"He thinks you may be able to suggest some way out ofourdifficulty.Mr.Kennedy has great confidence inyour resourcefulness." "What have you done thus far?"Mr.Sparling explained briefly, Phil giving close attention."Have they found the gangplank yet?""Yes; they are towing it up to the dock now."Phil waited until they had hauled the gangway up and put it in place."Will you try her, so that I can see how she works, Mr.Kennedy?"asked the lad after the gangway had been chained down so securely that the elephant would have difficulty in ripping it loose.
Jupiter was just as stubborn as he had been before.Phil observed three or four showmen standing near him on the other side.
"Please step back, all of you," he said."Mr.Sparling, will you see that no one comes near the elephants? I'll see what I can do.Back him off, Mr.Kennedy."This done, Phil stepped back along the line until he came to the big elephant Emperor.
"Good old Emperor," cried the Circus Boy soothingly."Here's a lump of sugar."Emperor tucked the sugar far back in his pink mouth.Then Phil, taking hold of the trunk, petted it affectionately, next tucking it under his arm.
"Come along, old fellow.You need not be afraid," he said, starting toward the ship, with Emperor following meekly and obediently.At the gangway he stopped and examined the passageway carefully.
"Are you sure it is strong enough to support them, Mr.Kennedy?" "Yes, it will hold two at once.""Very well."
Once more Phil took hold of the trunk and led Emperor across and into the boat, the elephant making no protest; though, knowing him as he did, Phil saw that the animal was timid.The beast's confidence in the little Circus Boy overcame his fears, however.
Emperor got another lump of sugar as the result of his obedience."See if Jupiter will follow," called Phil.
Jupiter would not.
Observing this, Phil swung Emperor around and led him to the dock."What are you going to do?" asked Mr.Sparling.
"Perhaps nothing at all.If Mr.Kennedy failed I do not see how I shall be able to accomplish anything.Get Jupiter up to the gangway, please."This was done.
"When I say the word, you give Jupiter the hook good and hard and quick.I'll promise you that something will happen.See here; didn't I tell you fellows to keep away from those elephants?" demanded the boy, observing two figures edging up toward Emperor.
"Clear the dock!" roared Mr.Sparling.
A sudden thought seemed to strike Phil.He left Emperor and stepped around to the other side of the animal walking about and peering into the faces of the people who now were standing back at a respectful distance.Most of them proved to be villagers, with a few circus people sprinkled among them.
"Did you notice who those two men were who were standing on the other side, Mr.Sparling?" he asked in a low tone.
"No; why?"
"I wanted to know."
"Why do you ask that question?"
"Because I am suspicious of them, that's all."Making sure that the dock was clear, Phil led Emperor up to Jupiter, placing the former's head against the hips of the stubborn elephant.
"Now!" he shouted, at the same time giving Emperor the signal to push.
The big elephant threw all his great strength into a forward movement.Jupiter, taken off his guard, plunged across the gangplank, with Emperor pushing him along, the former trumpeting wildly in his fear and rage.Another minute, and Jupiter was landed safely on the lower deck of the "Fat Marie."