

It seems that on this particular occasion a sleepy keeper was cleaning Bruiser's cage so that it might be neat and presentable when the show opened.Bruiser had sat on a trapeze far up in the cage, watching the proceedings with resentful eyes, perhaps wondering how he might administer a rebuke to the keeper.

All at once the baboon saw his opportunity.The keeper had stooped over to pick up something from the floor of the boat, as he stood at the open door of the cage in the rear.

Bruiser projected himself toward the opening like a catapult.At that instant the keeper had straightened up and the baboon hit him squarely in the face.There could be but one result.The keeper tumbled over on his back.

Chattering joyously, Bruiser began hopping off on all fours.First he investigated the tops of the cages, running over them and bringing roars from the animals within.Then he hopped down and paid a visit to the horses.

January sent a volley of kicks at the beast, but Bruiser was too quick, and the hoofs passed harmlessly over his head.

About this time the keeper had scrambled to his feet in alarm.At first he did not know where the baboon had gone, but hearing the disturbance among the horses he ran that way, soon coming upon Bruiser.With a scream of defiance, the animal bolted up the companionway, hurriedly investigated the corridors and the main cabin, then leaped out through an open window to the hurricane deck.

Two other men had joined in the chase now, and it was their shouts that had awakened the Circus Boys.

"Come on, here's sport!" shouted Teddy Tucker starting on a run after the fleeing Bruiser.The latter tried to climb up the smoke stack and narrowly missed being captured in the attempt.At the same time he burned his feet, filling him with rage and resentment, so that, when the keeper grabbed him, the former's face was badly scratched.

Round and round the deck ran pursued and pursuers, the baboon having not the slightest difficulty in eluding his followers, Teddy chasing gleefully and howling at the top of his shrill voice.

Others joined the chase, until well nigh half the boat's company raced yelling up and down the decks.Mr.Sparling was one of the number, though he devoted most of his attention to directing the others.

One mast had been erected on the boat from which to fly flags, and from this rope braces ran off forward and aft.

Finally Bruiser was so hard pressed that he took to this rigging and ran up one of the ropes to the mast, where he perched on the end of a spar and appeared to mock his pursuers.

Poles were brought, at the direction of the owner, with which the men sought to poke Bruiser down.But the poles were too short.Then the men threw ropes and missiles at the baboon, most of which went overboard and were lost.

"It is no use.We shall have to wait until he gets ready to come down," decided Mr.Sparling."How did he get away?"The keeper explained.

"He won't come down today," added the man."That is, so long as we are here.He is a bad one.""You do not have to tell me that.Can any of you offer suggestions? I am not very strong on capturing escaped animals.Phil, how about it?"Phil shook his head.

"I have an idea, Mr.Sparling," spoke up Teddy.

"I knew you had, from the expression on your face.What is it?" "I'll climb up and shake him down."A loud laugh greeted this remark.

"You couldn't climb up there.The mast is too slippery." "I'll show you.""Very well; go ahead."

"Teddy, I think I would keep out of this, were I in your place," remarked Phil.

"You keep out of it yourself.I'll show you that I know how to catch wild beasts.I haven't ridden January all this time for nothing."Teddy started in bravely to climb the mast.After a great struggle he managed to get up about eight feet.Suddenly he lost his grip and came sliding down, landing at the foot of the mast in a heap.

A shout greeted his ludicrous drop.

"I think you had better give it up," laughed Mr.Sparling."I won't give it up.""You cannot climb the mast."

"I don't intend to.I have an idea." "What is your idea?""I will show you.Bring me a rope."

  • 本草纲目别名录


  • The Crimson Fairy Book

    The Crimson Fairy Book

  • 诗林广记


  • 律要后集


  • 下第夜吟


  • 做人要小心


  • 渐行渐远


  • 向对手学习


  • 老黄牛升职记:职场人必读的办公室转运学


  • 寻找尼斯湖水怪大冒险(科学大探险)


  • 你好我的少年郎


  • 全民武道时代


  • 有趣的意思


  • 骨肉


  • 魏武霸业

