

The rope was quickly handed to him.The Circus Boy coiled it neatly, closely observed by the show people, who did not understand what he was about to do.

"I'm a sailor, you know," he grinned.Measuring the distance accurately, Teddy swung the coil about his head a few times, then let it fly up into the air, keeping the free end in one hand as he did so.

The coil tumbled over the yard or cross piece and came down, hitting the deck with a thump.

"There.Can you beat that?" he demanded triumphantly.

"Very well done," agreed Mr.Sparling."Now that it is over, what do you propose to do next?""Watch me!"

The lad made fast one end of the rope to the ship's rail, the baboon peering down suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm after you, you rascal," jeered Teddy, shaking a fist at the ugly face above him.

After testing the rope, Teddy began climbing it hand over hand.Then the spectators divined his purpose.

"The boy is all right," nodded Mr.Sparling approvingly."That is the time that he got the best of you, Phil.""He is welcome to the job," answered Phil."You haven't captured the baboon yet."Teddy, by this time, was halfway up the mast.It seemed a dizzy climb, but the lad was so used to being up high that he did not mind it inthe least.

"Hey, down there!" he called."What is it?""Better get out a small net so you can catch him.I'm going to shake him down as I would a ripe apple.If you catch him in the net he will tangle himself up so that he cannot get away.""That is a good idea," approved Mr.Sparling."Get the net, and hold it in readiness."Teddy, in the meantime, was working his way up.After a time his hands grasped the crossbar and he pulled himself up astride it, waving one hand to those below him.

Bruiser, however, was not there.The baboon had scrambled to the top of the mast on which there was a golden ball, and on this he perched some eight or nine feet above Teddy Tucker's head.

"Now where is your baboon?" called a voice.

"Where he cannot get away from me unless he jumps into the Mississippi," answered Teddy quickly.

"How are you going to get him?" called Mr.Sparling."I'll see when I get to him."With great caution, the lad climbed up the slender top of the mast.Bruiser's tail hung over, while he clung with his feet, glaring down atTeddy.The baboon realized that he could not get away.

"Come down here!" commanded Teddy, grabbing the beast's tail and giving it a mighty tug.

Bruiser's grip gave way.Down shot Teddy and the baboon.But the cross-tree saved him, as the lad figured that it would.One hand was clinging to Bruiser's tail, the other arm thrown about the mast.

Now, Bruiser took a hand.With a snarl of rage he fastened in the hair of Teddy Tucker's head, causing that young man to howl lustily.

For a moment boy and baboon "mixed it up" at such a lively rate that it was difficult for the spectators below to tell which was boy and which baboon.Teddy seemed to be getting the worst of it.

"Look out! Let go of him! You will be in the river the first thing you know!" shouted Mr.Sparling warningly.

Teddy did not hear him.He was too busy, at the moment, trying to keep those savage teeth from fastening themselves in his neck, for which the beast seemed to be aiming.At the same time the boy was getting more and more angry.It was characteristic of Teddy that, the angrier he became, the cooler he grew.

He was guarding himself as best he could and watching his chance to get the upper hand of his antagonist.

All at once Teddy let drive a short-arm blow at the head of the baboon.Few things could withstand that blow, and least of all a baboon.It landed fairly on the grinning jaws and Bruiser's head jolted backwards asif it were going right on into the river.

Teddy lost his balance, aided in this by the fact that Bruiser had fastened to the lad's pajamas.

"They're going to fall!" roared Mr.Sparling."Catch them! Catch them!"The men hastened to move the net, and none too soon, for Teddy and Bruiser came whirling down, the lad making desperate efforts to right himself so as to drop on his feet.But the baboon prevented his doing this.

They struck the net, which was jerked from the hands of the men, and Teddy hit the deck with a terrific bump.

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  • 无量寿经义疏b


  • 古印度与拜占廷历史纵横谈(世界历史纵横谈)


    本套书用生动的文字, 再现了世界历史进程的恢弘画卷, 堪称一部贯通整个世界历史的简明百科全书, 串联起全部人类发展的瑰宝, 并以其光辉不朽的价值与流传恒久的魅力, 成就一部好读又好看的世界历史通俗读物, 具有很强的系统性、知识性和可读性, 不仅是广大读者学习世界历史知识的读物, 也是各级图书馆珍藏的版本。
  • 护肤小窍门


  • 煮泉小品


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