

"It's January! It's January!" howled Teddy Tucker."I would know that sweet voice if I heard it in the jungles of Africa.Where is he?""Over here somewhere.Come on.I can't imagine what has happened.""The animals have escaped.There's a lion on the hurricane deck!" they heard a voice below shout in terrified tones.

"Do you think that's it?" called Phil.

"Lion, nothing! Didn't I tell you I knew that voice? There he is now.See him hand out the hoofs at the pilot house.He must have a grudge against Cummings.I know.He's paying the fellow back for trying to tie me up.""But--but, how did he ever get up here?"

"Go it, January! Kick the daylights out of him! I'll give you a whole peck of sugar if you kick the house into the river, pilot and all.""Whoa!Whoa, January!" shouted Phil.

The donkey, for it was January himself, and not a savage beast that was acting the part of a battering ram and rapidly demolishing the pilot house, paused for a second; then, moving to a new position, he began once more hammering at the structure.

"How did he ever get up here, Teddy?"

"I don't know.I know I am glad he did, that's all.Let him kick." "I'm going to try to catch him.""Keep away, Phil.He'll have you in the river.He has a fit.Wait till he comes out of it.""Why, the boat is moving backwards," cried Phil."No!""Yes, it is."

"Maybe January has kicked the machinery out of gear."The circus people were by this time on deck, and, like Teddy and Phil, many of them were in their pajamas.They had heard the cry, "the animals have escaped," and many of the people were gazing apprehensively about.

"It's all right," shouted Teddy."It is only January, taking his morningexercise."

About that time Phil, who had run around to the other side of the pilot house, discovered that it was empty.There was no pilot there.

Understanding came to him instantly.January had either kicked or frightened Cummings out.

"The boat is running wild!" he called."Find the pilot or we shall be on the shore before we know it."Phil did not wait for them to find the pilot.Instead, he climbed in through one of the broken windows and grasped the wheel.

"I've got to stop this going astern first of all," he decided.

He could see the banks now, and they seemed perilously near in the faint morning light.The other boats of the fleet were steaming up in answer to the signals of distress that Cummings had blown in his excitement.

"What is it? Are you sinking?" called a voice through a megaphone from the deck of the "River Queen.""No, we are all right," answered Phil, leaning out of the window."You'll be high and dry on the Iowa shore if you don't watch sharp.

Where are you going?"

"Don't know.Keep out of the way or we're liable to run you down."Phil grabbed a bell pull and gave it a violent jerk.The engines stopped suddenly, to the Circus Boy's great delight.January had ceased his bombardment and now stood with head thrust though one of the broken windows, gazing in inquiringly at Phil Forrest.

"If one bell stopped the engine, another bell should be the signal to go ahead," reasoned the lad, giving the bell pull two quick jerks.He was right.The machinery started and he could hear the big paddle wheel beating the river into a froth.

The lower deck was in an uproar.Men were shouting and running about, trying to discover what animals had escaped, as the pilot insisted that the hurricane deck was alive with them.

"Get that pilot up here, if you have to drag him.I don't know where the channel is, and I am liable to put the whole outfit aground any minute," shouted Phil Forrest."Teddy, never mind that idiotic donkey.

We're in a fix.Get downstairs, at one jump, and see that the pilot is brought up here lively.""I'll fetch him.You watch me," answered the irrepressible Teddy, starting off on a run.

January had all at once grown very meek.He stood gazing thoughtfully off over the river.

"What is the trouble here?" roared Mr.Sparling dashing up to the pilot house at that moment.

"That is exactly what I have been trying to find out," answered the Circus Boy.

"What, _Phil?_" "Yes, it's Phil."

"What are you doing in there?" "Steering the boat.""Piloting the--where is the pilot?"

"Somewhere below.I have sent Teddy after him.You see, January was trying to kick the pilot house off the boat and into the river.The pilot, thinking the animals had escaped, fled.When I came up this craft was traveling astern and January was making a sieve of this little house.I have got the 'Marie' going forward, but I may run her aground if he doesn't come along pretty soon."Mr.Sparling reached the companionway in two bounds, and, leaping to the lower deck, caught the pilot by the coat collar, shaking off the two circus men who had hold of Cummings.

"You get up to that pilot house or you'll be in the worst fix in your whole river career." Mr.Sparling accompanied the words with a violent push that sent the pilot headlong toward the stairway.But the showman was by the fellow's side by the time he had gotten to his feet, and began assisting him up the companionway, while Teddy Tucker followed, prodding the pilot in the back with a clenched fist.

Into the pilot house they hurled the man, Cummings.

"Now, you steer! If it had not been for that boy we might have lost our whole equipment.I don't care anything about your old boat, but I'm blest if I am going to let a fool pilot wreck us--a pilot who is afraid of adonkey."

"I'll quit this outfit tomorrow," growled Cummings."I kin pilot steamers, but I can't fight a menagerie and a pack of boys with the very Old Nick in them.Get away from that wheel!" he commanded, thrusting Phil aside.

Mr.Sparling had him by the collar once more.

"You do that again, and I'll take it out of you right here!" declared the showman savagely.

"I'll bet he's the fellow who stole my egg," declared Teddy, eyeing the pilot sternly.

  • 根本说一切有部苾刍尼毗奈耶


  • 立斋遗文


  • 玉清无极总真文昌大洞仙经


  • 六月霜


  • 疡医大全


  • 都市神级红包群


  • 燃火游侠


  • 人人都能O2O


    本书主要内容包括:O2O模式的另类实践者、海亮:全产业链打造生鲜O2O、嘉光汽修:一家汽车维修店的O2O尝试、车易安:O2O集成服务商、 波奇:从社区出发的全平台宠物电商、易淘食张洋:做外卖O2O的诀窍是打穿商家、黄韬:化妆品O2O需要平衡多方利益、365日历:信息与社区化的新模式、方回春堂溪百川:医药O2O的造粉路等。
  • 酉阳杂俎


  • 王小波全集(第五卷)


  • 天降媚妃:皇上你走开


  • 异界穿越


  • 革除遺事


  • 情迷心窍


  • 商务口才训练

