULET The people in the street cry Romeo, Some Juliet, and some Paris; and all run, With open outcry toward our monument.PRINCE What fear is this which startles in our ears? First Watchman Sovereign, here lies the County Paris slain;And Romeo dead; and Juliet, dead before, Warm and new kill'd.PRINCE Search, seek, and know how this foul murder comes.First Watchman Here is a friar, and slaughter'd Romeo's man;With instruments upon them, fit to open These dead men's tombs.CAPULET O heavens! O wife, look how our daughter bleeds!

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