

(ll.1485-1501) But thee, Canthus, the fates of death seized in Libya.On pasturing flocks didst thou light; and there followed a shepherd who, in defence of his own sheep, while thou weft leading them off (11) to thy comrades in their need, slew thee by the cast of a stone; for he was no weakling, Caphaurus, the grandson of Lycoreian Phoebus and the chastemaiden Acacallis, whom once Minos drove from home to dwell in Libya, his own daughter, when she was bearing the gods' heavy load; and she bare to Phoebus a glorious son, whom they call Amphithemis and Garamas.And Amphithemis wedded a Tritonian nymph; and she bare to him Nasamon and strong Caphaurus, who on that day in defending his sheep slew Canthus.But he escaped not the chieftains' avenging hands, when they learned the deed he had done.And the Minyae, when they knew it, afterwards took up the corpse and buried it in the earth, mourning; and the sheep they took with them.

(ll.1502-1536) Thereupon on the same day a pitiless fate seized Mopsus too, son of Ampycus; and he escaped not a bitter doom by his prophesying; for there is no averting of death.Now there lay in the sand, avoiding the midday heat, a dread serpent, too sluggish of his own will to strike at an unwilling foe, nor yet would he dart full face at one that would shrink back.But into whatever of all living beings that life-giving earth sustains that serpent once injects his black venom, his path to Hades becomes not so much as a cubit's length, not even if Paeeon, if it is right for me to say this openly, should tend him, when its teeth have only grazed the skin.For when over Libya flew godlike Perseus Eurymedon for by that name his mother called him--bearing to the king the Gorgon's head newly severed, all the drops of dark blood that fell to the earth, produced a brood of those serpents.Now Mopsus stepped on the end of its spine, setting thereon the sole of his left foot; and it writhed round in pain and bit and tore the flesh between the shin and the muscles.And Medea and her handmaids fled in terror; but Canthus bravely felt the bleeding wound; for no excessive pain harassed him.Poor wretch! Already a numbness that loosed his limbs was stealing beneath his skin, and a thick mist was spreading over his eyes.Straightway his heavy limbs sank helplessly to the ground and he grew cold; and his comrades and the hero, Aeson's son, gathered round, marvelling at the close-coming doom.Nor yet though dead might he lie beneath the sun even for a little space.For at once the poison began to rot his flesh within, and the hair decayed and fell from the skin.And quickly and in haste they dug a deep grave with mattocks of bronze; and they tore their hair, the heroes and the maidens, bewailing thedead man's piteous suffering; and when he had received due burial rites, thrice they marched round the tomb in full armour, and heaped above him a mound of earth.(ll.1537-1553) But when they had gone aboard, as the south wind blew over the sea, and they were searching for a passage to go forth from the Tritonian lake, for long they had no device, but all the day were borne on aimlessly.And as a serpent goes writhing along his crooked path when the sun's fiercest rays scorch him; and with a hiss he turns his head to this side and that, and in his fury his eyes glow like sparks of fire, until he creeps to his lair through a cleft in the rock; so Argo seeking an outlet from the lake, a fairway for ships, wandered for a long time.Then straightway Orpheus bade them bring forth from the ship Apollo's massy tripod and offer it to the gods of the land as propitiation for their return.So they went forth and set Apollo's gift on the shore; then before them stood, in the form of a youth, farswaying Triton, and he lifted a clod from the earth and offered it as a stranger's gift, and thus spake:

(ll.1554-1561) "Take it, friends, for no stranger's gift of great worth have I here by me now to place in the hands of those who beseech me.But if ye are searching for a passage through this sea, as often is the need of men passing through a strange land, I will declare it.For my sire Poseidon has made me to be well versed in this sea.And I rule the shore if haply in your distant land you have ever heard of Eurypylus, born in Libya, the home of wild beasts."(ll.1562-1563) Thus he spake, and readily Euphemus held out his hands towards the clod, and thus addressed him in reply:

  • Foul Play

    Foul Play

  • 熊氏真传少林大易筋经


  • 湿门


  • 郑敬中摘语


  • 太极图说


  • 总裁大人乖乖听话


  • 海贼王之金色的光


  • 谍殇之山河破碎


  • 斗罗之我有系统我任性


  • 古井冤魂


    本书是作者历年来创作的短篇故事合集,共26篇,包括:《丛林里也生长爱情》、《古井冤魂》、《惊心的红色信封》、《通向火星的列车》、《为诚信买个保险》、《心灵绑架案》、《兄弟》等, 其中《兄弟》讲述了兄弟二人为了筹措父亲的医药费,弟弟不惜举报哥哥犯罪,获得奖金救活父亲的故事,读来让人不由得辛酸和感动。
  • 古穿今之瑾瑜


  • 忠义集


  • 钱氏私志


  • 少主是女生


  • 上海蓝调

