


"What's the row? What's the row?" bellowed Teddy, who, bolting under a cage and, leaving his hat under the wagon, dashed out to the dock, where their vessel was moored.

The two boys saw an object leaping into the air, performing strange and grotesque antics.

"It's January!" yelled Teddy."Whoa, January!"But January refused to "whoa." The donkey had objected to going aboard the boat.When the workmen tried to force him, he protested vigorously, biting those in front and kicking those behind him.

"Teddy, get that fool donkey out of here or I'll throw him in the river," bawled the owner of the show.

Perhaps January understood the threat.At least he started for Mr.Sparling, snorting.

The showman ducked under a canvas wagon and climbed up the other side of it, giving his orders from the top of the wagon.He knew January.He had had business dealings with the donkey on other occasions.

"Get him out of here, I tell you!"

"Drive him in yourself," answered a groom."I wouldn't try it for a present of the whole confounded show."Up to this point those who had not left the dock willingly January had assisted with his ever ready hoofs, and, by the time Teddy reached the scene the donkey had kicked every man off and into the street, excepting the owner of the show himself.As already related, Mr.Sparling had seen fit to leave in haste when January directed his attention to him.

"Whoa, January!" commanded Teddy in a soothing tone.

The donkey, at sound of the Circus Boy's voice, reared and came down facing Teddy.

"Come here, you beast.Don't you know you're going to have a ride on the river? You don't know enough to know when you are well off.Come, Jany, Jany, Jany.Wow!"January had responded with a rush.Teddy stepped aside just in time to save himself from being bowled over.But as the donkey ran by him the boy threw both arms about the animal's neck.

Then began the liveliest scrimmage that the spectators had ever witnessed.Kicking and bucking, the donkey raced from side to side, varying his performance now and then by making a dive toward the crowd, which quickly gave gangway as the people sought for safety.

"Whoa, January! I--I'll break your neck for this, hang you! Some other donkey has taught you these tricks.You never knew anything about them way back in Edmeston.You--"Bang!

Teddy was slapped against the side of the "Fat Marie."By this time Tucker's temper was beginning to rise.His first inclination was to hit the donkey on the nose with his free hand, but he caught himself in time.He was too fond of animals, even donkeys, to strike one on the head.It was a rule too, in the Sparling shows, that any man who so far forgot himself as to strike a horse over the head closed with the show then and there.

Now Teddy thought of a new plan.He watched his opportunity.Suddenly, Teddy put his plan into operation.

It must be remembered that the Circus Boy was strong and agile, and that his work in the ring had given him added quickness.

He therefore applied the trick he had thought of; then something happened to January.The donkey struck the planking of the pier flat on his back, his feet beating the air viciously.

"Whoa, January!"

Teddy flopped the animal on its side, then calmly sat down on the donkey's head.He had thrown the beast as prettily as ever had a wrestler an adversary.

The Circus Boy began mopping the perspiration from his brow."Warm, isn't it?" he said, tilting his eyes up to where Mr.Sparling hadbeen watching the proceedings from the top of a wagon.

"You certainly look the part.Now, what are you going to do with that fool donkey?""I'm going to sit on his head until I get ready to get up.Then, if somebody will lend me a whip, I'll tan his jacket to my own taste."January uttered a loud bray.

"Well, do something," shouted a canvasman."We can't wait all night on the gait of that donkey.""All right; if any of you fellows think you know the inside workings of a donkey's mind better than I do, just come and lead this angelic creature on board the 'Fat Marie.'""No, no; we don't know anything about donkeys," came a chorus of voices."We don't want to know anything about donkeys, either.""Somebody bring me a bridle, then.Don't be afraid of him, he is as gentle as a lamb.You wouldn't hurt a fly, would you, dear January?"January elevated both hind feet, narrowly missing the groom who had brought the bridle.

After some difficulty the bystanders succeeded in getting the bit between his teeth and the bridle over his head.

"Now, take tight hold of the bridle and lead him.I'll use persuasive measures at the other end," directed Teddy.

January fairly hurled himself forward, jerking the groom off his feet at once.But the man hung on stubbornly.

  • 雷峰塔


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  • 哲理故事大全集(优秀小学生必读)


    本书精选上百则感动心灵的哲理故事,它们涵盖了成长的滋味、父爱母爱、纯洁友情等内容。在每则故事后面,都配有平实生动、明白浅近的赏析点评,方便读者领会、启迪和感悟。 通过一个个感同身受的故事,让小学生体会“真”的流露,“善”的进发,“美”的呈现,进而学会感动,懂得感恩!
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  • 女人赚钱靠什么


    独立是现代女性的重要标志,女性不仅要在人格上独立,还要从经济上获得真正的独立。女性 不要轻易放弃自己的事业。因为事业是基石,是资本,是女性与社会联系并保持自信、自尊的 一个重要纽带。女人赚钱离不开经验,更离不开知识。因为经验往往是从失败中得来的,而知 识却是成功的起点。聪明的女人,如若能运用智慧的头脑辨明真伪,捕得商机,那它的“附属品”——财富,也就 “鱼贯而入”你的”私囊”了。