

A moment more, and Teddy had fastened a firm grip on January's tail, not appearing to be in the least afraid of the flying hoofs that were beating a tattoo in the air.

How Teddy did twist that tail! Finally January, in sheer desperation, was forced to give ground.One leap carried him over the gangplank and into the boat.Once within, there was a repetition of the scenes enacted on the dock, except that this time it was the groom who was getting the worst of it, while Teddy sat on the gangway, howling with delight.

At last the donkey was subdued and led to the place where he was to spend the night.But they had to rope him in to prevent his kicking the other stock through the side of the boat.

Fat Marie herself came waddling along about this time, blowing like a miniature steam engine.

"Gangway!Gangway!" shrieked Marie, in a high-pitched, shrillvoice.

Teddy was nearly crowded off the gangplank.

"See here, where are you going? Don't you know there's a crazy donkey in there?""Going to my cabin to seek sweet repose," squeaked Marie."What!Are you going to live on this boat?""That's what.If I can get up to the sky parlor where my 'boodwah' is.Come, help me up the stairs; that's a good boy, Teddy.""I helped you once.That was enough for me.Say, Marie?" "What is it, my lad?""If the boat should be wrecked in one of the terrible storms that sweep this raging river you had better grab the anchor the first thing.""Why grab the anchor?"

"You'll sink quicker," laughed the Circus Boy, darting out to the dock and leaning against a wagon wheel.

By this time Mr.Sparling had descended from his haven of safety, and began issuing orders again.

"Get the bulls in now.No more nonsense.Teddy, you did a good job, but it took you a long time to do it.""Yes, sir.Do you think anybody else could have done it quicker?" "I know they could not.Where is Phil?""Guess he went back to his cabin after I finished off January.Going to load the elephants, did you say?""Yes."

"Aren't you afraid they will sink the boat?""Don't bother us now.You know we did not bother you when you were trying to get your livestock in.""I noticed that you didn't," answered Teddy, humorously, which remark brought a shout of laughter from everyone within hearing of his voice.

Mr.Kennedy, the elephant-trainer, now ranged his charges in line, with Jupiter, the ill-tempered member of the herd, in the lead.He wanted to get Jupiter in ahead, knowing that the others would follow willingly enough after him.Emperor, the great beast that had such a warm regardfor Phil, was third in the line.

"Everybody keep away and don't make a racket or they will get nervous.I expect to have a little trouble with those bulls the first time.After that they will go one board as meek as a flock of spring mutton," declared Kennedy.Teddy was close at hand.If there was any prospect of trouble or excitement he wanted to be near enough not to miss a single feature of it.

Mr.Kennedy gave the command for attention.

Each of the elephants to the rear of Jupiter stretched forth a trunk and grasped the tail of the elephant directly in front of him.

"Forward, march!"

"Hip!Hip!" began Teddy.

"That will do, young man," warned Mr.Sparling.

The line moved slowly forward, Jupiter offering no objection to going where he was ordered.

Just as he reached the gangplank, however, Jupiter halted."Forward!"The elephant's trunk curled upward and a mighty trumpeting sent the villagers scurrying for places of safety.

Mr.Kennedy prodded the elephant with the sharp point of his hook.The act forced Jupiter to place one foot on the gang plank, throwing his weight upon the planking to test its stability.He felt it give ever so little beneath his feet, and quickly withdrew the foot.

Once more the prod was brought into use.Jupiter waxed angry.With a great cough, he curled his trunk about the heavy gangplank, wrenching it free from its resting place.

Raising the planking high above his head he hurled it into the river."Ladies and gentlemen," announced Teddy Tucker, in a loud voice,"you have witnessed a most satisfying, edifying, gratifying, ennobling, superb and sublime spectacular prelude, as our press agent would say.But, if you know what's good for you, you will now hasten to the high places, for there's going to be something doing around here in about a minute."Teddy was no false prophet in this instance.

Strutting up to the angry Jupiter the Circus Boy slapped him playfully on the trunk.

"You bad boy.I thought January was the limit, but I have changed my mind.You--"Suddenly Jupiter's trunk curled about the lad.The angry elephant raised the boy far above his head and hurled him up into the air as he had done with the gangway, except that he threw Teddy in another direction.

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  • 将梦想置顶


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